
82 years old and still not old? Biden: I'm very happy with Harris's performance and still move forward with her

author:Liang Ziqian said

According to the latest foreign media reports, Biden announced through the media that he will run for the next president in 2024, that is, when he is 82 years old, and he will continue to partner with Vice President Harris.

82 years old and still not old? Biden: I'm very happy with Harris's performance and still move forward with her

The public is disappointed in Biden

U.S. President Joe Biden held a one-year anniversary press conference at the White House, at which he announced that he would continue to run for the 2024 presidential election at the age of 82, and that he would continue to partner Harris at that time.

A reporter asked: "You put Vice President Harris in charge of some things about voting rights, are you satisfied with her performance at work?" In the presidential election 4 years later, will you still choose Harris as your partner? Biden's answer was yes.

According to the Global Times comprehensive report on January 20, since biden took office for one week, the major poll data released by the United States show that the score of this data is very low, because Biden has disappointed most Americans since he took office, and his feelings after Biden took office are very frustrated.

82 years old and still not old? Biden: I'm very happy with Harris's performance and still move forward with her

Biden's approval rating has fallen to 33 percent, and he, like his predecessor, Trump, is at the bottom of the polls.

Biden found that something uncontrollable affected his evaluation

Observers pointed out that before Biden took office, the slogan was still very loud, he had promised to completely eliminate the epidemic, and to fully recover the US economy, and also loudly called on the people at home to unite.

However, the status quo after coming to power is that the number of confirmed cases and deaths of new crown pneumonia is not gradually declining, but rising steadily, even exceeding the relevant data of 2020. Regarding the economic aspect, it is also a sharp decline, let alone a recovery, and the current situation in the united States is that the people are not happy, the price has soared, the factories have stopped production, and the whole society, tourism, social networking, life, work, etc. have become chaotic and stagnant.

82 years old and still not old? Biden: I'm very happy with Harris's performance and still move forward with her

The situation in the government is also very tense, factional division and lack of unity, which is completely contrary to the original shouting of "unity". Diplomatically, the Biden administration is also stirring up turmoil throughout the world.

In fact, Biden has always had an ultimate goal, which is to be able to sit on a desk behind the oval office. This goal has now been achieved, but the government he leads is very unpopular and unpopular. Therefore, Biden also found that if things he could not control were swayed, it would affect the bad evaluation of his time in power in the future.

Part of the source: Daily Economic News

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