
"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

author:Popular Film Critics Network
"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

"Return to 20" was released today! Luhan fans from all over the country have gone out to buy tickets to watch movies! Young people love to chase stars, how can you watch movies without paying attention to the plot. Speaking of plot, "Return to 20" in the crossing or rejuvenation is still too navie! Take a look at the "Totalfilm" magazine's "Totalfilm" magazine's "Totalfilm" magazine 's "Totalfilm" magazine ("Totalfilm") "TotalFilm" "Total Film", if you don't plan to travel to where to go on the weekend, it is a good idea to follow this list to see the film. If you are eager to become a time traveler, then this list is definitely the best guide, I wish you a successful crossing!

The Butterfly Effect (2004)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

The male protagonist Ivan once had a bad childhood, because his behavior broke through a catastrophe, making his childhood full of unforgettable memories. In fact, he really only vaguely remembered a little terrible scene that had been haunting his normal life. Ivan accepts the psychologist's advice to write down trivial life in a notepad, but stumbles upon a trip back to the past through a notepad...

49. The Lake House (2006)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Kate, a female doctor, moved away from a riverside cottage on the outskirts of the country because of her busy schedule. As she left, she put a letter in her mailbox, hoping that the next guest would help with it. Soon, she arrived at the old site and found a letter from the architect Alex in the mailbox, one after another. It turned out that the age difference between them was two years, and they were surprised and more willing to become each other's pen pals, and they felt each other's existence again and again in different spaces. As love breeds, Alex decides to see Kate, but neither of them knows what kind of situation this love affair will experience across time and space.

[I believe that many people know the Korean version of "Untouchable Lovers", this British version is also good]

48 The Jacket (2005)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

The transformation of time and space, the shuttle between the present and the future, all happened magically in Jack. He was originally an American soldier who fought in the Gulf War. Accidentally shot causes him to lose his memory and become an amnesiac. Even more unfortunate, he was pulled back for interrogation by the police as a suspected murderer. Determined to be mentally ill, Jack was spared jail time and was taken to a psychiatric hospital as a sample for a scientific experiment. The doctor dressed Jack in tight clothing and put him in the morgue. It was dark and cold, and only fragments of memory remained to accompany Jack. There is his future appearance in the fragments, a beloved woman named Jackie, and a message that he is dying. Jack, who sees the future in his memory, looks for the key to life in a glimmer of hope.

47.《误闯阿瑟王宫》 A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court (1949)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Karen, a 12-year-old black girl, fell into a coma while riding a horse, and when she woke up to find herself in the Middle Ages, she had traveled back in time and space to 528 AD, the time of King Arthur of England. Because of the color of her skin, she was seen by Sir Lancelot (the first warrior among the Knights of King Arthur's Round Table) as the embodiment of the devil. But in Arthur's palace, the twentieth-century high-tech in Karen's hands was seen as "magic" that surprised everyone, so he was named "Head Jazz".

The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

In a car accident, the mother is killed, but the child miraculously survives, he is rescued naked, but the rescuer is from his future self. It turned out that the librarian, named Henry, suffered from chronic time dislocation, so much so that each episode would travel through time and space. Moreover, he was naked every time he crossed, often making jokes. Over time, Henry became accustomed to it. By chance, he fell in love with a girl named Claire. In pursuit of Claire, he travels through time to confess to 6-year-old Claire and promises to marry her in the future. So when Henry appeared in reality, the two quickly fell in love, married, and had a girl. However, Henry's old problems still can't be changed, so Claire must adapt to this husband who travels through time and space, and the two have also experienced hardships...

Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Adam, who lives in Los Angeles, has just been dumped by his girlfriend, and his single nephew Jacob is addicted to video games all day long and stays in the basement of his house. Adam's old friend Nick is a "strict wife" and his work is not smooth; Another old friend, Lu, was heavily drunk and attempted suicide and was admitted to the hospital. In order to enlighten Lou, Adam and Nick decide to invite Lu to revisit the Kodiak Valley Ski Resort, along with Jacob. The four of them stayed in the hotel room of the year, drinking and singing in the hot spring bath on the terrace. The next day, I woke up with a hangover, only to find that they had ghostly returned to the eighties...

44. Timecop (1994)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

After the release of the time shuttle in 2004, some careerists tried to change history for personal gain, and the protagonist was ordered to travel through time and space to arrest these outlaws, but when his wife was killed, he also began to participate in changing history in order to save the life of his beloved wife.

Midnight in Paris (2011)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Gill and his fiancée Inez accompanied her father-in-law and mother-in-law on a holiday in Paris. He wanted to stay in Paris to finish his first novel, but Inez and his parents were adamantly opposed. During a meal, Inez met his former classmate Paul and his wife, and they traveled together. Paul was playing around and chatting with the tour guide, much to Jill's disgust. At midnight, he was walking alone on the streets of Paris, but was attracted by a passing carriage. He came to a celebrity party with the carriage, and by mistake he met Hemingway, Picasso, Fitzgerald, Dalí, Stein, etc., and he became infatuated with Picasso and Modinari's lover Adriana. He enjoyed it tirelessly, and everything that happened from it made him hopelessly fall in love with the city of Paris...

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Dr. Evil arrives in 1969 using a time machine, where he steals Austin's MOJO, Austin's source of power, and loses it. Fortunately, the British intellectual institution invented a more advanced time machine, and Austin bid farewell to the good material life of 1999 and returned to his time of life and recovery of his MOJO...

Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Forty-three-year-old Peggy Sue is on the verge of divorce, and her husband, Charlie (Nicolas Keji), has betrayed her years of marital love and married a new couple. With a depressed and frustrated mood, Peggy Sue participates in the high school classmate association, in which she magically falls into the time tunnel and returns to the days before the graduation of the high school. In the end, can Peggy Su turn things around and rebuild her life?

40 Galaxy Quest (1999)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Twenty years ago, the TV science fiction series "Galactic Adventure", which tells the story of the guardians of the NSEA in space, was discontinued in 1982, and nearly two decades later, several actors reunited for a series of fan meet-ups and commercial events. During this time, a group of grotesque fans who call themselves Semins follow Jason to his home, and a tired Jason discovers that this group of Semins is not crazy fans, but real aliens! After watching "Galactic Adventure", the Semins, who have no ability to deceive, think that Jason and the others are real space heroes, and they are gradually defeated in the duel with the cosmic villain Sarris, so they go to Earth to seek help from the protectors, jason and Alexander and other crew members fake the real thing, to help the Semins fight against the evil forces of the universe...

39. "Space-Time Clues" Deja Vu (2006)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

A freighter accidentally explodes, and Agent Doug is ordered to investigate. However, when he arrived at the scene, he found that he was clearly visiting this place for the first time, but he was very familiar with the scene in front of him. After a careful investigation, Doug discovered that the explosion was inextricably linked to him. With the help of the government's Time Lab, where he can learn about any events that happened anywhere in the past 4 days, he discovers that he has an unusual relationship with a mysterious woman who will lead to a future catastrophe related to him! Doug must go back in time and lead history from one reality to another in order to prevent this catastrophe.

38 Somewhere in Time (1980)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Richard, a college student, met an old woman at the graduation ceremony, who gave him a gold watch and offered to wait for him to return. Although he felt very strange, things were not over. Eight years later he became a well-known screenwriter, he came to a hotel for inspiration, the hotel has a long history, in the historical exhibition room he was deeply attracted by a photo of the female star Elise, and recognized her as the old woman who gave the gold watch. It turned out that the old woman had died the night he had given him the gold watch. Through his dreams, he returned to 70 years ago and found that he had a beautiful love story with this female star.

Meet the Robinsons (2007)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Lewis was a very talented little inventor who invented a "memory scanner" through which to scan your memories. Through this machine, Lewis hopes to retrieve his family that he has never met. Unexpectedly, the machine was stolen, and even more miraculously, a boy from the future brought Lewis to the future. Here, Lewis meets a super eccentric family, the Robinsons, where lewis learns that his invention has inadvertently traveled through time and space to the future. With the help of the Robinsons, Lewis discovers a series of thrilling secrets about the future and his own life!

36. "One Man Has a Little Color, Pleasantville" (1998)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

In an accident, the introverted brother David and the fiery sister Jennifer arrive in a black and white world: Happy Valley. This is the scene of David's long-loved TV series: there is no color, and people live a calm life without waves and thrills. The life of the residents is like a set of established procedures, and every day is well organized and unsurprising. The arrival of brothers and sisters gradually changed this black and white world. Especially under Jennifer's enthusiastic personality, people began to be surprised to find that they actually saw color. Colors spread out in the Happy Valley.......

Les visiteurs (1993)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Set in twelfth-century France, a magical and dangerous time-traveling magic potion that transports the knight Godfroy and his servant La Fripuy to Chicago in the twenty-first century. The earth-shaking changes and the busy streets made the two "old antiques" both curious and frightened, and at this moment, a beautiful woman named Julia appeared in front of them. Coincidentally, this Julia was none other than a descendant of the Knights of Godforois.

Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

The film depicts a mortal man who, one night, has a very complex and changeable nightmare, in which he experiences life in a Nazi concentration camp and the future planetary world, in which he experiences different lives in the Nazi concentration camp and the future planet world, between the past and the future, he thinks of a lot of questions, and looks for answers in the past and future worlds.

33. "Horror Cruises" Triangle (2009)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Jesse, a single mother, and a group of friends go out on a yacht, but she always has a feeling that something bad is going on. Soon after, they encountered a strong storm at sea. The yacht overturned, the people fell into the sea, and after several struggles they managed to climb up to the wreckage of the yacht. Just when they had no choice but to do anything, a huge cruise ship slowly approached the crowd. Overjoyed, the crowd boarded the cruise ship called Aeolos without thinking, only to discover that it was a mysterious ship that had disappeared in 1930, and that it was empty. Blood, mysterious instructions, and sudden murders everywhere lead this group of men and women into a cycle of terror that will never be repeated...

32. Black Hole Frequency (2000)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

John's father, Frank, was in a firefighting operation 30 years ago. Once, while looking through his father's belongings, John (James Caviezel) spotted an old-fashioned radio that his father had used 30 years earlier. While flipping through the frequency bands, he hooked up with a young man named Frank. After a long night of conversation, John is sure that time and space have gone haywire, and that this Frank is his father from 30 years ago...

The Philadelphia Experiment (1984)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

In October 1943, the U.S. Navy conducted a classified experiment in Philadelphia with an artificial strong magnetic field, the famous "The Philadelphia Experiment," which successfully threw a destroyer and its entire crew into another space. During the experiment, the experimenters activated the arterial and non-pulse pulsers, causing a huge magnetic field to form around the ship. Then the whole ship was shrouded in a green light, and the ship and crew began to disappear from people's sight. By the time the experiment was terminated, the ship had been transferred to Norfolk Dock, 479 kilometres away. Since then, some crew members still have experimental reactions, whether at home, on the street, in bars or restaurants, they will suddenly disappear and reappear, surprising onlookers. The Philadelphia experiment was of far-reaching significance, not only confirming the existence of another space in nature that we cannot see, but also demonstrating the feasibility of temporarily putting humans and equipment into another space.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

The strange noises emitted by space probes cause storms on Earth and face the threat of self-destruction. Captain Kirk and his crew are once again on a mission to save humanity. They discover that the strange noise is actually the call of humpback whales, and the only option is to go back to the 20th century and bring back a humpback whale to respond to the detector.

29. Lola Rennt (1998)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

In Berlin, on a summer day, Lola and Manny are a pair of young lovers in their early 20s. Manny was an unprofessional bastard, and one day he got into a big trouble and lost the 100,000 marks of stolen money he had smuggled! And his boss will come in 20 minutes to get the money back. Cowardly Manny had to ask Lola for help, and a wrong decision could have terrible consequences. It's only twenty minutes, where is the money, how to save your life?

28.《领航员》 Flight of the Navigator (1986)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

In 1978, there was a 12-year-old boy David Freeman, on his way home from the forest, accidentally fell into a deep valley, when he regained consciousness and returned home, he accidentally found that the house was actually a stranger, and the time was actually 1986, it was 8 years later, the david who was still 12 years old finally found his relatives, his parents could not believe this fact, the brother Jeff, who was originally 4 years younger than David, is now more than that David is still big. At the same time as this strange thing happened, NASA found that an outer space flight object landed on Earth, they thought that this had something to do with David's encounter, so they took David to test, hoping to find the connection between the two events and solve all the mysteries, but David actually established a friendship with this magical spacecraft and began a series of adventures soaring in the sky.

Source Code (2011)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Captain Cott Stevens, a U.S. Air Force pilot on a mission in Afghanistan, suddenly wakes up and finds himself on a high-speed train with a woman he never knew next to him, Christian, who is talking to him. Cole doesn't know why he's in this car, and he finds himself in the identity of another person, and just when he is confused, there is a sudden explosion on the train...

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

While the Enterprise was making a routine cruise in space, Captain Picat received a secret telegram saying that the Borg had joined forces with other galaxies and were ready to attack Earth. Because Captain Picat had been captured and assimilated by the enemy, Starfleet did not trust him and did not send him into battle. Despite his orders, Picat still participates in the battle, after which the Enterprise follows the Borg's time vortex back into the 21st century to block the Borg's attempt to change the alien history of humanity to conquer Earth.

Army of Darkness: Evil Dead 3 (1992)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

While on vacation with his girlfriend Linda, Ash, an American youth, stumbles upon a book of the Dead. The book records various mysterious funeral customs and soul-summoning rituals, and what is even more strange and terrifying is that this book that should not exist in the human world has a very powerful and evil magic. In the fight, Ash lost his girlfriend and his right hand, but eventually lost his strength and was taken to the Middle Ages 600 years ago by the Book of death. His strange dress was once captured by the knights as a spy, and after some twists and turns, Ash decided to help the king defeat the monsters that the Book of Death had conjured up, which was the only way for him to return to modern society...

24. "Two Strange People" Time After Time (1979)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Nineteenth-century British science fiction writer H.G. Wells traveled to twentieth-century America in his invention of a time machine to track down the contemporary flower picker Jack the Flower Destroyer, and fell in love with a female bank clerk, for which he engaged in a thrilling life-and-death struggle with the flower destroyer Jack.

Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. (1966)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

A policeman named Tom Campbell inadvertently breaks into TARDIS (full name translated as "time and relative scale in space", a spaceship that can travel through time and space, which can change with the environment of the location and disguise itself as something in harmony with the environment, but the Doctor's TARDIS is fixed as a blue public telephone booth in 1950 due to an incident), and is taken by the Doctor to Earth in 2150. The Doctor and his assistants discover that the Daleks have invaded the Earth, transformed humans into robots, and plotted to exploit the earth's core. The survivors are hiding around to avoid being transformed into robots. The Doctor organizes the survivors and foils the Daleks' plot.

The Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyssey (1988)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

The film tells the story of a man who, guided by a boy, travels from the fourteenth century to the twentieth century in New Zealand, England, in order to escape the Black Death.

21.《逃离猩球》 Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

1968 George's ship strays into Earth two thousand years later and crashes, and with the help of the kind Ape couple Ziri and Kaunis, he escapes from the Apes' prison, but the Ape Leader Dr. Zos has no intention of sparing him...

Back to the Future Part III (1990)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Martin traveled from the 1980s to 1955, and based on letters left by his good friend Dr. Amy Brown in 1885, Martin found the time shuttle developed by dr. Martin. Thinking he could ride the machine back into the future, Martin accidentally discovers the Doctor's tombstone, which turned out to have been killed shortly after leaving the letter. To save Dr. Amy, Martin traveled to the American West in 1885 on a time shuttle. Can Martin change history and save the Doctor's life? Will the two be able to successfully return to the future?

Superman (1978)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

As Krypton is about to be destroyed, in order to maintain the continuation of the race, scientist Joe Ayr sends his infant son Carl to Earth through a spaceship. Raised by the Kents on Earth, Carl changed his name to i Karak, who possess superhuman abilities and will be the guardian of justice and truth on Earth. Growing up, Carl came to the metropolis and became a reporter for the Planet Daily. Usually, he is a mild-mannered ordinary journalist, and in a critical moment, he becomes a patron saint Superman wearing a tight suit and wearing a cloak to fly freely in the air. When the evil Russo tries to rule the world, Superman is the only one who can stop him.

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Abi and Adi are two high school students who can't even spell their names correctly, and they usually live in a vacuum, but this time if they can't pass the history class exam, they can't graduate. Just when the two did not know what to do and were ready to work hard, a man named Rufus from the future world took a time machine to the modern era to help them "review" the major events of history. Lincoln, Genghis Khan of Mongolia, Socrates, Billy the Kid, Freud, Napoleon, Beethoven, etc. under the interpretation of the screenwriter's "nonsense", people laugh through the belly! Will Abi and Adi pass the exam...

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Harry was about to spend his third year at Hogwarts when news of the villain Sirius's escape from prison came from Aztaban. Sirius is said to be his friend who betrayed Harry's parents, his godfather, and sirius's escape seems to be just to find him. Harry's mind quietly grew with the idea of avenging his parents, looking forward to the appearance of Sirius. The new magic teacher, Lupin, has an unruly personality and has a good relationship with Harry, teaching him a lot of practical defense against the dark arts. At this time, a mysterious figure appeared on his magic map, Wormtail. By chance, in the Screaming Shack, all of Harry's father's friends from the time were gathered, Lupin, Wormtail, Sirius, harry's wand pointed directly at Sirius, but he found that the criminal looked at him with love in his eyes...

16. Time Bandits (1981)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Like any other ordinary family, Tong's family is constantly circulating in the busy and fast modern life, but one night, six dwarves who break out of the closet break kevin's peaceful life, claiming to be God's employees, stealing God's map to allow them to travel through different time and space. Kevin thus entered a life beyond imagination. The group descended on Napoleon's battlefield and joined Robin Hood's ranks, and the dwarves saw every opportunity to steal. Meanwhile, the evil god in the Dark Castle, obsessed with high technology and trying to replace God's rule with the power of technology, casts spells to separate Kevin from the dwarves. Kevin, who fell into ancient Greece, inadvertently saved the life of the hero King Agamemnon, and the grateful hero made Kevin the heir, but the dwarves rushed to bring Kevin step by step into the trap of the evil god...

15.《堤》 The Pier (1962)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Ruins everywhere, the end times desolate. The hero becomes one of the few humans who survived the outbreak of nuclear war. In his childhood, he always witnessed the death of a strange man in his dreams, which also made him an experiment in time travel. He was transported to the past on the eve of the outbreak of nuclear war, where he met a woman on the embankment and fell in love with her. When the experiment was almost over, he was again sent to the future where he had escaped the catastrophe. But he refused the opportunity to be with the woman he loved. However, in the end, he suddenly realized that the death he often dreamed of when he was a child turned out to be himself.

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

The protagonist, Scrooge, is a well-known miser who is mean, indifferent, and memorable. Scott runs an accounting office, but one day the ghost of his dead business partner Jacob appears and changes everything.

The Time Machine (1960)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

In 1895, In New York, Dr. Alexander Hudkin, an associate professor at Columbia University, was nearly middle-aged but still had a childlike curiosity and curiosity, full of theories that seemed strange to others. These theories were never appreciated by the principals and were always seen as "unrealistic fantasies" and beaten into the cold. Even so, Alexander decided to build a time machine of his own to prove to the world that humans could travel through time and space.

12. Star Trek (2009)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

During the exploration of the planet Nebiru, Captain Kirk of the Enterprise took the audacity to rescue Spock, nearly endangering the lives of all the fleet members, and he paid the price. Soon after, Officer Kirk was reinstated, and a terrorist attack in London killed more than forty people. The initiator of the incident, John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch), is coming from within the League. He then flew an airplane to attack the high-level meeting, and General Pike, Kirk's most respected man, was killed. In order to stop Harrison's escape plot, Kirk re-led the Enterprise in pursuit. During the dangerous journey, his trust with the crew and friends was also greatly tested.

11. The Sin of Time and Space, Los cronocrímenes (2007)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

The middle-aged man Hector and his wife Clara moved to a villa in the suburbs, and he used a telescope to observe the surrounding scenery, but accidentally saw a young woman who was taking off her clothes. Puzzled, Hector decides to check out the bushes where the woman appears, only to be chased by a man with a sharp knife and bandages all over his body. Hector fled into an empty laboratory and hid in a large sink. The next day, when Haeckel returned home, he saw another person who was moving furniture with his wife, and he unknowingly traveled through time and space to a day ago. It turns out that the sink is a space-time machine, and Hector's fate has inadvertently changed...

Planet of the Apes (1968)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

A spaceship from the twentieth century flew at the speed of nearly 6 months, equivalent to seven hundred years, and after Captain Taylor set the automatic flight state, the spacecraft finally crashed on a strange planet in 3978 AD. Taylor and the two surviving team members discovered that the planet was comparable to the Earth's environment, and that there were humans who did not have the ability to speak and lived by collecting, and without waiting for Taylor to investigate further, a group of intelligent apes suddenly appeared and captured a large number of human beings. It turns out that the owner of the planet is the ape, and the humans are nothing more than beasts for them to hunt and study, Dr. Kira the Ape and boyfriend Connelly are conducting research on human behavior and the history of the apes, respectively, and Taylor, who has a throat injury, temporarily loses the ability to speak, but his communication behavior quickly attracts Kira's attention and causes controversy in the stubborn ape academic community. Taylor, who has been trying to fight for his freedom, soon finally discovers the truth about the planet of the Apes...

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

In the previous part, the supercomputer Skynet failed to prevent the birth of the human resistance leader John Connor, and after 13 years, before the arrival of Judgment Day, Skynet sent a more advanced biochemical robot T-1000 back to Los Angeles from 2029 BC to hunt down the grown-up John Connor, at the same time, John also sent the robot T-800 Model 101 back to protect his young self.

It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

George prepares to commit suicide before Christmas when God sends an angel to save him and let him know his life's mission—to save those who are less fortunate. George had a left ear problem as a child and worked as a helper at a pharmacy in bedford. He is very clever, deeply respected by the boss, and at the same time very popular with girls. One day, the boss received a telegram of the death of his beloved son, and he was devastated and misidentified, but thanks to George, he was able to save the day. George grew up jealous and hateful, especially unaccustomed to the tyranny of the rich. Growing up, George was a talented man and was ready to go to college. At this time, his father died, and his son inherited his father's business and assisted his uncle in the affairs of the company. However, the company was in poor shape and faced bankruptcy at board meetings. If the company goes bankrupt, there will be many families in the town who will be in trouble. George persuaded the board of directors on the condition that he would serve as secretary general of the board. It was a far cry from his college dreams. Moreover, at this time, he is also caught in love with a girl...

Groundhog Day (1993)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Phil is a weather announcer who, in addition to making humorous weather forecasts to viewers in front of the camera every day, travels to a border town called Pushutani every February 2 to report on the local Groundhog Day celebrations. After waking up on Day 2, Phil is surprised to find that time is still stuck on the previous day's Groundhog Day, and that yesterday's everything is happening again. Surprise, disbelief, excitement, ecstasy, boredom, anxiety, uneasiness, despair, burnout and other emotions took turns to invade Phil's sensory realm, but no matter how he chose to spend the day, he could never go any further and begin his life repeatedly.

Back to the Future Part II (1989)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Martin returns to the real world to reunite with his girlfriend, and Dr. Brown is eager to take them to the future world 30 years later, it turns out that this time it is Martin's two children who are imprisoned for participating in the robbery, and the doctor wants to take Martin to prevent the tragedy.

05. Twelve Monkeys (1995)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

In 2035 AD, humanity was invaded by a virus developed by the 12 monkey army, most of which died in this virus disaster, and only a few people escaped, but they could only survive in the dark underground. Scientists decided to send people back in time to 1996 to trace the origins of the 12 monkey army. Prisoner James Coe was selected as a volunteer. Cole travels back in time to 1990, when he described the future catastrophe to the people of the time, was caught as a psychosis and diagnosed with schizophrenia by doctor Catherine Shirley. Cole escapes with the help of his fellow patient, Jeffrey Gönes, and returns to the future. Without finding out the origins of the 12 Monkey Army, Cole was sent back to 1996.

04. Primer (2004)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

The film tells the story of four collaborators who invent a bug-checking instrument out of interest, but unexpectedly discover that the instrument has strong commercial value, and eventually the four of them fight each other. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize in the Feature Film Category at the 24th Sundance Film Festival!

03. "The Illusion of Death" by Donnie Darko (2001)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Daco suffers from mental illness, and one night he is inexplicably summoned to sleepwalk, and thus escapes the strange accident of a plane crashing on the ceiling of his room. Since then, his life has changed, frequent hallucinations, and he often sees Frank the Rabbit Man, who tells him that the world will be destroyed in 28 days, 6 hours, 48 minutes and 12 seconds; He got a book, The Upanishads of Time Travel, and became intensely curious about the time travel and offline universe mentioned in the book.

The Terminator (1984)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

This is a world of the future, and the world has been controlled by robots. The robot wants to completely occupy the world and exterminate the human race, but encounters the tenacious resistance of the human elite Connor. So the Terminator robot T-800 is ordered back in 1984 to kill Connor's mother, Sarah, in order to destroy Connor's birth.

Back to the Future (1985)

"Return to 20" Hit Recommend 50 time-time/travel movies that must be watched

Dr. Brown always had some weird inventions. During an experiment with the time machine he invented, he found Martin, a high school student who had lost his life, and during the experiment, the doctor was killed by gangsters, and Martin fled in a panic with a time machine, returning to 30 years ago.

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