
6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

author:Candy Character Chronicles

Text | Candy fruit

Life is short and short, and it is also long.

In the entertainment industry, some people are born with a golden key, holding the best resources, but they play a good hand into mud, or because of a wrong choice, it will lead to a very different ending.

However, some people, although they started slowly, adhere to their inner beliefs, constantly strive to surpass themselves and move forward, even if they climb the peak that others cannot reach, they are still cautious and try harder.

In this issue of character stories, Guo Jie wants to write about the current situation of several European and American stars born as child stars.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >01</h1>

The children's movie "Little Devil Home" 30 years ago has brought us a lot of fun, and there is still no second film that can replace its place in The Heart of Guo Jie. So when it comes to European and American child stars, starring Macaulay Kalkin must also be mentioned.

Macaulay Calkin was born on August 26, 1980 in New York, United States.

In the 1990s, the Karkin family was no less famous in the entertainment industry than the current Kardashian family, their family had 7 children, and finally 4 child stars, which was also really powerful.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

However, the success is also Kalkin, and the defeat is also Kalkin, and here Kalkin refers to Macaulay's father, The Elder Kalkin. As a stage actor, the old Karkin, he could not mix with any fame, so he pinned his hopes on the children.

Like his brothers, Macaulay began taking acting classes at the age of 4, rather than going to school for formal education like the average child. He then began to audition for various auditions, playing soy sauce in some films.

At the age of 8, Macaulay made a big splash in the movie "Uncle Buck", and director John Hughes was inspired to write the god work "Little Devil Is Home", which was later handed over to ghost director Chris Columbus.

Macaulay stood out from more than 400 boys and took on the starring role, and he completed the work with extraordinary performance. After the film was released, Macaulay became the world's hottest and highest-paid child star.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

However, because his father, Kalkin Sr., was insatiable, he not only ruined Macaulay's reputation in the circle, but also directly ruined Macaulay's acting future.

In 1995, the elder Kalkin broke up with Macaulay's mother, and the two were together for 21 years without registering their marriage. They went to court for custody of Macaulay, and no one was willing to give up the cash cow.

The lawsuit was fought for a long time and eventually ended with Macaulay withdrawing from the circle.

Neither parent received custody of their son, and Macaulay, who was free, chose to quit school to make friends, fall in love, smoke like other teenagers, and indulge himself at parties.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

In 2002, by the time he came back, the showbiz industry had been renewed, and the cute appearance of that year had become disabled, no longer had an advantage, and had been reduced from a protagonist with a salary of $8 million to a supporting role.

Most importantly, all these years have been consuming their own Macaulay, not seizing the best years to learn and improve themselves.

Now, he is also a father, and I don't know if he will let his children come out as child stars.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >02</h1>

If "The Devil Is Home" was the hottest children's film of the 90s, then the Harry Potter series of movies is its successor, and the latter's popularity has lasted for more than a decade, accompanying many fans to grow up.

Everyone has also witnessed the growth of several child actors in the film, the first to say is the actor of Harry Potter.

Daniel Radcliffe was born on 23 July 1989 in London, England.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

His parents were both actors when they were young, but the experience was not very pleasant, and mixing the entertainment industry was not an easy task, so when they heard their 5-year-old son Daniel say that he wanted to be an actor, they were particularly shocked and panicked.

However, as if it were a destiny in the dark, Daniel was destined to become an actor.

When he was 10 years old, a role came to him, and he starred in the TV series David Copperfield, and then in the movie "The Panama Tailor".

In 2000, 11-year-old Daniel emerged from tens of thousands of children to take the role of Harry Potter, a role he tied to for the next decade.

He went from 12 to 22.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

However, it became also Harry Potter, and defeated also Harry Potter.

This role has put Daniel on the altar, but because the role is too classic and too deeply rooted in people's hearts, it is difficult to have a breakthrough.

But fortunately, Daniel did not indulge himself in self-degradation like Macaulay, but never stopped exploring and striving to surpass his own footsteps. As an adult, Daniel did not take the commercial film route, but turned to niche literary films.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

He filmed works such as "Swiss Army Knife Man", "Gun at the Waist", "Kill Ru Ai" and other works, and also tried to appear in stage plays and TV series, not watching the film, only choosing his favorite role, but also breaking another path.

Outside of work hours he keeps a low profile and doesn't sign up for personal social platforms.

Not burdened by fame and fortune, he lived to be what he liked.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >03</h1>

The movie "Harry Potter" not only won the popularity of Daniel Radcliffe, but also the popularity of Emma Watson.

Like the little girl "Hermione" played in the film, the real Emma Watson is also a combination of high intelligence and high appearance.

However, although innate conditions and luck are important, the most important thing is their own efforts.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

Emma Watson was born on April 15, 1990 in Paris, France.

She was not born with a golden key, on the contrary, her childhood was very difficult. Her parents' marriage broke down during her childhood, and her father lived alone with two children, Emma and her brother.

The baby without a mother matures early and becomes independent, which is not false at all, and the tenacity in Emma's bones stems from the original family that lacks maternal love.

Like Daniel when she was a child, Emma decided to become an actress at the age of five or six, and she not only excelled in school, but also actively participated in school drama performances.

At the age of 9, Emma went casting for the Harry Potter film series, and her audition process was not as smooth as Daniel's. Instead, she auditioned for 8 times and at one point thought she missed the role.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

Moreover, in the end, the filmmakers told her that she was the preferred candidate, which meant that she could be replaced at any time.

Fortunately, in the end, Emma joined the crew as she wished, and the role of "Hermione" was simply tailor-made for Emma, or "Hermione" was Emma, and in this film, Emma was the true color.

Unlike other child stars who gave up their studies for filming, Emma was very sober inside, and she returned to the life of a normal child outside of filming, taking a shuttle bus to school every day, and finally entering brown university, an ivy league school.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman
6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

After the Harry Potter series, Emma was not in a hurry, but tried different types of films: Noah's Ark: Journey to Creation and Colony of Dignity.

In 2015, she successfully transformed with the Disney movie "Beauty and the Beast".

Outside of filming, she is passionate about philanthropy and the women's independence movement, speaking out for her fellow women.

In 2019, the movie "Little Women" was released, once again letting everyone see her plasticity.

I believe she will get better and better.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >04</h1>

It's been a long time since There was a news from Brooke Little Silk.

It may be an unfamiliar name to today's audience, but she was a household name in the United States in the eighties and nineties. She has become an advertising star before she is one year old, and she is a real "child star".

Brooke Little Silk was born on May 31, 1965 in Manhattan, New York.

She was an illegitimate daughter, no one knew who her biological father was, her mother had been a model before marriage, and like Macaulay's father, Brooke Little's mother transferred her dream of modeling to her daughter.

This is the source of The Tragic Life of Brooke Little Silk.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

When Brooke Was ten months old, her mother took her to shoot advertisements, and because of the huge profits, the mother began to find ways to turn her daughter into a cash cow.

As long as you have money, you can shoot anything, and even let your daughter betray her hue.

For $450, the mother asked her 10-year-old daughter to take a set of sexy photos. Eventually, the photo was published in Playboy magazine, a stain on Brooke's life.

At the age of 12, her mother took over the film debut "The Legend of Yanwa" for Brooke Xiaosi, after which, Boji Xiaosi began to take the sexy and beautiful route, and the large-scale work "Youth Coral Island" in 1980 was one of her masterpieces.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

Brooke Xiaosi has shot many works, movies and TV series, but there are no classic works, nor a classic role that the audience can remember, but it is vigorously stirred up with Michael Jackson and gossip.

A brief marriage with athlete Agassi also caused a storm.

She followed the route set by her mother to enter the show business, but failed to make a breakthrough in acting, maybe being an actor is not her own dream.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

It can only be said that it is a pity that she did not seize the opportunity.

Nowadays, she occasionally plays supporting roles in some film and television works, playing soy sauce.

Limited by performance skills and age, there seems to be little possibility of turning over.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >05</h1>

For child stars, Leonardo DiCaprio is a benchmark figure, he not only transformed from child stars, but also successfully transformed from idols to powerful actors, 46 nominations, 13 awards, this is the real superstar.

Leonardo DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles, California.

His father was a comic book dealer and his mother was a secretary.

When Leonardo was 2 years old, his parents divorced and Leonardo followed his mother.

When Leonardo was 5 years old, he participated in a TV series, and this time the electrocution experience made him fascinated by acting, originally he was sent by his father to an aristocratic boarding school for secondary school, but in the end he chose to drop out of school to chase his dreams.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

It has to be mentioned that Leonardo has a good mother who understands and supports him, and she accompanies Leonardo around to participate in auditions, but Leonardo is not as lucky as the child stars introduced earlier.

Instead, he went through countless auditions, not receiving his first commercial until he was 12 years old, and his first film and television work at the age of 14.

He originally made cameo appearances in Santa Barbara, The Way of Parenthood, and Growing Pains.

In 1992, Leonardo finally ushered in a turning point in his career, he took over the film "The Boy's Life", which attracted him the attention of the industry, followed by the filming of "Different Skies", which earned him an Oscar nomination.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

Since then, the two works of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Titanic" have continued to ferment, pushing him to the ranks of Hollywood's first-line idol male stars. However, he is not here, he wants more in-depth roles.

Therefore, when choosing a script, he was extra cautious.

"Get Away with It", "New York Gangster", "Aviator", "Infernal Walker", "Forbidden Island", "Wolf of Wall Street", "Blood Diamond", "The Great Gatsby", "Django Rescued" and so on, any one of them is a classic.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

In 2016, he won the Oscar for "The Revenant", although he ran for many years to get the trophy, he was ridiculed by the media, but it is precisely because of this that he can see his dedication to acting.

This dedication allowed him to maintain a rare sobriety, and performance was always the first in his life.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >06</h1>

When it comes to Leonardo, it's important to talk about another actor who is as rare as he is.

She's Natalie Portman.

Debuting at the age of 13, attending Harvard University at the age of 18, and winning an Oscar at the age of 30, it is really yyds.

Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem on June 8, 1981. Her father was Jewish and a doctor by profession, her mother was of Jewish descent and an artist, and the family moved to the United States when Natalie was 3 years old.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

Inheriting her mother's artistic talent, Natalie learned to dance at the age of 4 and enjoyed participating in the troupe's performances, determined to become an actress in the future, so she declined the invitation to be a model.

At the age of 12, Natalie auditioned for the movie "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", with more than 2,000 girls taking part in the audition, and in the first round, Natalie was rejected because she was too young.

But then the filmmakers called her to go back and try it again, and she ended up with the role.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

When the film was released, the box office was not ideal, but it suddenly caught fire when the DVD was released, and Natalie attracted the attention of Hollywood producers. She joined al Pacino and Robert De Niro in the film The Line of Fire.

While filming, Natalie never left her homework behind, and when filming, she also took the textbook with her textbook to use the rest time to make up for her homework, and in school, her grades were always among the best.

In 1997, at the age of 16, Natalie joined the film Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, but in order to learn, she refused to attend the premiere of the film.

Eventually she was admitted to both Yale and Harvard, and she chose the latter.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

Subsequently, she filmed while going to college.

Under such circumstances, she not only completed her studies on schedule, but also graduated with honors.

In 2009, Natalie won an Oscar for her superb performance in the movie "Black Swan".

In 2010, she joined the Marvel family and starred in the movie "Thor", and in 2012, she made a sequel.

Her private life is also very low-key, there are few scandals, her husband is a dance teacher, the two met and fell in love when filming the movie "Black Swan", and have a son and a daughter.

6 European and American child stars who are popular all over the world, some are tired of their families, and some are out of the circle with their acting skills 01. Macaulay Kalkin02. Daniel Radcliffe 03. Emma Watson 04. Brooke Silk 05. Leonardo DiCaprio 06. Natalie Portman

Focusing, constantly learning and striving to improve herself is the reason for Natalie's success.

In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, no one can predict the future.

The difficult starting point when you are young does not mean that you do not have the opportunity to get ahead;

On the contrary, a high starting point when you are young does not mean that you can be popular for a lifetime.

The key to how far you can go lies in your own cognition, whether you can stay sober and strive to transcend the past and surpass yourself.

— end —

Author: Candy Fruit, self-media author, pay attention to hot spots and character growth stories, welcome everyone to pay attention to and leave a message.