
There are 3 new locally confirmed cases in Zhuhai, and 35 cases have been reported so far that belong to the same chain of transmission

author:Shangguan News

At about 11:00 on January 22, Zhuhai held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control to report on the current epidemic prevention and control situation and the latest progress of epidemic prevention and control. Lin Rituan, deputy secretary general of the municipal government and deputy director of the municipal new crown pneumonia prevention and control command office, reported at the meeting that from 0:00 to 24:00 on January 21, the city reported 3 new confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia. The city has a cumulative total of 32 confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia and 3 cases of asymptomatic infection. Among the 32 confirmed cases, 27 were mild and 5 were ordinary, all of whom were isolated and treated in the five hospitals of CUHK, and the current condition of patients in the hospital was stable.

There are 3 new locally confirmed cases in Zhuhai, and 35 cases have been reported so far that belong to the same chain of transmission

The specifics of the new cases are:

Case 33, male, 3 years old, Rongyuan Kindergarten student in Nanping Town, Xiangzhou District, living in Guangsheng South Street, Nanping Town, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, as a close contact of the confirmed case, was transferred to the isolation hotel for centralized isolation on January 14, and the nucleic acid test was negative on the 14th to the 20th, and the test was positive on the 21st. After organizing expert consultation, it was determined to be a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia.

Case 34, female, 4 years old, Rongyuan Kindergarten student in Nanping Town, Xiangzhou District, who lives in Hetang Story Building 16, Jinhe Road, Hongqi Town, Jinwan District, as a close contact of the confirmed case, was transferred to the isolation hotel for centralized isolation on January 14, and the nucleic acid test was negative on the 14th to the 20th, and the test was positive on the 21st. After organizing expert consultation, it was determined to be a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia.

Case 35, male, 14 years old, is the elder brother of case 11, who lives in Nanfeng Huijingwan, Twelve Villages, Nanping Town, Xiangzhou District, and was transferred to an isolation hotel for centralized isolation on 15 January as a close contact of the confirmed case, and the nucleic acid test was negative on the 15th to 20th, and the test was positive on the 21st. After organizing expert consultation, it was determined to be a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia.

According to the report, the 35 cases reported so far have been found from the personnel and related populations of Guangsheng Primary School, Rongyuan Kindergarten, Andeur Dental Co., Ltd. in Nanping Town. Among them, cases 1-8 were found from the nucleic acid detection screening and sentinel monitoring of all staff in the region from January 13 to 14, and cases 9-35 were found in the screening of close contacts in centralized isolation places. The key places and personnel involved in the case have all been controlled in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention. According to the preliminary circulation survey, the currently reported cases all belong to the same chain of transmission, and the chain of transmission is clear. Judging from the current development of the epidemic situation, the epidemic is generally controllable.

Multiple initiatives are being fully constructed

Security line for epidemic prevention and control

Lin Rituan said in his briefing that since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee and the Zhuhai Municipal Government have resolutely implemented the spirit of a series of important instructions issued by General Secretary Xi Jinping on epidemic prevention and control, fully implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government for epidemic prevention and control, adhered to the general strategy of "external prevention of import, internal prevention and rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic clearance", regarded epidemic prevention and control as the most important political task and the most important work of the whole city, and quickly launched the epidemic prevention and control command system. The 15 special classes headed by the municipal leaders solve problems point-to-point, and adhere to the rapid, scientific and legal prevention and control of the epidemic. The relevant provincial departments also sent working groups and experts directly to Nanping for on-site guidance.

There are 3 new locally confirmed cases in Zhuhai, and 35 cases have been reported so far that belong to the same chain of transmission

After the confirmed case appeared in Tanzhou, Zhongshan on January 13, Zhuhai City launched nucleic acid testing for all the residents of Xiangzhou District and Doumen District in Xiangzhou District and Doumen District in accordance with the principle of outbreak in the same city, and timely found positive infected people in our city. Subsequently, 4 rounds of nucleic acid testing of all employees in the city, 5 rounds of nucleic acid testing of all staff in Xiangzhou District and 8 rounds of nucleic acid testing of all staff in key areas were carried out, except for the first round of nucleic acid testing in Nanping Town, which found positive infections, the nucleic acid test results of all other rounds were negative.

After the discovery of confirmed cases, the city quickly and accurately carried out the traceability of the flow adjustment, the provincial, municipal and district three-level circulation team of 403 people, the implementation of 24-hour circular operation, adhere to the fast check and fast management of fast inspection, to ensure that "landing to find people, isolation and transfer, preliminary flow adjustment and nucleic acid testing on the day of zero", in the shortest possible time to accurately lock the close connection, sub-close contact personnel, and control in accordance with the regulations.

As soon as the confirmed case was discovered, the city quickly classified the key areas involved in the case as sealing and control areas, other areas in the community as control areas, and the periphery as prevention areas. At present, there are 11 sealing and control areas in the city, namely: Guangsheng Village, Nanping Town (including 2 buildings of Rongyuan Garden of General Mountain), No. 45 Chengfeng Garden, Nanping Twelve Villages, Xiangzhou District, No. 4 Pingxi 4th Road, Bairui Dental Company Dormitory Building, Huafa New Town Phase 4, 129 Buildings of Huafa New Town, 12 Units of Nanfeng Huijingwan Building 1, No. 11 Chengfeng Garden East of Nanping Twelve Villages, No. 5 Dongdou Street of Guangchang Community, 12 Buildings of Qianshan Jinfu Square, No. 345 Fishery Building of Lovers Middle Road, No. 26 Dongfeng Street, and Building B of No. 62 Hepai Street. In addition, the entire nanping town and the area west of Lovers Middle Road, south of Huahai Road, east of Bitao Road, and north of Cuixiang Road are divided into control areas.

Quickly secure supplies. On the one hand, the current number of people involved in the sealing and control area is 19,868 people, in order to ensure that the supply of daily necessities for the masses is sufficient, the home isolation personnel in the sealing and control area are distributed point-to-point free of charge according to the standard of 100 yuan per household per day, and at the same time, the supply of daily necessities in the control area is fully guaranteed. On the other hand, we will urge and guide the major supermarkets to increase stockpiling to ensure that daily reserves are sufficient. Lin Rituan appealed to the general public not to believe in rumors, not to spread rumors, not to blindly rush to buy, not to hoard excessively, and to buy grain, vegetables and other necessities of life on demand. As the Spring Festival approaches, we will take more effective measures to provide a wide range of New Year goods and consumer goods with festive characteristics to meet the needs of the public and ensure the supply of the festival market.

Lin Rituan said that since the outbreak of the epidemic, all the people of the city have become a city, united as one, and overcome the difficulties together, and all levels and systems have organized party member vanguards and volunteers to participate in all aspects of epidemic prevention and control, and all sectors of society and citizens have also participated in the epidemic prevention work within their capabilities, especially the citizens in the centralized isolation places and the sealing and control areas have a general understanding of the overall situation, take the overall situation into account, fully understand and support the city's epidemic prevention work, actively cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures, and make contributions to preventing the spread of the epidemic.

Nanping Town this time full staff

Nucleic acid test results were negative

According to Rong Lixiong, member of the Standing Committee of the Xiangzhou District CPC Committee and deputy mayor of the district, on January 21, Xiangzhou District carried out nucleic acid testing for all employees in Nanping Town, and the test results were all negative.

There are 3 new locally confirmed cases in Zhuhai, and 35 cases have been reported so far that belong to the same chain of transmission

In view of the two new sealing and control areas added on the 20th, Xiangzhou District quickly integrated its forces, arranged 24-hour duty duty, and implemented sealing and control measures such as enclosure management and access control system installation. At the same time, timely go to the door to grasp the specific situation of pregnant women, critically ill patients and personnel with regular medical needs in the building, increase the number of personnel to do a good job in the point-to-point distribution of daily necessities in a timely manner, implement the daily garbage removal, disinfection and disinfection in the building in accordance with the epidemic prevention and control standards, and strengthen the protection training and standardized guidance for on-site staff.

Rong Lixiong said that in terms of strengthening market supervision, Xiangzhou District has taken many measures to strictly implement various market supervision measures during the epidemic period, arranged inspection teams to carry out daily inspections of 39 supermarkets of various types and 5 farmers' markets in the control area, distributed 2750 copies of the "Reminder of Market Price Behavior during the Epidemic Prevention and Control Period in Xiangzhou District" to various operators in the Nanping Control Area, and strictly required the farmers' market to implement the "two must" epidemic prevention and control measures and make every effort to maintain market order and stability.

We will make every effort to carry out law enforcement inspections in the field of prices and severely crack down on illegal acts that disrupt market order. Up to now, a total of 126 law enforcement personnel have been dispatched to inspect 56 farmers' markets, 68 supermarkets and 76 pharmacies in the Nanping control area, effectively ensuring the stability of the prices of people's livelihood commodities in the control area.

Further strengthen the monitoring role of outpatient clinics, pharmacies and other institutions as "sentinel points" to strictly prevent the risk of community transmission. As of the 21st, Xiangzhou District has inspected 808 retail pharmacies and closed 10 times, and since January 20, Xiangzhou District has suspended the sale of drugs in the "Catalogue of Drugs Requiring Real-Name Registration During the Epidemic Period", and will continue to strengthen the inspection and supervision of the "sentinel point" work of retail pharmacies.

It is understood that since the cancellation of dine-in in catering establishments within the regional scope of Xiangzhou District, as of January 21, Xiangzhou District has dispatched a total of 982 law enforcement personnel, inspected 4498 catering units, and shut down a total of 70 catering units that have not been rectified. In addition, in response to the significant increase in the number of takeaway orders after the cancellation of dine-in, Xiangzhou District issued the "Notice of Risk Prevention and Control for Catering Service Providers Engaged in Takeaway" on January 21, which put forward specific requirements for raw materials, staff, delivery personnel, delivery methods, etc., to prevent the potential risk of epidemic transmission in the production and delivery of takeaway meals.

The city's pension institutions implement closed management

Rob, deputy director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, briefed on the epidemic prevention and control work carried out by the city's pension institutions. At present, after multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing, all personnel in the city's pension institutions are negative.

There are 3 new locally confirmed cases in Zhuhai, and 35 cases have been reported so far that belong to the same chain of transmission

According to reports, all pension institutions carry out epidemic prevention and control in strict accordance with standards higher than the social level, and implement closed management. During the epidemic prevention and control period, all institutions have completely suspended newly received service recipients and newly recruited staff, suspended gathering activities such as visits, collective recreational activities within institutions, and collective meals, and implemented a "only in and out" system for staff. It is forbidden for external personnel such as couriers, takeaways, and drug delivery personnel to enter the institution, and the implementation of non-contact reception of foreign items can only be brought into the institution after disinfection. Institutional canteens suspend dine-in meals and instead deliver meals to service recipients. Strictly implement the provisions on the daily management of epidemic prevention and control, physically isolate the administrative office areas of each institution from the life service areas, and do a good job of daily protective measures such as ventilation, disinfection, and body temperature monitoring.

During the closure period, in addition to providing cultural and entertainment services such as television, radio, and reading for the elderly, all old-age institutions further strengthen the psychological comfort of the elderly, actively create conditions to help the elderly and their relatives "family connection" through telephone, video connection, etc., implement "online visits", eliminate the sense of loneliness of the elderly, and let relatives understand the living conditions of the elderly in the hospital in real time.

Rob said that the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to let everyone in the pension institutions spend a peaceful festival, the Civil Affairs Bureau mobilized all institutions to do their best to do a good job in the logistics of the closed pension institutions under the premise of epidemic prevention and control. Focus on strengthening the daily care and health testing of the elderly, especially for the detection of blood pressure, blood sugar and other indicators of the elderly with chronic diseases, regular medication, and do a good job in chronic disease management. Purchase New Year goods and seasonal foods in advance, make arrangements for the Spring Festival in an orderly manner, and actively create a peaceful festive atmosphere so that service recipients can better experience the "New Year's taste".

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Song Yanlin

Source: Author: Zhuhai Publishing