
More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

author:Su Nian Bridge

The Chronicle of the | of All Beings

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

01 A story worse than the movie takes place in the real world

There was once a story circulating on the Internet about a girl who was sold by human traffickers to a small isolated mountain village, where she was forced to live an inhuman life and was tortured to the point of being rendered invisible.

All along, her parents have not given up looking for her, and the sky has lived up to her hardships, and her parents finally found her.

Just when they and the local police tried to rescue her, they were unanimously rejected and resisted by the villagers.

In the end, I can only watch my daughter stay again.

The daughter died not long after, and after that, the village continued to die, and it was later learned that the girl's father had repeatedly poisoned the well where the villagers drank water.

I used to think it was just a story.

But it didn't happen, in many places we can't see, such a story really happened, and the reality is even more cruel than this.

In 1995, he Chenghui, who was only 19 years old, looked confident and happily took a shuttle bus to report to a university of science and technology in Mianyang, at that time she was full of vigor and full of infinite expectations for the future.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

As the first college student in her hometown, she became a role model for the whole village to learn from, and also became a "child of other people's families" that the villagers said by word of mouth.

He Chenghui is the eldest of three children in the family, she has always been very sensible, because the family conditions are not very good, making her more aware of changing her fate by reading.

She has always been the pride of her parents.

After being admitted to college, his father, who had been an alcoholic, also changed, and in order to save more money for his daughter's schooling, he actually gave up drinking.

In college, He Chenghui has been working very hard, hoping to succeed in his studies and let his family live a happy life in the future.

But just when she was expecting to exchange her own efforts and sweat for a bright future, her life was rewritten by human traffickers.

It's like walking on the road to a happy and beautiful future, but stepping on a landmine in the middle, and the whole life collapses.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

It was one night, she returned to her dormitory after a night of self-study to prepare for washing, and suddenly remembered that she had run out of shampoo, so she went to the supermarket alone to buy it.

She could not have imagined that on this way, she would be regarded as a prey by the traffickers who had been ambushed in advance.

A smouldering blow knocked her to the ground, then put her in a sack and quickly left the school, taking her to a remote, isolated, poor and remote mountain village.

02 Life bought out by 120 yuan

When she endured the headache, she opened her eyes and saw a strange and dilapidated scene.

She lay on a dirty and crumbling wooden bed, and as far as the eye could see, the house was surrounded by walls, and she could not see anything of value except some worn-out furniture and necessary living utensils.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

She tried to sit up, but found her hands and feet tied to the edge of the bed.

Then she saw an old man with white hair, short and thin, and a smile revealing a mouth of broken old yellow teeth walk in.

He is the senior single stick Ni Tianguo in this village, who has lost his parents since childhood, and Ni Tianguo grew up eating a hundred meals.

When he grew up, he did not argue, he was lazy and lazy, and he had no other skills, so he kept playing with a bare stick.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

It is said that in this poor mountain village, even young and strong men can hardly marry a daughter-in-law.

But Ni Tianguo, a 55-year-old poor and ugly old bachelor, took the luck and bought he Chenghui, a female college student, from human traffickers for only 120 yuan.

He Chenghui, who was lying on the bed unable to move, watched the old man walk towards him, smiling and squinting, quite obscene.

He asked: What do you want, let my husband come and help you.

He Chenghui thought she had heard wrong and had hallucinated, and when she knew that this man was really her husband, she almost fainted.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

She couldn't accept it no matter what, and her instinctive reaction was to flee, but Ni Tianguo had already prevented this, so she tied her up.

Ignoring He Chenghui's fear, panic and helplessness, he showed a lewd smile like a toad, rubbing against her, no matter how He Chenghui cried and prayed, Ni Tianguo was indifferent.

Even he was a little proud, living most of his life, no one would ever pray to him like this, which allowed him to find a long-lost confidence.

But every time he approached He Chenghui, he was strongly resisted by the woman, and Ni Tianguo didn't have so much patience to coax her, and the most direct way for him to conquer her was to fight.

Hit him fiercely, splitting his head and covering his face, so that He Chenghui did not dare to resist any longer.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

In this way, He Chenghui began her 11-year inhuman life in this tattered mud house.

There is no freedom here, every day with his feet locked, he can't go anywhere, like cattle.

Not only that, but she was also regarded as a trophy by the old man, and in his opinion, it was a thing worth showing off that she could marry a beautiful college student at the age of 55.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

Often bringing people to visit, and He Chenghui will use every opportunity she seems to be able to escape, trying to get others to save her, but after repeated hopes turn into disappointment, even despair, she finds that all the struggles are in vain.

Even if she was beaten by Ni Tianguo, her cries were enough for the whole village to hear.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

The people of this small mountain village seem to have seen this and will at best let out an exclamation of sympathy.

03 What is more desperate than this life is the cold-bloodedness of the villagers

There was no way but to rely on himself, He Chenghui pretended to be obedient and no longer resisted, wanting to gain Ni Tianguo's trust first, and then plan to escape.

But in the end, she overestimated the quality and consciousness of the barbarians, and the degree of civilization of human nature.

When she ran out of the house with all her might and saw Ni Tianguo, who was chasing after her, she begged passers-by to save him, but no one was willing to help her.

Just looking at it coldly, not even trying to persuade Ni Tianguo, made the ugly and dirty old man very satisfied and grateful.

After being caught, He Chenghui was beaten violently again.

After being beaten for a long time, He Chenghui was scaly all over his body, blue and purple, some of them had even suppurated, and there was no medicine that could be applied to make the wound better faster.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

After marrying her daughter-in-law, Ni Tianguo thought that she was on top, and during the day, she would force He Chenghui to do heavy farm work, especially the dirty work of picking up dung, and let He Chenghui do it.

In addition, He Chenghui also has to do laundry, cooking, and housework, and housework cannot be left behind.

Here, He Chenghui was used as an animal by Ni Tianguo, and as long as he was disobedient, he would beat him, and the woman would be afraid when she saw him.

Unable to escape and unable to escape, He Chenghui slowly became desperate.

What is even more heinous is that because He Chenghui has not been pregnant with a child for several years, this old man actually hanged her up and beat her, specifically beating her stomach.

Tired and painful, He Chenghui was suffering in hell on earth, suffering physically and mentally for a long time, and she had become a walking dead.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

In the 11th year of her abduction, when He Chenghui was 30 years old, she gave birth to a son for Ni Tianguo.

This made Ni Tianguo quite happy, but he did not treat He Chenghui well.

Because of the arrival of this child, He Chenghui's burden was even heavier, and there were more jobs to be done, and she had long been tortured by all this.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

Just when she thought that she could only live in this small mountain village for the rest of her life, a turn of fate appeared.

04 Fate has a turnaround, but the lost life can no longer be repaired

A kind young man who has seen some of the world, when he accidentally learned that the crazy woman in the village was a female college student bought by Ni Tianguo for 120 yuan, his heart was full of sympathy.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

He wanted to save He Chenghui, a woman who seemed to be crazy in the eyes of outsiders, but his family advised him not to be nosy and to be careful of suffering.

He wanted He Chenghui's parents to pick her up, so he posted a revelation on the Internet, relying on the developed network and the power of the media, and really found He Chenghui's parents.

17 years later, when the elderly parents saw their daughter washing clothes in front of Ni Tianguo's dilapidated mud house, they couldn't help but burst into tears and their hearts were like knives.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

They couldn't believe it at all, let alone recognize each other, this was the daughter they had been looking for for more than ten years, thinking about it.

But when they called out her nickname, the mad woman froze, and she looked at them deadly, and suddenly she cried out and cried.

At this time, Ni Tianguo also rushed over, and at this time, he did not have the usual momentum in front of his "parents-in-law", but he still shouted "Daddy" with a thick face.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

Looking at this initiator, He Dad was eager to punch him and cripple him, and vigorously threw away Ni Tianguo's outstretched hand.

Just as the He family was about to take He Chenghui away, a familiar scene in the story occurred, and yes, they were also obstructed by the villagers.

In the end, He Dad threw a wad of money to Ni Tianguo, just to take his daughter away as soon as possible.

Ni Tianguo gave in, clutching a pile of banknotes and shedding a few crocodile tears.

More miserable than the heroine of "Blind Mountain"! At the age of 19, she was sold to the old man for 120 yuan and was insane when she was saved

He Chenghui finally went home, but the best youth in his life was ruined by an old man, and the most precious 17 years he lost could not be made up for by anything.

Many people have commented that He Chenghui's suffering is even more tragic than the heroine of "Blind Mountain", and I hope that Ni Tianguo and the human traffickers of that year will eventually be punished by law.

I hope that there will be more kind and righteous people like that young man, less evil things will happen, and the world will be clear and clear.