
You are the moon that is imprinted on my chest

You are the moon that is imprinted on my chest

Text: Li Yungang Editor: Yimeng Fangfei

Every journey of peers

It's all a heart-talking bunch

Like a night pearl shimmering with crystal clear light

I have known each other for years

Splash ink into a landscape painting with heavy makeup

Treasure it in your heart

The bitter winter has quietly gone far, and the spring song is like a peach

Lotus's heart, through the prosperity of a pool of smoky willows

Feminine in the sun

You are imprinted on my heart

The moon, swaying with the wind, fell into the rain of acacia

The heart that cracks into palm lines still holds your warmth

If you are not old, how dare I ride the wind

You are the moon that is imprinted on my chest

starry sky

Text/Li Yungang (Yunnan)

Tonight, the stars are shining

I want to go back to the old days when we met

Sit with you

Those half-slopes that have been entangled in fireworks

Still green onions, those soaked in honey and tenderness

Dewdrops, still warm your afterscent

My night is for you

My star and crescent twinkle only for you

Thinking of you, in every peach blossom flying night

Powerless to break free, can't break free, you use the moon

A tombstone inscribed for my loneliness

About the Author:

Idle people, lazy people, wooden people. Yunnan Yuxi Chengjiang city people, decadent, lazy, simple people.

Favorite quote: Somehow, I saw the dead bird singing again.

Cognition of words: character is like a character, good text to make friends. Love poetry, prose, and occasionally publish humble articles, purely for self-amusement. Now living in Chengjiang, accompanied by Fuxian Lake, lonely and self-congratulatory.