
How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,

author:Pillow Lever

How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing?

Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace.

In 2003, the United States bypassed the United Nations and launched a war directly against Iraq, overthrowing Saddam's dictatorship with a destructive force, and after the war, the dictator Saddam Began a career of exile, and the United States also used elite forces to hunt him down.

After months of carpet searching, the U.S. military captured Saddam Hussein, who had been wandering for a long time, in a hole in the ground, and the reporters accompanying the army recorded this historic scene.

Saddam Fled before the U.S. army invaded Baghdad, and he and his sons ran to Tikrit in disguise and drove a dilapidated car, because his hometown and tribe were located there, and Saddam Hussein had given his hometown a lot of benefits when he became president, so Saddam believed that the people of his hometown would not betray him.

On the way to escape, Saddam Hussein changed more than thirty hiding places, and everywhere he went, Saddam Hussein would take out heavy gold, let his relatives act as eyeliner, and immediately slip away at the slightest wind. But even with such caution, Saddam Hussein revealed his whereabouts.

Saddam Hussein was exposed for a simple reason, and the people around him betrayed him. After Saddam Hussein lost power, his bodyguards also scattered, and one of the bodyguards chose to betray Saddam Hussein after learning that the U.S. army was willing to pay 25 million U.S. troops to reward Saddam's whereabouts.

According to the information provided by Saddam's bodyguards, the U.S. army captured Saddam Hussein in a hole in the ground ten kilometers away from Tikrit, and when he was captured, Saddam hurled and dirty, his body was stained with blood and mud.

The reporter who followed the U.S. military recorded the moment, and then there was the photo of the U.S. military pushing Saddam Hussein under control. The photo of a U.S. soldier pressing down on Saddam Hussein while looking directly into the camera was a sensation when the photo came out. Many people are also curious about the specific identities of the soldiers who control Saddam Hussein in the photo.

Although there are many claims that the person in this photo is Cruz, a special combatant of the US military, in fact, the person in the photo is not a special combatant Cruz, but a U.S. military interpreter of Iraqi descent, but the translator did not reveal his specific name, and only used a pseudonym Samir when facing the outside world.

As for Cruz, he was indeed a special operator who participated in the capture of Saddam Hussein, after which Cruz became a hero in the hearts of Americans for a while, and was praised by various awards from political celebrities in American society.

But after Cruz retired, his career was repeatedly unhappy. Cruz thought he could get a good job through a heroic experience, but reality gave him a basin of cold water, and no company was willing to hire him during the job search.

In fact, the reason is that with the passage of time, both Americans and people from other countries have clearly seen that after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, the Iraqi people still have not lived a peaceful and stable life, there are still various disasters in Iraq, and the life safety of the Iraqi people is difficult to guarantee.

These circumstances have also made more and more people realize that the war launched by the United States is a complete war of aggression. As a result, Cruz, who participated in the war and made great contributions in the war, was also criticized by the population, and became unpopular wherever he went.

Another reason why many companies are reluctant to hire Cruz is because he used to kill people on the battlefield, which can make people feel insecure. But Cruz was merely a soldier who obeyed orders, and had no chance to give him a chance to think about the political issues behind them when he carried them out.

The unsuccessful blow of the career eventually led to Cruz's mental problems, becoming irritable and irritable, and having to undergo long-term psychotherapy.

Samir, who controlled Saddam Hussein and left a group photo, told reporters about his experience and the specific details of the operation to capture Saddam.

Samir, who was originally an Iraqi, left Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War and went to the United States because he hated Saddam Hussein's dictatorship, where he worked as an auto mechanic.

When the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Samir saw hope of overthrowing Saddam Hussein and signed up for the U.S. military as an accompanying interpreter.

In December 2003, according to information provided by Saddam's bodyguards, U.S. special operations teams found Saddam Hussein in a hole in a courtyard ten kilometers away from Tikrit, and american soldiers were still muttering "America... Why...", and so on.

After Saddam Hussein was controlled, Samir could not follow the hatred in his patience, so he kicked him hard and yelled at him: "You destroyed Iraq!" ”

Saddam was then beaten again during the struggle, and while he struggled, Saddam hussein shouted at Samit: "You are a traitor, a spy, it was the Americans who destroyed Iraq!" ”

When Samir heard this, he gave Saddam a few harsh blows, which is why the media disclosed that Saddam Hussein had a lot of blood on his face in the photos of his arrest.

After the operation, Samir also treasured photographs of himself controlling Saddam Hussein, and he himself was received by President George W. Bush. But Samir has kept a low profile in the face of the outside world, never revealing his real name because he fears that his family in Iraq will be retaliated against by Saddam's remnants of supporters.

After the war, Samir gave up his well-paid job in the United States and returned to Iraq, where he always felt like an Iraqi.

The United States pursues its own hegemonism around the world, and as long as there are disobedient countries, they will find ways to sabotage in the name of democracy and justice, bringing about endless wars. The wars waged by the Americans not only failed to bring democracy and justice, but also plunged countless people into misery.

I wonder if Samir will regret his decision when he sees Iraq today. No matter anywhere in the world or at any time in history, it will always be the people at the bottom who suffer the most from war.

The war waged by the United States against Iraq has not only brought endless pain to the Iraqi people, but also caused harm to countless people like Cruz in their own country.

How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,
How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,
How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,
How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,
How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,
How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,
How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,
How is the soldier who grabbed Saddam Hussein and took a picture of himself doing? Even in times of peace, there are still countries in the world that are not at peace. In 2003,