
How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

author:Honey Tooth Mom

My little nephew has just turned 8 months old, or there are no teeth, there is no small white teeth on the gum bed, when I go out, I met the neighbor's Aunt Zhang walking baby, looking at people only 6 months have 2 teeth, so my brother and daughter-in-law began to be anxious, so today to share with you about [baby teeth] those things ~

Baby teething

Mothers see that babies of the same age have grown teeth, and their babies' teeth are slow to appear, and it is inevitable that they will be worried. So what is the reason for the late teething of young children? Let's take a look.

What is the reason for my baby's late teething?

1. The baby's own physical reasons

Teeth are highly calcified substances, and the process of tooth calcification requires more nutrients If one or more of the nutrients are missing, it will affect the baby's teething and teeth.

2. Baby is deficient in calcium

Since the teeth will be calcified after the baby is born, it is inseparable from sufficient calcium in the process of the baby's growth. If mothers find that the baby teeth late, and accompanied by thin body, poor sleep quality and other situations, they need to pay attention.

3. Genetic causes

Parents teeth early, the baby may teeth early, parents teeth late, the baby may have late teething situation. My honey tooth has one less tooth, and the reason is that the honey tooth father has one less tooth...

Is it good for your baby to teeth early or late?

Newborns will naturally have teeth after they have grown to a certain stage, and many parents are very concerned about the sooner or later when their children teeth. So, is it good for your baby to teeth early or late?

1. Children who have teeth earlier will have cute teeth not long after birth, and even at birth, they have already had teeth. At this time, the dentin will be thinner, the calcification will not be sufficient, and the tooth color will appear whiter and have no luster.

2. Some children who have teething late may have teeth that appear at 8-10 months, which is normal. If the child is more than one year old and has not yet teethed, it is an abnormal situation.

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

3, the child's teething sooner or later is not good or bad, not that the child's teething late will have any adverse effects, as long as it is within the normal time range. If it is a late toothing caused by the disease, you should take your child for examination in time.

As long as the child is healthy, the teeth will have no special significance sooner or later.

The order of your baby's teething

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

1. 6-8 months

First the middle two of the lower front teeth, then the middle two of the front teeth;

2. 8-12 months

Two around the lower front teeth and two around the front teeth

3. 12-16 months

Deciduous molars grow out.

4. 16-20 months

After 16 months, babies begin to grow canine teeth

5. 20-30 months

At this stage, the baby's lower alveoli will grow two second milk molars, followed by two second milk molars on the upper alveolars, at which point the baby's 20 deciduous teeth will grow.

This is just the order of most of the baby's teething, parents just need to pay attention to the quality of the baby's teeth, tooth quality is the most important. As long as the quality of the teeth is good, it doesn't matter if the order of teething is disordered.

With the living standards getting higher and higher, a variety of snacks, drinks have entered everyone's life, the baby has been tempted more and more from childhood, resulting in excessive intake of high-sugar products, not only fat, but also obviously the teeth are seriously damaged, and then share how to brush the baby's teeth?

Baby brushing teeth

When will my baby start brushing his teeth?

When the baby's teeth germinate first, you have to start brushing your baby's teeth? This not only cleans the mouth to protect the teeth, but also relieves the swelling sensation of the baby's teething discomfort.

Brushing your baby's teeth is the main way to keep your mouth clean, eliminating food debris and bacteria in your baby's mouth and reducing oral disease. But babies of different ages also "brush their teeth" differently. Here's how:

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here


0-6 months

Mom helps baby "rinse"

Most of the babies at this stage have not yet teethed, but the mother still has to clean the baby's mouth every day. Let your baby drink some warm water and rub your gums and mouth with gauze dipped in warm boiled water or light salt boiled water.


6 months - 24 months

Baby with the help of a "finger toothbrush"

At this time, the baby has grown deciduous teeth, and the mother wears a "finger toothbrush" with friction effect to give the baby flexible brushing. Prepare warm boiling water and use a "finger toothbrush" to clean your baby's teeth, tongue and interdental gaps.


2 years old - 3 years old

Your baby starts using a toothbrush

Your baby's baby teeth are all fully grown, and mom can brush her teeth with a toothbrush. However, it should be noted that the toothbrush and toothpaste used by the baby must be special for infants and young children.


3 years +

Baby learns to "brush teeth" independently

Independent brushing is a basic skill that the baby must master, the mother can try to let the baby imitate the way they brush their teeth, and then correct the wrong brushing posture, a long time, so that the baby develops a good habit of brushing teeth independently

What are the steps for your baby to brush his teeth properly?

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

STEP1: Prepare toothpaste for babies and toddlers, a toothbrush that your baby likes, and a glass of water.

STEP2: Let your baby hold a mouthwash cup in one hand, a toothbrush in the other, and preferably a small stool.

STEP3: Let the baby start with the horizontal brushing method, that is, brush the outside and inside of the teeth with a toothbrush.

STEP5: After the baby's movements are more coordinated, teach the baby to brush his teeth vertically up and down the gap between the teeth, of which the upper row brushes down and the lower row brushes up.

STEP5: After your baby brushes his teeth, let your baby rinse his mouth with water and repeat 3-4 times.

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

Tip: Remind your baby not to swallow toothpaste; in addition to brushing your teeth in the morning, your mother should also remind your baby to brush your teeth once a day before going to bed.

What should I do if my baby doesn't like to brush his teeth?

It is not easy to let the baby brush his teeth, and you parents are also painstaking in order to coax the baby to brush his teeth. Is there any way to subdue these mischievous little ones?

Let the baby help parents "brush their teeth"

Parents can pretend to brush their teeth and encourage the baby to help them "brush their teeth", so as to cultivate the baby's sense of responsibility and help develop the awareness of brushing teeth every day.

Choose your baby's favorite toothbrush

Take your baby to buy your favorite toothbrush, toothbrush cup and other tools, such as cartoon cute, brightly colored, so that he can have full fun when brushing his teeth.

Choosing fruit-scented toothpaste?

Toothpaste with a natural fruit flavor is more likely to arouse the baby's interest in brushing his teeth, but parents should pay attention to the taste of toothpaste not too strong, otherwise the baby is easy to swallow into the stomach.

Tell your baby about the dangers of not brushing their teeth

Tell your baby about the negative image of "tooth decay" in the cartoon book, so that your baby understands the importance of protecting your teeth. My honey tooth especially likes the picture book [New Things on Tooth Street], recommended to everyone ~

Ps: It is not recommended that babies use electric toothbrushes before the age of 5.

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

Methods of oral health care for babies

Brushing teeth is only one aspect of oral health care, and there are many oral care details in life that are easy for parents to ignore. To develop good oral health habits with your baby, the following oral health care methods must be learned!

1. Correct feeding posture

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

The baby's frequent sucking of the empty pacifier may make the palate of the mouth become arched, resulting in tooth and jaw deformities, so the baby should take a semi-recumbent position when feeding, the bottle and the lips are 90 °, and the habit of sucking the empty pacifier should be changed.

2. Drink plenty of warm boiled water

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

The role of drinking warm boiled water is to help remove food debris from the baby's mouth and avoid odor caused by fermentation of bacteria in the mouth.

3. Let the baby learn to "know" to eat

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

It is forbidden for babies to eat hot and cold, so as not to irritate their teeth; teeth-aging babies should eat some slightly harder foods such as biscuits, rusks, and apples to exercise the chewing ability of their teeth.

4. Ensure adequate nutrition

How many months does your baby start teething? How old do you start brushing your teeth? Do my baby's baby teeth need to be brushed? Look here

Babies who have not yet teethed can obtain calcium by feeding nutrient-rich breast milk and milk powder; after teething, babies can eat some vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, and meat, so that their teeth will grow strong.

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