
A week of hot news recommended reading | anti-corruption film behind the scenes of the "fight tiger general"; how to curb the decline in fertility

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
A week of hot news recommended reading | anti-corruption film behind the scenes of the "fight tiger general"; how to curb the decline in fertility

A week of hot news recommended reading

(January 17 - January 23)

Why has the number of births in China dropped so much? Interview with Zhai Zhenwu, president of the Chinese Mouth Society

Written by: Nandu reporter Wu Bin Editor: Liang Jianzhong

A week of hot news recommended reading | anti-corruption film behind the scenes of the "fight tiger general"; how to curb the decline in fertility

Zhai Zhenwu, president of the Chinese Society and director of the Population and Development Research Center of Chinese Min University. According to China Net

On January 17, the National Bureau of Statistics released that the birth population in 2021 was 10.62 million, with a birth rate of 7.52 per thousand; the death population was 10.14 million, and the mortality rate was 7.18 per thousand; and the natural population growth was 0.34 per thousand.

Why will China's birth population decline sharply in 2021 and in recent years? What does low fertility mean for China? What is the focus of current fertility policy? A reporter from the Southern Metropolis Daily interviewed Zhai Zhenwu, president of the Chinese Society and director of the Population and Development Research Center of Chinese Min University.

Zhai Zhenwu said that the overall decline in the overall size of women of childbearing age, the postponement of marriage and childbearing among contemporary young people and the decline in fertility willingness brought about by social development are the three main reasons for the decline in the number of births in 2021. In addition, the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic has also depressed some of the need for fertility.

After the liberalization of the three-child birth policy, various localities have introduced a series of supporting policies, but the fertility rate in 2021 is still declining, and some voices question whether the fertility support policy has not worked? Yang Jinrui, deputy director of the Department of Population and Family of the National Health Commission, responded at a regular press conference of the National Health Commission on January 20 that the implementation of the three-child birth policy has not been long, and supporting positive fertility support measures are also being introduced, and it is difficult to show obvious results in the short term.

● What does it mean that the GDP exceeds 110 trillion yuan? The 2021 China Economic Report Card is released

Writer: Trainee reporter Ding Jingxuan Nandu reporter Mo Qianru Pan Shanju Editor: Mo Qianru Editor: Li Bei

A week of hot news recommended reading | anti-corruption film behind the scenes of the "fight tiger general"; how to curb the decline in fertility

2021 is the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan", how does the "report card" of economic development perform throughout the year? On January 17, the State Council New Office held a press conference on the operation of the national economy in 2021, and Ning Jizhe, director of the National Bureau of Statistics, introduced that the gdp for the whole year of 2021 was 1143670 billion yuan, exceeding 110 trillion yuan for the first time, ranking second in the world. What does it mean that the mainland's total economic volume has exceeded 110 trillion yuan? Animated video takes you through in seconds.

Read the 2021 China Economic Report Card and let you read it in one picture.

● In the anti-monopoly year, 230,000 people talked about monopoly on Weibo: who are they and what do they care about the most?

Written by: Nandu reporter Huang Liling Editor: Jiang Lin

In 2021, the antitrust field, which was previously slightly deserted, became lively.

Under the anti-monopoly year, the release of one law enforcement case after another has shown the determination of supervision to maintain the order of competition, and at the same time sounded the alarm bell for market players.

On the one hand, whether it is the sky-high fines of hundreds of millions, the unreachable business empire, or the administrative penalty letter in French, "monopoly" seems to be so far away from every ordinary person. On the other hand, "monopoly" is so close to everyday life. From the monopoly of water, gas, coal and electricity, the pharmaceutical and building materials industry, to the platform "choose one of the two", music exclusive copyright and other issues, it directly or indirectly affects every penny that people take out of their pockets and make every choice they make on mobile phones.

This time, Nandu Anti-Monopoly Frontier will focus on the public, trying to understand which monopoly events have attracted widespread attention in the past year, what are the high-frequency words of public discussion, and who cares most about monopoly issues?

●Investigating and dealing with Sun Lijun's "tiger fighting generals" also investigated and dealt with Zhou Benshun, Lü Xiwen, and Wang Sanyun

Writer: Trainee reporter Ding Jingxuan Editor: Liang Jianzhong

A week of hot news recommended reading | anti-corruption film behind the scenes of the "fight tiger general"; how to curb the decline in fertility

Gu Ju introduced the Sun Lijun case. Screenshot of CCTV.

On the eve of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Discipline Inspection Commission, at 8 p.m. on January 15, the first episode of the five-episode TV special "Zero Tolerance," jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the Central Radio and Television General Station, was broadcast on CCTV. The film reveals the inside story of the investigation and handling of the corruption cases of Sun Lijun, former member of the party committee and former vice minister of the Ministry of Public Security, and his political gang Wang Like, Gong Daoan, Deng Guolin, and Liu Xinyun. In the film, Gu Ju, a staff member of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission, and other case-handling personnel appeared on camera to introduce and analyze the details of the corruption of Sun Lijun's political gang.

The Nandu reporter paid attention to the fact that Gu Ju, who participated in the handling of Sun Lijun's political gang case this time, had previously participated in the handling of major corruption cases many times.

According to the anti-corruption feature film previously released by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, in the case of Zhou Benshun, former secretary of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee, Lu Xiwen, former deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal CPC Committee, Wang Sanyun, former secretary of the Gansu Provincial CPC Committee, and Ai Wenli, former vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Gu Judu appeared on camera as a case-handling officer to introduce the relevant situation of the case.

● Graduate students know that the bad reviews were awarded compensation, why was anonymous pulled out? Where is the boundary of defamation?

Writer: Trainee reporter Fan Wenyang Editor: Jiang Lin

When you buy a good or service, do you leave a bad review because it doesn't meet expectations? Have you ever made more intense comments, driven by discontent?

Recently, a graduate student was sued by the examination and research institution to the court together with another netizen for anonymously publishing a negative evaluation of the "Liberal Arts Examination and Research Network" (hereinafter referred to as the "Liberal Arts Examination Network") in the Zhihu Message Area. The court found that the remarks of the two constituted an infringement of the right to reputation of the "Wenkao Network", and demanded that they publish an apology statement in a prominent position for 24 hours and compensate the examination and research institutions 3272.5 yuan respectively. At present, both the Examination Institute and the two defendants have appealed.

Why are users who use anonymous comments also found and prosecuted? How should the distinction be made between negative reviews and defamatory insults? Is it meaningful to be sued for damages for bad reviews, and is the evaluation system for goods or services still meaningful?

Some experts pointed out that the infringed party in the case can request the platform to provide the personal information of the anonymous publisher through judicial channels. Another expert believes that there is no problem with the court's judgment, and the evaluation of the goods or services provided by the merchant as a consumer is a manifestation of his exercise of his legal right, but the exercise of this right should have a reasonable limit and there can be no insult or defamation.