
Surrogate Father tortured—Ti Qian

author:Wise and natural growth memories

Because of her sincerity and inspiration, Emperor Wen abolished this punishment of corporal punishment.

Water mirror back to the sky to record vernacular solution. Ancients

Surrogate Father tortured—Ti Qian

Western han dynasty

◎ Xuanhua Shangren narrated in

December 18, 1987

Surrogate Father tortured—Ti Qian

His surname was Chun Yu (淳于), a native of the Western Han Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Wen. Born in Linzi, she is the young daughter of Chun Yuyi. His father was proficient in Qi Huang, and was also forbidden to use the Fang and Pulse Books, and had the art of rejuvenating with his magic hands. If you want to hear and ask about the diagnosis of the four methods, you will know life and death. During the reign of Emperor Wen, he was ordered by Taicang to not cure a terminal illness and was sentenced to corporal punishment. He was imprisoned in Chang'an and awaited execution in autumn. His father had no children and only five daughters. It is said: "Giving birth to a woman does not give birth to a man, and it is not beneficial to be slow and urgent." "Although Ti Qian is young, she has a lot of filial piety. Accompanying his father to Beijing, he wrote to Emperor Wen, describing that corporal punishment was cruel and inhumane, and he was willing to be an official maid and atone for his father's sins. Wise and holy kings, accept the advice, forgive the father's sins, and abolish corporal punishment. Not only to save the Father, but also to save the hereafter. The name of filial piety has been passed down through the ages.

Thumbs up

Chun Yu has a daughter named Ti Hao Nature Pure Filial Piety On behalf of the father was tortured

Shanggan Emperor Xiahua People Sincerely Caused by the Abolition of Corporal Punishment

And he said

Ti Hao can be called the female queen Xiaogan Emperor Wen will return to heaven

Phi Xing Dai Yue accompanies the loving father to sacrifice his life and forget his life to redeem his relatives

Fortunately, the Emperor tianzhi protected him and was forgiven by the Lord of Mercy

Provincial Punishment and Thin Taxes Sing the Praises of the Taiping Dynasty

Vernacular explanation today is about a filial piety woman. This woman's surname was Chun Yu, a person from the time of Emperor Wen of the Western Han Dynasty, and was born in that place in Linzi. Her father's name was Chun Yuyi, he gave birth to five daughters, and there were no boys, and he was proficient in mischievous yellow, and he used four methods of hope and smell and divine craftsmanship to cure the disease. Why? Because he got this secret recipe, the "forbidden recipe" (Note 1) is also the secret recipe, Chinese there are many secret recipes in ancient times, very magical, but they are not passed on to others. This is Chinese a selfish concept is at work there, so in China many of these special methods are secret and not passed on, because the secret is not passed on, so it is not widespread to save people. He also knew the pulse trick, the medicine of the pulse. Then Chun Yuyi has a special study of the method of "looking, smelling, asking, cutting, god, saint, work, and skill". How is it called "hope"? "To look" is to see and know, just by looking at this person's illness, you will know where he is sick; "the god who looks and knows" is a god, and he will know it when he looks at it. "Smell and know is holy", "smell"? Just by hearing his voice, all his movements, all his expressions (this "smell" is not necessarily smelled with his nose, and hearing it with his ears is also called smelling), the technique of smelling is also based on the five elements of "gold, wood, water, fire, and earth" to diagnose the disease; "hope" is also the five elements of "gold, wood, water, fire, and earth" in this light. "Asking and knowing is called work", this is called work, there is work. "Cutting the pulse and knowing is called cleverness", this is called cleverness, very clever. In fact, these four diagnostic methods of "looking, smelling, asking, cutting, god, saint, work, and skill" do not produce "heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys" and "gold, wood, water, fire, and earth". From these four observations, you will know where the source of his illness came from, to what extent he is sick, and whether he can be cured. How is it called Ming Doctor? To be a doctor is to have wisdom, to understand this truth. Ti Qian's father, who had made a Taicang order during the time of Emperor Wen, often treated people. Curing the disease is to save people, but some people who are terminally ill, and if they cannot cure this disease, they will not be cured, because if they do not cure it, they will also have a grudge. Man, it is "a family full of warmth and a thousand resentments", you will do this, he, if you are not satisfied with his wishes, he will not be happy. In this way, Chun Yuyi would break the law without treating people, and if he broke the law, the government sentenced him to corporal punishment (Note 2), so he was sent to Chang'an to be imprisoned, and he was sentenced after the autumn. At this time, he complained and said, "I have given birth to so many women, not a single man, so when it comes to using them at a critical juncture, these girls are useless!" This complaint was probably heard by Ti Qian. She was not very old, but she was very filial, so she went to Chang'an with her father. When she arrived in Chang'an, she wrote a statement to Emperor Wen (Note 3), describing how cruel and inhumane this corporal punishment was, and how it should be abolished. Emperor Wen was a wise man, so he forgave her father's unjust sin and abolished this punishment from then on. Therefore, she can not only save her father's life, but also prevent future generations from this kind of torture, and it can also be said that she has graced the future generations, because in this way, Ti Qian is the name of a filial piety, which has been passed down through the ages. Zan Yue Chun Yu has a daughter, named Ti Hao: Chun Yu means that he has a daughter, and gives her the name Ti Hao. Pure filial piety by nature, torture by surrogate father: She was born with a very pure filial piety, very filial piety, and she was willing to accept this punishment on behalf of her father. Feeling the emperor and the people: she can write to her father with such sincerity and so much, so she can feel the emperor. On the top, the emperor changed his mind; down, she could educate the ordinary people and impress the people. Abolition of corporal punishment: Because of her sincerity and inspiration, Emperor Wen abolished this punishment of corporal punishment. It is also said that Ti Qian can be called the queen of women: This woman can be said to be a very persevering leader among women. Emperor Wen of Xiaogan returned to heaven: she was able to impress Emperor Wen with a filial piety. Phi Xing Dai Yue Accompanies Loving Father: She wears The Star Dai Yue accompanies her father to the torture. Sacrifice her life to redeem her relatives: She used her sincerity to atone for her father's sins. Fortunately, the Emperor Tiantian was protected: Fortunately, she was protected by this Emperor Tianhou Tu. More forgiveness of sins: Emperor Meng dewen forgave her father's sins and abolished this corporal punishment. The provincial punishment and the thin tax are also praised: this "provincial punishment" is the provincial punishment, that is, all the punishments that are not needed are omitted and not wanted; the cruel, useless, unreasonable punishments are abolished, which is called "provincial punishment." "Thin taxes", the state tax collection is also as light as possible, reduce taxes, so that the people are a little richer. "Singing praises together", when everyone sang the praises of Emperor Wen, it was a peaceful and prosperous world. Taiping Shengshi Learning Nothingness: At this time, everyone has time to learn this law of inaction. To do nothing is to have no greed, and the common people do not argue or be greedy, and they all learn the law of non-action. Note 1: Chang Sangjun also knows that Bian Que is also very human. After more than ten years of going in and out, Nai Hu Bian Que sat privately, idle and said: "I have a forbidden party, I am old, I want to spread it to the public, and the public does not leak." —See Notes on the Three Houses of History, Vol. 15, Biography of bian Quecang, 45. Note 2: Corporal punishment is the punishment of cutting off a prisoner's limb or cutting off his skin, mainly including four types: 黥 (ㄑㄧㄥ ulcerù tang jiao (19) pat (20) 妫è绌c) (nose cutting), 刖 (ㄩㄝヽ) (chopping feet), and gong (circumcision). Note 3: He followed his father to Chang'an, and wrote a letter of love to Emperor Wen of Han, which said: "The concubine father is an official, and Qi Zhong is called Lian ping, and now he sits in the law and is punished." The concubines and wounded husbands of the deceased shall not be reborn, and the prisoners shall not be reinstated, although they will later want to reform themselves, and their way will be lost. The concubine wishes to be an official concubine in order to atone for the sins of the father and make herself rehabilitated. Note 4: The prosperity of the "rule of Wenjing" refers to the fact that in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing pursued the policy of "ruling without doing anything", adopting the policies of "lightly dispensing with thin endowments" and "resting with the people", so that society tended to be stable and the economy was prosperous.