
Where are the weaknesses of women who want to be strong?

author:There are books to know
Where are the weaknesses of women who want to be strong?

There is no reason to be stronger. There are many reasons to be strong, mainly related to the personality and cognitive level of the individual.

Strong people have more advantages than disadvantages, self-motivated, can forge ahead, have the courage to fight, dare to open up, and have a strong heart. However, it is difficult for strong people to accept the suggestions and opinions of others, and it is difficult to be overbearing and non-negotiable, which is easy to bring opposition and resistance.

Women who do big things must have a strong side to succeed. Everyone, especially girls, must have a soft feeling in their hearts. Women should be strong, which is created by the day after tomorrow, either affected by the environment in which the original family grew up, or forced by life to be strong.

1. Easy to be conceited, impulsive and reckless

Capable, competitive, easy to offend people, but also easy to suffer losses and be deceived.

There is a kind of woman who is strong and is supported by desire.

Strong women suppress feelings in order to become strong, because desirelessness is rigid. Ruthless, there will be no desire, and if there is no desire, there will be no demand. They have a courage and paranoia to fight against fate, a kind of woman who can want nothing but prove herself.

Strong people who can't help their temper are easily complained about, and are defined as strong women who are suitable for careers, but not suitable for wives. It is difficult for a strong woman to have a desire to protect, so there may be many men who are discouraged.

After starting a family, a strong woman is more arbitrary, domineering, unreasonable, whether she understands it or not, she must manage everything, and she will give advice, and in serious cases, whatever she wants to do.

Because to be strong, always want to change each other, let the other party and everything in the family do according to their own wishes, the result is counterproductive, in real life, cases of poor family relations abound, and the result can only be separated.

There are also men who, in order to calm things down, do not resist and argue with them, making them lose their right to speak and making women more and more self-righteous.

In a group, stronger women often make colleagues and friends around them feel stimulated and have a bad relationship.

Behind every strong woman there is unknown pain and bitterness.

The reason why a strong woman is strong is because there is no one behind her who is reliable and has to hold up a piece of the sky alone. Such a woman seems to be strong and fierce, but in fact, she is sensitive and fragile inside.

Stronger women don't seem to be serious, but in fact, the softest parts are hidden in the corners of the heart. Only the armor has been worn for a long time, and I am too tired to do it, but I am not willing to let others know.

People who like to be strong are relatively fragile in terms of feelings, and they are not willing to talk to others when they encounter something bad, not that they don't want to say that they are just used to such a life.

Strong women are bitter in their hearts. A grasp outside the home, but also to make a lack of effort, encounter problems, the men around you can not be the master, can only carry themselves. Because of his strong personality, he has nowhere to talk when he encounters things, and will only vent his emotions with his lover and children, resulting in disgust among his family.

As a woman, everyone longs for a warm feeling, and so does a strong woman.

There is no natural strong woman, who does not want to be a little woman, someone who hurts and someone who cares. Only after experiencing too many tribulations in life will the little girl become a strong woman, and she will be forced by life to be strong.

No matter what kind of woman, she is also a person, a person will have seven passions and six desires, and there will be times of vulnerability. The armor she paid a great price for would not be easily removed. If you happen to be the type she appreciates, become her weakness and want to be kind.

Women are not happy at a glance can see that the family is not good, is a strong woman's weakness, if she loves her family, we must give her more understanding and warmth, so that she has no worries.

Most of the stronger women have to go up to the hall and the kitchen, they are basically the inside and outside hands, and they can handle the big things in the family properly.

The purpose of women to make themselves stronger is to create a strong mother image for their children for the happiness of their children.

This is very common in many divorced women who have children alone. When they find that men cannot be relied on, they have to force themselves to be strong, because only by being strong can children be safe.

Strong women have some misunderstandings about being strong, and strong women don't need to be strong in all aspects. Those women who are fierce in their careers, saying one thing and not saying another, and not letting their eyebrows be shaved, are strong women.

No matter how strong you are outside, you must be a gentle and considerate wife when you return home, because only in this way can you have a happy, happy, and harmonious family.

It lies in the limited understanding, but do not understand the knowledge of progress and retreat, blind self-confidence and not self-measure.

Most of the strong women want to decide for themselves, the key is that people who do not think that they are strong will not know themselves and will not introspect themselves.

Blind confidence can make avoidable problems unmanageable. If a person's family is separated, no matter how high his status and earn more money, it is difficult for him to feel happy.

Where are the weaknesses of women who want to be strong?

2. Lack of security, love of face, love of vanity

The weakness of a strong woman is the excessive pursuit of dignity, face, and feelings.

To be strong women's self-esteem is relatively strong, but also very like to compete, love face, at the same time more strict on feelings, once she falls in love with a person, she is willing to give everything. If there is a contradiction, the other party must take the initiative to admit the mistake, accept the soft apology, and then the relationship will develop better.

The weakness of a strong woman is that she can't afford to lose.

Maintain the image of a strong woman, do not like to trouble others, and will not bow your head and be soft. Women who want to be strong always think that men can't do it, but they are too tired to live.

Physically and mentally exhausted but pretending to be indifferent, the suffering of which only she knew.

To be able to see through the fragility behind her strength, to understand the sadness behind her strength, and you just happen to be the type she appreciates, then this is her weakness.

"If you are not strong, who is weak to see", the stronger the appearance of such a woman, the stronger the better, in fact, the more fragile the inside.

Emotionally, the stronger the woman, the more fragile the feelings, the stronger the woman also needs to be cared for, she hopes to be able to hold up a piece of the sky and achieve a career like a man, that is because she has a home behind her that she loves.

If someone hurts her self-esteem, face, does not understand empathy, will not show weakness, does not know how to apologize, will not accommodate, is not willing to explain when things happen, and cannot tolerate sand in her eyes.

You can properly put away your arrogant self-esteem, respect others, learn to show weakness, do not pursue too much perfection, that is very tired, let go of the reserved self, light load, life will give different feedback.

The weakness of a strong woman is also not to treat herself as a woman, not to be spoiled, not to be soft, and to carry everything by herself.

Many women suppress their feelings in order to become strong, because desirelessness is rigid. Ruthless, there will be no desire, and if there is no desire, there will be no demand. Most strong women have a bad temper, only because of their overconfidence and arrogance.

Men are the wind, can only borrow, can not rely on. You can fight with the wind of a man, but don't forget that you are a woman.

Strong women, in the face of great right and wrong, generally do not talk about affection, belong to the vigorous and vigorous, do things competently, never drag mud and water, talk about credit and righteousness, can be described as a heroine among women.

But if you don't admit defeat to face the guilt, the final result may not only cause economic losses, but also lead to a blow to self-confidence. Women should not be too strong, they must know how to afford to put down when things happen, and they must understand the relationship between advance and retreat, and life will be better.

Do not accept defeat, always want to do everything in your hand well, do not want to let others look down on.

There is no word in my heart. Strong women are actually not as beautiful as they seem on the surface, and many women's hearts are actually very sensitive and inferior. Excessive self-esteem is actually a form of inferiority.

Because they are accustomed to being alone, but their bodies often lack tenderness, they are too tired to live, and their hearts are particularly sensitive, and they are easily affected by some external things.

The heart is often easily hurt but has no place to vent, and all emotions come from the influence of others.

Where are the weaknesses of women who want to be strong?

3. Fear of being subject to others, and even more afraid of being let down

Think of money and things as more important than people.

Devoted to the career, the family affairs are very little managed.

I'd rather be wronged than let others suffer. Your pain is never told to others.

She is not willing to rely on others, only when she finds that she cannot rely on others, she will rely on herself for everything, and she will never rely on herself.

It is not that she is unwilling, but that she is afraid, afraid of being subject to others, and even more afraid of being let down, on the surface she is very strong, but in fact she is very cowardly inside.

Knowing what is missing, what to fear, and what to want, you know what to do.

The lack of emotion and materialism in childhood, or lack, will become an unfinished event into the subconscious, becoming a force to change the direction of one's life and the structure of interpersonal relationships.

The more a person lacks something when she is a child, the more she will pursue and care about something when she grows up, such as the pursuit of approval by others, the pursuit of freedom of behavior by some people, and the pursuit of money by some people, because they are too lacking in these things when they are young.

To be able to see through the fragility behind her strength, to understand the sadness behind her strength.

Haruki Murakami once said, "Not all fish live in the same sea." "Some people don't understand the behavior of others, which is normal.

This is an era full of competition, competing for each other's wisdom, courage, temperament, vision, taste, personal charm. Success requires self-knowledge, strict discipline, leniency, self-motivation, never-say-die will and spiritual qualities.

Strong women are not cowardly and bloody radicals, and the advantages outweigh the shortcomings. If she can carry forward her strengths and overcome her shortcomings, she can maximize her ability, which depends on whether a person can improve himself.

Is it energy to act, down-to-earth and pragmatic, to be modest and not to be hesitant, neither indecisive, nor arbitrary, domineering, but also selfish and self-respecting.

Magnanimity, kindness to others, and the beauty of adulthood are often exchanged for self-liberation, such people are often accepted, respected, and charming.

Tolerance is a kind of softness, which can make oneself live in a harmonious environment, can reduce resentment with others, and does not give people the opportunity to attack themselves.

Strong women have a positive and self-motivated mind, dare to try to break through difficulties and obstacles, and have the characteristics of not being willing to fall behind, but without self-knowledge and humility, they will look at no one.

Maintain their inner pursuits, correct their mistakes, improve and improve their ability to act, so that strong women become strong women, and women will become more and more comfortable.

In fact, strong men also have some characteristics, in the final analysis, strong ability of people with good personality and mentality to be sound, they can live more comfortably.

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