
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

author:Peach Taotao Movie

There are always netizens who ask me to recommend some movies with wonderful sets, unique art, or very outstanding visual effects, which have not had the opportunity to sort out, just saw this article, and moved over. I hope it will be helpful to those of you who like the visual beauty of the film.

Due to space limitations, the article is only a list of films with excellent scene design or visual excellence. There are many more very pleasing movies, such as Tetsuya Nakajima's, and even "The Black Cannon Incident" is very outstanding in setting. I won't add it here.

This article is transferred from flavorwire, and here's a unique visual experience.

1. "The Wind Gust" (1977)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Dario Aquido

Country/Region of Production: Italy

2. Beauty and the Beast (1946)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Jean Guccideau

Country/Region of Production: France

3. The Holy Mountain (1973)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Alessandro Zodrowski

Country/Region of Production: Mexico / United States

4. Dr. Caligari's Cabin (1920)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Robert Wayne

Country of Production: Germany

5. "Red Diamond" (1948)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Emory Pisberg / Michael Powell

Country of Production: United Kingdom

6. Juliet and the Devil (1965)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Federico Fellini

Country/Region of Production: Italy / France

7. Twin Peaks: Walking with Fire (1992)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: David Lynch

Country/Region of Production: France / United States

8. "Wife Killing Story" (2004)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Sekiguchi

Country/Region of Production: Japan

9、The Brothers Quay Short Films

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

This refers to a short video by the Kui brothers

10. The Ultimate General (1988)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Terry Gilliam

Country of Production: United Kingdom / Formerly West Germany

11. "Cold Blood" (1965)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: Roman Polanski

12. Phantom Paradise (1974)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Brian de Palma

Country of Production: United States

13. Blood and Black Lace (1964)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: Mario Bawa

Country/Region of Production: France / Italy / West Germany

14. La Traviata 2000 (1969)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: Radley Metzger

15 Dracula's Bride (1960)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: Terence Fisher

16. Carnival of the Soul (1962)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed by: Herk Harvey

17. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Wes Anderson

Country/Region of Production: USA / Germany / UK

18. "Invasion of Brain Cells", 2000

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: Thasim Sim

Country/Region of Production: USA / Germany

19. Scientific Sleep (2006)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Michelle Gunrie

Country/Region of Production: France / Italy

20. Hal's Moving Castle (2004)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Hayao Miyazaki

21. The various films of Georges Mérieux

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

22. Clockwork Orange (1971)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: Stanley Kubrick

Country of Production: United Kingdom / United States

23. Doctor Edward (1945)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

24、Messiah of Evil(1973)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed by: Willard Huyck

25. The Great Master of Hades (1988)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: Tim Burton

26、Forbidden Zone(1982)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Richard Elfman

27 Primordial Planet (1973)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Ane Larou

Country/Region of Production: France / Czechoslovakia

28. The Black Cat (1934)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: Edgar M. G. Umer

29. Dr. T's 5,000 Fingers (1953)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed by: Roy Rowland

30. Dune (1984)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

31 Ruslan and Lyudmila (1972)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Aleksandr Ptushko

Country of Production: Soviet Union

32. Toy Corps (1992)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Barry Levinson

33. Nosferatu (1922)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: F· W. Maunau

34. The Second Life (1966)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed By: John Frankheimer

35. The Stalker (1979)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Andrei Tarkovsky

Country of production: SOVIET UNION / WEST GERMANY

36. The Magic Code of Prospero (1991)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Peter Greenaway

Country/Region of Production: Netherlands / France / United Kingdom / Italy / Japan

37, Tanuki Goten (2005)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Kiyoshun Suzuki

38. The Jackal Moment (1968)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Ingmar Bergman

Country/Region of Production: Sweden

39. "Only God Can Forgive" (2013)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Nicholas Winding Rayvern

Country/Region of Production: France / Thailand / USA / Sweden

40. "Space Hero And Daughter Barbarina" (1968)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Roger Vadim

41. "Two Flowers" (1991)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Krzystov Kieslowski

Country/Region of Production: France / Norway / Poland

42. "Hugo"

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Martin Scorsese

43, Guy Maddin's film

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

44. Kenneth Anger's film

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

45. "Escape from Underground Paradise"

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Michael Anderson

46. "Playing the End of the Century" (1995)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Directed by: Gregg Araki

Country/Region of Production: USA / France

47. The Wolf Clan (1984)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Neil Jordan

48. "Mysterious Train" (1989)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Jim Jarmusch

Country/Region of Production: Japan / United States

49. "Rubber Head" (1977)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

50 Red Hot Chili Peppers (2006)

The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs
The Visual Department丨50 films with unique, interesting and distinctive scene designs

Director: Toshi Imabari


Here is: Peach Tao Movie, WeChat: ttfilm

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