
Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

author:Poison Jun

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers at the highest grossing box office

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

Producer is a very sacred, responsible title, because the word "Producer" means maker. Therefore, the producer should be a combination of entrepreneurs and artists, and also the mainstay of ensuring the accumulation of the film industry and art.

That makes sense. However, after combing through the poison king, he found that the top 10 gold medal producers in Hollywood's highest box office are not only makers, but also old drivers, big fools, scrooges, and even talking, litigation sticks and money fans - in fact, these are just the basic abilities of producers.

Full hanger

The producer must be "full of hangers" (Chongqing dialect, describing a person can do anything) in order to find a good story, subdue the cow director, and control the entire creative chain, production chain and sales chain. Jerry Bruckheimer, number two on the Gold Producers chart, is a prime example.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

In September 2013, the American Academy of Motion Picture Science and Technology Awards "American Film Art Achievement Award" was awarded to Brookheimer, making him the first "pure producer" to win the American Film Art Achievement Award in 27 years.

So far, Bruckheimer's films have grossed a total of $16 billion worldwide. His works include the Pirates of the Caribbean series, the National Treasures series, Pearl Harbor, Enemies of the Nation, prisons in the air, and more. In addition, he has created more than ten series of online dramas, including the long-term "Crime Scene Investigation" series.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

As a producer, the depth of his involvement in the film may make Chinese producers ashamed. He once said in an interview with the media: "I will participate in the overall planning, the selection of actors, reading the script, writing instructions, watching fragments, making music, reading the daily journal." ”

What he has been doing without saying it includes: supervising every shot and controlling every creative link; sparing no effort in the distribution, promotion and marketing of the film; and using his own knowledge and experience to make accurate judgments and decisions about the market.

Brookheimer is respected by people in the industry and says "Jerry has the world".

For example, he supervised the production of "Jedi X-Men", "Daredevil Island", "The End of the World", "Pearl Harbor" and "Pearl Harbor" for Michael Bay, only in 2005 Michael Bay abandoned Jerry and made a deal with DreamWorks for "Escape from Clone Island", only to lose money.

For example, before 2003, no one dared to touch dirty pirate movies for a long time, but Jerry spent a lot of money to revive the cold theme, and the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series prompted Johnny Depp, the captain of the half-red and purple gun, to become popular for a decade.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers


Sharp eyes, not only to see extremely far, but also to find things that others have not discovered, to see the realm that others have not seen.

A good producer must have such a unique "vision" and a broad "vision", must understand and control the market, and learn to discover good scripts and new projects, which is the foundation of life.

David Heyman, the 10th best-in-the-league producer on the Gold Medal Producer List, graduated from Harvard University and started out as an independent filmmaker, and in 1999 he won the film adaptation rights of Harry Potter, which was made into eight films, setting a record for the highest grossing film in the series of films with a total revenue of more than $7.6 billion, setting off a 10-year magic boom around the world.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

In between the production of Harry Potter, he also did not forget to participate in the harvesting of the last light of the Golden Age of Kim Carrey, "Mr. Good", and the masterpiece "I Am Legend" of the Golden Age of Shi Huang.

He's also the youngest of the top 10 gold medal producers, so he's pushing so hard that if he were ranked at the moment, he might have gone up a few places:

The 3D sci-fi film Gravity, produced in 2013, not only swept seven Oscar awards, but was also highly sought after by sci-fi fans, with a global box office of more than $716 million.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

In 2015, Paddington Bear grossed $260 million worldwide — and nine years before David Hayman traveled the world with Paddington Bear, its commercial value wasn't certain, and no one was willing to do it. But he believed in his vision and eventually reached a cooperation with a French company, and the result was quite satisfactory.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

At present, he is also the only one among the top 10 gold medal producers who has not been pitted.

Pi Shiren

"Skinny" people, who can withstand the toss, are also ——— cold, heat-resistant and cold-resistant, water and fire are not avoided, and pain and itching are two stools. The producers have to have strong patience and concentration, even withstand the beating, withstand loneliness, and have a stronger heart than anyone on the crew.

Joe Sylvo, no. 8 on the Hollywood Gold Producers chart, is one of the main drivers of Hollywood cinema's entry into the explosion era. Famous films produced by him include "Die Hard", "Lethal Weapon" series, "The Matrix" series, Downey's "Sherlock Holmes" series, Jet Li's Hollywood masterpiece "Deadly Romeo" and so on. His film career has never escaped action movies, and the action movie superstars he has worked with include Gibson, Bruce Willis, Stallone, Jet Li, Schwarzenegger and so on.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

And he himself is also a person who can fight and carry:

In 1995, Silvo entered a trough for the first time. Investing in the family comedy "Young Master Wei Wei Kuo" and the action drama "Fair Game" have been lost, and the action blockbuster "The Last Assassin" he worked with his old partner Stallone can only rely on DVD to get back on DVD - but the screenwriters of this movie, the Wachowski brothers (who later became brothers and sisters), who were carpenters and painters half a year ago, made Silvo the most ace producer of Warner Bros., the "Matrix" trilogy written by them has grossed more than $1.6 billion worldwide.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

In 2005, Sylvo fell into a slump again, losing a lot of money on several consecutive films. Although his "V-Vendetta" produced for the Wachowski siblings has won a lot of face in terms of business and word of mouth. But the siblings' immediately after the video effects blockbuster "Speed Racer", but with an investment of up to $120 million, only achieved a North American box office of 43 million. In the face of the cold winter of his career, he was unusually firm: "I know that there are not many old people like me who still stay in the industry. But I'm a war horse and I've been through everything! Do you know what a war horse is? They walk through the rain and snow, but they never stop. ”

—— In 2009, two Downey versions of "Sherlock Holmes" combined to more than $1.1 billion at the global box office, bringing Sylvo another brilliant time.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

Old driver

Well, we all know the old driver. But hollywood's old drivers, not only car skills, have a variety of hobbies, three teachings and nine streams have to know, where there are cheap rentals, massages, saunas, hotels, etc., but also have to "alcohol test".

Born in Israel, Arnone Mirkan, who is no. 9 on Hollywood's Gold Producer List, is Hollywood's most mysterious producer and powerful billionaire who has represented Israel in 30 companies in 17 countries.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

Arnon Mircan (right) with director Iñárritu

His film career began with a meal — the other two involved were classic producer Elliott Kasterna and big star Elizabeth Taylor. Mirkan was seduced by two predecessors who had been immersed in Vanity Fair for years to fund the completion guarantee of a Jewish-set TELEVISION series, Masada. Mirkan recalled years later: "It looked like spending money to humiliate myself and become another wrongdoer in the industry, but I volunteered to be with it and wanted to join the game called survival." ”

Mirkan got into the business. But the bad luck of this wronged head was that the first work into the American film industry was "The King of Comedy" directed by Martin Scorsese, and in the third year, he produced the film history classic "Once Upon a Time in America", to the 1990s creation boom "Lady Miao", "The King of Mambo", to the highly regarded "Fight Club", "The Line of Fire" and "Los Angeles Secrets" in the mid-90s, to the post-millennium "Mr. Smith" and "The Great Mr. Fox", and then to the latest "Twelve Years of Slavery", He has produced too many classic films and has also performed many miracles in business.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

Stills from The Smiths

This has a lot to do with his strong circle of friends. So what did he rely on to win the trust and support of his friends? Extraordinary wealth, excellent taste, excellent business vision and good personality charm, this is the foundation.

And the same life interest is the real link: the constant night of dinners, parties and nightclubs makes Mirkan close to his friends in the circle.

In November 2013, Mirkan, then 68, publicly admitted on television that he had been recruited by Simon Peres as a spy to complete dozens of secret missions for Israel.

As a spy, it is even more necessary to know everything and understand everything, and such a person is simply an old driver among old drivers.

In fact, the producers on the list, everyone has a huge circle of friends, hehe, everyone is - the old driver.

Big flicker

Finding money and releasing films are the two core tasks of producers. Producers must be proficient in various financing channels and methods, lobbying investors and convincing them that you are preparing a good box office film with a good return; and at about the same time, the producer has to work publicity, heat up the film, and sell it for a good price.

The three most basic financing models for Hollywood movies include: loan-based financing, tax-based financing, and ordinary financing representing some individual investors. In addition, private equity funds, overseas pre-sales, product implantation, etc. are all effective ways to raise funds and reduce costs. Hollywood gold medal producers are all masters in this area, otherwise they would not have made so many movies and won such a high box office.

Publicity and promotion are their best plays.

According to the Motion Picture Association of America, by 2020, China could overtake the United States as the largest film market. As a result, today's Hollywood blockbusters are "one red heart, two hands ready". In order to compete for Chinese audiences, they constantly invite Chinese stars to play soy sauce in blockbusters, they constantly choose to shoot in various parts of China, they also have to co-produce blockbusters with China, and they even make "double versions" to engage in so-called "Chinese specials" as a typical example.

- This is no longer an individual flicker but a collective flicker.


Virgo = Excellence. Although Virgo is blackened, this spirit is still worthy of admiration - no matter the director of that zodiac sign, he should pursue perfection like Virgo.

Scott Rudin, no. 6 on Hollywood's Gold Producer List, is gay; he has fired 250 assistants in 6 years; he is often likened to a tyrant by the media and industry; he is one of the 14 people who have won the oscars, Emmy, Tony and Grammy, four of the highest honors in the American literary world; his films have received more than 150 Oscar nominations and more than a dozen small golden figures, including "Truman's World", "The Old Man", "The Social Network", "Blood is Coming". All the Time", "The Queen", etc.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

Rudin's dominance in Hollywood is mainly based on "excellence". He would do whatever it took to make the ideas in his head come true—he would read more than nine scripts a week, so that he would be more active than the screenwriter in making changes to the scripts of each film; he would always try to pursue the true meaning of life from the film even though he was not a director; he would always create works to the highest standards, and it was difficult for the people around him to follow in his footsteps again and again.

"Truman's World" is a typical example. The budget of the film easily exceeded 60 million US dollars, and Paramount contacted many famous directors such as Spielberg, Tim Burton and Terry Gilem in order to finally achieve the effect that Rudin expected, and finally chose Peter Wheeler.

As for the lead actor, Rudin and Wheeler set up Jim Carrey early in the morning, and even in order to wait for his schedule to be in place, they dragged the shooting cycle back for two years. Similarly, in order to help Jim Carrey adapt to the role, Ruding ordered the film crew not to talk about even half of the funny comedies that Jim Carrey had previously shot on the set.

Hollywood's top 10 gold medal producers are all veteran drivers

Stills from Truman's World

The film is tuned to the extreme by Wheeler and Rudin. To get Ed Harris into the show as quickly as possible, they prepared a full ten-page resume for Harris to talk about the characters; in order to match the film's television effect, the aspect ratio of the final released version was adjusted to a TV width of 1:1.66; and each place name in the small town of the film was named after a movie star.

These efforts were not in vain, and paramount regarded it as "the most expensive art film of all time", which eventually grossed $264 million worldwide and won countless awards for Kinkerry.

Of course, the qualities that a qualified producer must also have include:

It has to be talkative. Be able to speak loudly and speak for more than 4 hours in one breath. Otherwise, how can we fool investors, persuade directors and actors, and direct a large group of people to let them follow them?

It must be a litigation stick. Make plans up front, resolve everything that doesn't go according to plan in the medium term, and tear up and fight lawsuits later – familiar with the relevant laws and understand all the laws that are not.

Must be a money junkie. Not only will you ask for money, but you will also have to spend money. It is necessary to have extremely strong financial ability to spend the flowers, and the province of the province must know the proportion of funds allocated for guidance, photography, lamps, beauty, clothing, chemistry, and Tao, and even know how much a screw is.

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