
Can't afford procrastination, have you been tricked?

author:There are books to read together

Maybe you can't think of it? Microsoft's founder, Bill Gates, used to be a man with severe procrastination.

In 2005, he told everyone in a speech that he was a master of procrastination during his time at Harvard. At that time, I didn't take any classes, didn't do any homework, and always delayed until before the exam.

Can't afford procrastination, have you been tricked?

Bill Gates founded Microsoft, realized the dangers of procrastination, and he tried his best to get himself out of the quagmire of procrastination. He once said: "Many people like to procrastinate, and the things at hand are not bad, but unwilling to do, which is the biggest vice." ”

Everyone is familiar with the "Song of Tomorrow": "Tomorrow after tomorrow, tomorrow is so much." I was born for tomorrow, and everything will be in ruins. This poem exhorts people to cherish the present day and cherish the time in front of them. We must bear in mind that everything starts now, we must not waste time, and we cannot delay in doing things.

Can't afford procrastination, have you been tricked?

Procrastination, so that what should have been done was not done, and the result that should have been done became a bubble. Some people always delay the deadline to complete the work; some children learn to procrastinate and do not complete the homework until the deadline.

Why do so many people like to procrastinate? Is procrastination innate? No, you're wrong. Procrastination is both a habit and a psychological problem. Procrastination is not innate, it, like other habits, is developed through a process.

Tracing back to the roots, procrastination is related to the circumstances of an individual's life. The environment in which a person lives is very important, and some parents like to often disturb the child who is doing something seriously, thinking that they are caring for the child. In fact, this kind of "care" destroys the child's concentration and is harmful.

One day, my little niece was building blocks. She was tilting her head and wondering how to put the blocks in her hand up when my mother walked over and asked, "Are you thirsty?" Do you want to drink water? A sentence interrupted her train of thought. After a while, my mom came over and asked, "Is baby hot?" Fan the wind for you. The little niece said impatiently, "Go away and go away."

I quickly pulled my mother aside and said, "Just let her play by herself, don't bother her all the time." You ask one moment, and then you ask again, and you destroy her concentration on doing things. She will not be able to do things coherently in the future, and she will procrastinate. "Where is it so serious?" My mom looked at me questioningly.

"There is a girl in our community named Lili, who eats a meal for more than an hour and plays while eating. When it was time to practice the piano, she touched and groped and rubbed for a long time before it began. When I get up in the morning to get dressed, I sit there for a long time and refuse to wear it... Procrastination in everything. "I told Lily's story in one breath.

Can't afford procrastination, have you been tricked?

You don't know, do you? Once the child can't concentrate and do things half-heartedly, he will develop the habit of procrastination, and if he lets it go, procrastination will be targeted. "When she grows up, she will change herself." My mom still insists on her opinion.

"You think, the child is usually at ease and procrastinating, thinking that this is irrelevant. She hesitated to do anything, undecided. She was also afraid to make a decision, and she was even more afraid that she would not be able to do it well, so she did not dare to do it. This is the typical procrastination, procrastination will hinder the development of life in a better direction, the harm is not small. ”

There are roughly several reasons for investigating the psychology of procrastination: one is that there is no internal motivation to do things, and there is no interest; the second is that it cannot be completed perfectly and there is no self-confidence; the third is to maintain the illusion that you do not have enough time to do it, and you will not be embarrassed to do it well; fourth, it is better to drag it out than to lose face.

Girlfriend Xiaowen poured bitter water with me on the phone again: this week I have to work overtime again, in order to complete the tasks assigned by the boss, she is looking for information, but also for experience, it seems to be very busy. In the past few days, she has not started to move, dragged out day after day, afraid of not doing well, in case she is denied by the boss.

When the boss asked about this, she always said that there were still important things to deal with in the past two days, and she would do it immediately after dealing with it. In fact, it is dragged like this, and I can't lift the momentum to do it. Sometimes brush a circle of friends, watch an entertainment video, and a few hours will pass.

Can't afford procrastination, have you been tricked?

With procrastination, you first have to analyze the causes, see if it is caused by habit or psychology, and then prescribe the right medicine. The habit of distracting procrastination due to insufficient concentration requires deliberate practice to change this vice.

When you realize that you have the idea of procrastination, immediately shout to yourself: "I don't procrastinate, I don't procrastinate, start acting, start acting" and immediately put into action.

You can also list the things to be done in a week or ten days and a half, and arrange them according to the importance of the things, one by one. Completing a "✓" can give yourself a small reward so that you can better change your procrastination.

Psychological procrastination is an emotional laziness that is largely indecisive and afraid to start doing it. You'll need to further analyze the reasons for not making a decision and weigh the pros and cons. Imagine not doing this, what are the losses, what are the serious consequences, and what harm they have to their families.

To get rid of procrastination, you have to endure the unpleasantness that comes with getting things done. After continuous practice, after the ideology obeys the "immediate action", the unpleasantness will slowly disappear, and the procrastination will eventually change.

Can't afford procrastination, have you been tricked?

Procrastination is not simply an avoidant behavior, it is a problematic habit that involves cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions. The famous American psychotherapist pointed out in the book "End Procrastination": Ending procrastination interferes with your life, you don't have to bear the pain caused by it, and make your life more exciting.

Cut off procrastination, act now, break your vices, and be a better version of yourself.

Author: Zi Yan

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