
Time Magazine's latest cover: Biden Leaks Rain in the White House Office Rains, And Six Piles of Documents Are Stacked on Wet Desks, Which Read "Inflation," "Putin," and "Heavy."

author:Bruce Circle of Friends

Time magazine's latest cover: Biden's White House leaks rain

It was raining in the White House offices, and the wet desks were stacked with six piles of documents, one after the other, writing "Inflation," "Putin," "The Rebuilding a Better Future Act," "Voting Rights," and "Trump 2024," and behind the desk, a stack of cardboard boxes with the words "Rapid Antigen Testing for Covid-19" was exposed to the rain.

Time Magazine's latest cover: Biden Leaks Rain in the White House Office Rains, And Six Piles of Documents Are Stacked on Wet Desks, Which Read "Inflation," "Putin," and "Heavy."

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