
"Word aphasia" that kills your expressiveness

I don't know when I felt like I couldn't speak "culturedly" since then. "Every time I want to write something, I find that I use just a few words over and over again."

"Word aphasia" that kills your expressiveness

In the face of the beautiful scenery of the dusk water waves and flowers, the stomach can not find a praise that can reach the heart ——

"Word aphasia" that kills your expressiveness

Open the WeChat chat history, all kinds of Internet hot words, abbreviations, Internet black words emerge in an endless stream, memes come to hand, words and sentences can be called impressionism, grammar marks are not taken seriously. Relying on these "noisy" hot words and stems, young people's desire to express seems to be more exuberant, but gradually, we suddenly find that the daily dialogue is full of chaotic insertions and symbols, and the expression structure is no longer a coherent straight line, but has become a fishbone shape with many branches, and it is difficult to clarify the meaning of the expression with smooth words, let alone the words that are not up to the mark and have difficulty in expressing complex emotions when they really need to logically and completely output ideas and express complex emotions.

It is an indisputable fact that the language of contemporary people tends to be barren. Earlier, a survey of 2002 respondents conducted by the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center and the Questionnaire Network showed that 76.5% of the respondents felt that their language was becoming poorer and poorer. In the Douban group "Word Aphasia Mutual Aid Alliance", 270,000 netizens plagued by "word aphasia" gathered here, and they called this embarrassing situation of "what you think is difficult to put into words" as "word aphasia", that is, the decline of language expression.

"Word aphasia" that kills your expressiveness

Why don't we talk anymore?

Is the decline in expressiveness due to the lack of "input" of modern people? In fact, in today's increasingly rich information, people draw a large amount of fragmented information from the Internet every day, and the total number of words read is definitely quite a lot, but the information overload of the Internet forces us to increase the proportion of skimming to form shallow reading, resulting in the loss of our thinking habits and the degradation of thinking forms. Similarly, after people are surrounded by the information flow based on personal interests, they will unconsciously enclose themselves in an "information cocoon", gradually losing the ability to understand different things and the opportunity to contact, and slowly losing the ability to think and express creation in multiple ways. It is difficult to break through the "narcissistic stratosphere" to absorb different views, and the language expression and output content have become single.

"Word aphasia" that kills your expressiveness

When we use language and writing to express, it is also accompanied by the process of thinking and understanding words, which requires the ability to understand abstract ideas and discuss serious spiritual problems. However, unlike the previous method of expressing words, with the help of the Internet, more and more people tend to express themselves with abbreviations and memes, and in this process, it is not us who "speak", but the acronyms and memes that use us to spread.

Highly patterned memes, spread in a homogeneous, copied form, so that the vitality of language and writing has been greatly weakened, those seem to be updated and iterated quickly, a wave higher than a wave of buzzwords, but another batch of clichés that are "freshly baked".

Under the bulk offensive of buzzwords

Our language system began to "go down", losing the ability to appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of words, and the ability to express ourselves. Slowly, we develop a sense of anxiety and frustration in expression, and the decline in expression also kills the desire for expression, and contemporary people are trapped in the silent corner that is difficult to express.

"Word aphasia" that kills your expressiveness
"Word aphasia" that kills your expressiveness

Self-help of "word aphasia"

Is "word aphasia" just a pot of the Internet? In fact, behind the shortcomings in the output capacity of words, most of them are the lack of "inventory" of words. According to a previous survey by the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center, about 60% of the respondents believe that the performance of language poverty is that they basically do not speak poetry or idioms, which can be changed through conscious accumulation and high-quality reading. Therefore, reading more books and reading newspapers, reciting famous sentences washed by the long river of history, is a shortcut to find the aesthetics of language; recording what you feel and understand anytime and anywhere, whether with your hands or mouth, without letting go of any space for expression, may be able to solve the dilemma of "speechless choking".

Read more in language classes, discuss more in history classes, and through the means of education, let young people jump out of the acres and threes of the Internet, embrace physical books, feel real life, and change from listeners, bystanders and passive communicators to brave expressors, and the powerlessness of "sloganization", "one-sidedness" and "emotion" brought about by the Internet will naturally decrease.

"Text aphasia",

The essence is that human beings are controlled by language and writing;

To combat "word aphasia" is to find the aesthetic value of language and the meaning of self-expression, after all, when giving up the infusion of one's own characteristics into language expression, human subjectivity will increasingly disappear and become an island that cannot be shared.