
The United Front Work Department of the Ya'an Municipal CPC Committee went to Tianquan County to visit and comfort overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots (their families) and People from Hong Kong and Macao

author:People's Life Network

On 18 January, Gao Chongjun, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Ya'an Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Overseas Chinese and Taiwan Affairs Office, and Yan Xiaofang, full-time vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, and their party went to Tianquan County to carry out the New Year visit and condolence activities, sending the care and warmth of the party and the government to overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots (affiliates) and Hong Kong and Macao people, thanking them for their positive contributions to the party's cause and Tianquan's economic and social development, and through them extending holiday blessings to overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots (affiliates) and Hong Kong and Macao people throughout the county. Chen Dongdong, member of the Standing Committee of the Tianquan County CPC Committee and director of the United Front Work Department, accompanied him in his condolences.

The United Front Work Department of the Ya'an Municipal CPC Committee went to Tianquan County to visit and comfort overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots (their families) and People from Hong Kong and Macao

Pictured: Condolences to overseas Chinese li jingfu.

Li Lianxiang, a Taiwanese resident of Hongchuan Community in Chengxiang Town, Tianquan County, is a disabled veteran artist and a representative inheritor of the provincial intangible cultural heritage project Zhuqin. During the condolences, Gao Chongjun learned in detail about the daily life and physical condition of the elderly Li Lianxiang, thanked him for his unremitting retirement, exerted his residual heat, made achievements in the old age, and made contributions to the cause of intangible cultural heritage, hoped that he would take care of his health, and urged the town and community cadres accompanying him to pay more attention to the lives of the elderly.

The United Front Work Department of the Ya'an Municipal CPC Committee went to Tianquan County to visit and comfort overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots (their families) and People from Hong Kong and Macao

Pictured: Condolences to Taiwan compatriot Chen Huzhao.

At the home of Taiwan compatriot Chen Huzhao, Gao Chongjun talked with him on his knees, sent the municipal party committee's concern and care for the vast number of Taiwan compatriots, and at the same time learned about his life, work, and study with his relatives in Taiwan. Gao Chongjun exhorted that we should take care of our health, live a good year with peace of mind, promptly report difficulties to the party committees and government departments, and strengthen interaction and exchanges with relatives and friends working and living in Taiwan, publicize the development and changes of our hometown, and strive to contribute to the economic and social development of our hometown.

The United Front Work Department of the Ya'an Municipal CPC Committee went to Tianquan County to visit and comfort overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots (their families) and People from Hong Kong and Macao

Pictured: Condolences to the elderly Li Lianxiang of Taiwan.

At the home of Li Jingfu, a member of overseas Chinese, Gao Chongjun had a cordial conversation with Li Jingfu's father and son, carefully understood and cared about their daily life and physical condition, listened to the work and living conditions of their eldest son abroad, and conveyed through them the concern and blessings of the party committee and government for overseas Chinese.

The United Front Work Department of the Ya'an Municipal CPC Committee went to Tianquan County to visit and comfort overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots (their families) and People from Hong Kong and Macao

Pictured: Condolences to Yang Renjing, a family member of a Hong Kong and Macao person.

In the subsequent condolences, Gao Chongjun and his entourage also extended condolences to other relatives (dependents), Taiwan compatriots (subordinates), and representatives of Hong Kong and Macao compatriots; through visiting and paying respects, they further strengthened the ties with the Taiwan compatriots (subordinates), accurately and timely understood their ideological situation, and also let the compatriots of overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots feel the concern and importance of the party and the government.

On the same day, Yang Xiaoping, executive deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Tianquan County CPC Committee and secretary of the party group of the County Federation of Industry and Commerce, and relevant responsible persons of the party committee government and village (community) of Chengxiang Town participated in the condolence activities.

(Source: Chengxiang Town, Tianquan County, Ya'an City)