
How did the "King of the Grass" reeds get rid of them? Try these methods, weed and root

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture

Farmers planting land and weeding is always a problem, it is difficult to get rid of it all at once, not only affecting the yield but also increasing a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is easy to have drug damage if it is not good, which makes farmers and friends have a headache.

The reed plant told to the family today is very tall, the root system is very developed, the reproduction rate is fast, and the waxy layer on the surface of its leaves is very thick, it is difficult to get rid of it! Why is it said that reeds are very difficult to beat, because it has a phenomenon of suspended animation after taking medicine, as long as the roots do not die, the rain will soon be overgrown. Known as the "King of the Grass" by farmers, it is not an exaggeration at all, hitting reeds is actually a special effect method, let's take a look:

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If we want to get rid of the reeds in the cornfield, we should use nitrosulfonone • astragalustin • nicosulfuron;

It is also possible to use 24% nitrine, smoke and weedojin dispersible oil suspension agent 200 ml + water 30 kg even spray with special effects.

Reeds in some broad-leaved crops such as cotton, soybeans or vegetables we grow, you can choose high-efficiency flupiramide 80 ml + water 30 pounds spray with special effects!

Like some small areas of reeds, we can also choose 30% glyphosate mixed with water 1 times, each reed injection 2 ml, dead grass and dead roots!

Like reeds on non-arable land or open land such as roadsides, ponds, ditches, etc., we can choose 20% pramonium and hyperfluoropyride microemulsion 200 to 400 ml + 30 kg spray, which has a special effect on the dead roots of reeds, and can be completely eliminated after about 3 years of continuous use.

Remind our families that we should add some additives when using herbicides, which can double the efficacy of the medicine and achieve better results!

Pay attention to the popularization of science in sannong, and have new knowledge every day!

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