
Everyday humiliation of france, why say that no one can capture Paris before France surrenders

author:Young children in Yu

Speaking of France, the first reaction of many people is not perfume or romance but surrender, French surrender has become a world-class terrier, the domestic call this insult To France abbreviated as insulting france, there are many insulting paragraphs on the Internet, why are there so many insulting paragraphs? This is because France's performance during World War II was so magical that it became a joke! This article will explain why France's performance during World War II has become a joke, so that more people can connect with the world in the matter of insulting The Law!

Everyday humiliation of france, why say that no one can capture Paris before France surrenders

France's love of surrender stemmed from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, also known as the Franco-German War, when King Napoleon III of France was the nephew of Napoleon you know and the Bismarck of Germany. As a noble Frenchman, he must not give up the exquisite life, the so-called general who does not like French food is definitely not a good foodie, Napoleon III brought the top French chefs and troops in the court to the front line, and fought a war full of foie gras snails and red wine. What makes me more dissatisfied is that Napoleon III and his old man did not try the large intestine sashimi of the overly humble teacher!

Everyday humiliation of france, why say that no one can capture Paris before France surrenders

Although the Germans on the other side cooked like Yan Wangye's urging, they were very good at fighting. The Germans quickly surrounded 60,000 people in France in a town called Sedan, and Napoleon III, who was under siege, had the style of a general, he took a deep breath and shouted long live France, and then surrendered with 60,000 people. Napoleon III took the lead in surrender, setting a precedent for The surrender of France and laying a solid foundation for the flourishing Confucian culture today, let us praise napoleon III, the leader of the surrender.

Everyday humiliation of france, why say that no one can capture Paris before France surrenders

Fast forward to May 10, 1940, when Germany attacked France. At first, as the French had thought, the Germans launched a feint on the Maginot Line, and another part of the army invaded the Netherlands and Belgium from the north. The French smiled at the germans' strategic deployment, and sure enough, the German Hans was dead-headed, because this was how the German army fought during World War I. So the Allies rushed to support Belgium, and the Fuehrer saw the Allies supporting Belgium and silently shed tears, thanking you scum for treating me like a fool. Guderian's armored forces then crossed the Ardennes directly, appeared in France in just two days, and captured Sedan on the north bank of the Maas River on the same day, and at the mention of Sedan I can't help but think of the surrender leader Napoleon III. Guderian seems to have revived the mysterious spell buried in Sedan, and the French army's subsequent performance became more and more magical, the French Ninth Army defended the Maas River, and as a result, five days later the Ninth Army surrendered en masse, and Guderian won the Battle of the Maas River. And marched north to Belgium to attack the Allies back and forth.

Everyday humiliation of france, why say that no one can capture Paris before France surrenders

In May 1940, Guderian successfully advanced to Belgium, and the Allies, under the pressure of the German attack on both sides, panicked and ran to the sea for a Dunkirk evacuation, and by the end of the French campaign, Guderian had captured 250,000 French troops. To say that the management level of France is high, there have been no stampedes and robberies, it is worthy of being the first European army. This is not shameful enough, what is even more humiliating is that the so-called impenetrable Maginot Line was actually knocked down, and the Maginot Line became a joke.

Everyday humiliation of france, why say that no one can capture Paris before France surrenders

The title already says that no one can capture Paris before the French surrender, and I don't know if the French knew about this stem in advance, they did not stop resisting until 4 days after the Germans occupied Paris on June 14, that is, on June 18, and only announced their surrender on June 22, perfectly avoiding this stem.

Everyday humiliation of france, why say that no one can capture Paris before France surrenders

The above is the explanation of why France was a joke during World War II and the source of the insult. In general, France, which claims to be the first military power in Europe, surrendered to Germany in only about 40 days under the offensive of the German army. The same resistance to the German Former Soviet Union persisted in the Pavlov Building for 58 days, compared to the French really lacked a little blood. Of course, not all French people were bloodless, and General de Gaulle was reluctant to surrender, and established a government-in-exile and finally restored France.

At the end, I would like to remind you that the insult is just a play, there is no need to be more real.

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