
Responses to some of the problems that new teachers may encounter

author:Modern and classic

It is the beginning of the new school year again, and the training of new teachers before taking up their posts should begin. To talk about some, I would also recommend some things for everyone to see. Will recommend their Own WeChat public account (pure talk about education, no advertising) to the teachers involved in the learning, here will be the new teachers can encounter some of the problems to deal with the response, push out, look forward to some help to the new teachers.

Responses to some of the problems that new teachers may encounter

Chen Dawei

For new teachers to adapt to teaching and class teacher work, perhaps the best way is to find a teacher who loves education and has a high level of education and teaching (note: for such a master, it is also necessary to "see the wise and think together, see the unwise and introspect within"), and ask him to bring a belt. Another way is to form a team with your classmates and young colleagues, often together to encourage and motivate each other, discuss teaching with each other, and exchange teaching experiences.

For new teachers who have just participated in the work, I think that first of all, for the career, for the students, we need to have a sense of awe, be careful, regard everything in education as an important thing, do a good job in front of the matter, avoid being ambitious, and do not do a good job in the preparation of classes in front of you, but talk about the educational ideal of loving the post and becoming a family. For the educational environment, the first attitude is to be tolerant, do not complain about your own unit, complain about your students, and rise from the ground.

Regarding the teacher-student relationship, first of all, respect, respect is the basic principle of getting along with people, with the basis of respect, it is easier to understand students and make friends with students. Respecting students means treating students equally, and not grading students because of grades, family, etc. My understanding is that to love students is to think a little more, care more, and pay a little more for students on the basis of respecting students. But love also needs rules, to clarify the rules, to criticize and educate students according to the rules, to let students have a sense of rules, willing to listen to the rules, otherwise it will be chaotic. To establish such a rule, it is necessary to solicit the opinions of the students and let the students participate; and then make an agreement with the students to ensure that the rules are implemented. Establish rules not only to restrain students, but also to have self-discipline, to give students an example of respecting the rules. Interested teachers, you can search the movie "Hot Blood Teacher" to see, from which to find the inspiration for establishing and enforcing the rules.

New teachers will also encounter the problem of grasping and balancing wide and strict in class management. The minglian of the Wuhou Ancestral Hall in Chengdu said: "If you can attack the heart, you will destroy yourself on the opposite side, and since ancient times, you know that the soldiers are not belligerent; if you do not judge the situation, you are lenient and strict, and later you have to think deeply about Shu." The core is in "attacking the heart", and the key is to judge the hour and size up the situation. Therefore, it is really difficult to say leniency in isolation from specific situations. As far as most new teachers are concerned, Cai Gen Tan says: "Those who are strict first and then lenient, people feel their gratitude; those who are first lenient and then strict, people complain about their coolness." If students reach the age of understanding and understanding, it may be better to be strict first and then lenient. Of course, no matter how lenient or severe, it should be out of love, and strive to make students understand that the teacher expresses love. The best way to punish is to hang it over. If you want to use it, remember the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore' view: "Only I have the right to scold him, to rebuke him, because only those who love people can punish people." "The use of punishment should not only reflect the fairness of punishment, but also have the educational nature of caution.

Another problem in management is that new teachers, especially new class teachers, are busy with their work and confused. For such a problem, on the one hand, it is to find a good master and let the master take the belt; the second is to have time to think, to think about and examine the time of a day's work and a week's work, to do a good job of time planning and arrangement, and to improve work efficiency; third, you can make a work list and use the list to manage your tasks and time.

New teachers grasp the teaching materials is a problem, how to grasp the teaching materials more effectively? Of course, the most effective way is to listen to more lectures and see how the old teachers do it. Be sure to read through the textbook, once read the results of a study in the United States, they believe that allowing teachers to read through the textbook is conducive to more accurately determine the focus and difficulty of the textbook. Personally, I think that if new teachers can read through a section of textbooks (such as the Chinese textbook for the sixth year of primary school), they may be able to have a clearer understanding of the structure and sequence of teaching in this section. If you don't take over the starting grade, I think at least you have to read the previous textbooks, so that you can understand the foundation of the front, and the new teachers can't dare to lecture without reading through a textbook. For new teachers, the teaching reference and the teaching plan of others are also a necessary crutch, which is a shortcut to the introduction of teaching, but in a few years, it is necessary to slowly jump out, otherwise it will develop the habit and inertia of relying on the teaching reference and other people's teaching plans, and the future education road will be over. When new teachers begin to understand the teaching materials, it is difficult to consider the actual situation of the students, the way to change is to develop a good habit in practice, bring their understanding and processing of the teaching materials to the classroom, test it with practice, see the students' reactions, and then come back to improve, this is the path of teacher growth, it is the premise of teachers to obtain educational experience.

For instructional design, it is best to first think clearly about what I want to teach this lesson, that is, to have a sense of purpose and a clear task. Then consider completing these tasks and have those foundations that can be used in the student. I always want to teach with a big teaching route to think about before considering the details. Many lessons, the details seem good, but the big ideas are not right, the effect is not good. Design teaching should start from the design of student activities, and seriously think about what kind of learning activities students need to achieve the goal. We want to design the activities of the teachers, because the activities of the teachers can cause the learning activities of the students, and if the students themselves can learn effectively, it does not matter whether there is a teacher's activity in the classroom or not.

Not only is the organizational teaching of new teachers a problem, but many experienced teachers also face the problem of organizing teaching. In the past, I thought that good classroom teaching was maintained with good teaching content, but now it seems that it is more important to maintain it with valuable learning activities. The content of the teaching may be the teacher, but the teaching activities are the students. There is a saying that "nothing is wrong", when there is a problem with discipline, an effective way to design activities that require the participation of all employees, such as reading, writing, and things are done, and the discipline in the classroom is better. In addition, the teacher should have confidence in himself, to come down from the pulpit, walk around the student, on the one hand, pass on your concern and love for him, so that he realizes that the teacher has him in his heart; on the other hand, a person's influence always has a radius, you are fixed on the podium, the students affected are nearby, and the students you can't influence behind are not strange. For children in the lower grades, the concentration time of attention is limited, and good organization and teaching not only requires activity transformation, but also a certain adjustment and relaxation activity. There is also more learning from experienced teachers, and their moves, as long as they do not harm the body and mind of students, can be used as reference and application.

It should be noted that it is the norm for new teachers to encounter problems and difficulties, and there are too few who do not have problems and do not have a busy schedule. New teachers should also learn to appreciate themselves, do not be frightened by difficulties, no one is born to be an excellent teacher, everyone is like this step by step. Problems and deficiencies are inevitable, the key is to summarize and change after the fact, do not make the same mistakes in the future, and believe that through study and hard work, you will be able to become a better teacher. Be sure to believe in yourself, survive, the front may be sunny, a horse Flat River.

For schools, for new teachers, conditional must consider the "run-in period". In addition to arranging for the master to teach hand in hand, you can also give due consideration to the class teacher, workload, etc., not too full, in a year or two, there is some accumulation of experience, there is the strength to bear the burden, plus go. In addition, the guidance should be detailed, and a list of tasks and tasks can be provided for new class teachers and new subject teachers. Let everyone have rules to follow, and then follow the plan, itemize the completion.

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I said it badly, the Republic of China educator Chen Yuan wrote a "class instructions" for Qi Gong, who was only a teacher, which was extremely well written, which can be referred to:

1. Teaching a class of middle school students is different from teaching a few children in a private school house, a person standing on a podium must have a look, the face is opposite, but the feelings cannot be opposed.

2. There must be no favoritism, and no ridicule of students.

3. It is mainly to encourage praise. Bad students, including naughty or bad grades, should try their best to find them a little benefit and praise them.

4. Don't lose your temper. If you send it once, even if it works, then if something worse happens later, how can you lose your temper even more? If it is ineffective after losing your temper, what happens? You are still young, but you are a teacher on the podium, and you want to gain the admiration of your students.

5. To teach a lesson, you have to prepare all aspects of the lesson, imagining what the student will ask.

6. Grade the composition, do not change more, more changes are better than you write a piece for him. Change more they don't look. Key points to change.

7. Have a teaching diary. You and your students have certain strengths and weaknesses, and write them down, including the questions in the composition for comparison.

8. When posting an essay, give examples. As far as possible, the shortcomings should be discussed individually in the hall; the shortcomings should be corrected and some progress should be praised in the hall as much as possible

9. To unclog the classroom air. You always sit on the stage, and the students always listen offstage, and it becomes a condom. Students yawn, or copy other people's homework, or read novels, and how hard you talk is in vain. Not only should the composition class be walked between the rows of the students' seats, but when lecturing, the board book can also be read off the stage. Not only looking back at the effect of their own board book, but also to see if the students will remember, whether there are words that cannot be written or written incorrectly, and pointing in their seats, there will be a deep impression on the people who are pointed. The people next to you will also be interested and are not afraid to ask.