
A Japanese prostitution incident triggered the Great Qing Dynasty...

author:The history of running
A Japanese prostitution incident triggered the Great Qing Dynasty...

Color the famous Japanese prostitute in the old photo


In July of the twelfth year of the Qing Dynasty (1886), Li Hongzhang received a report from Korea.

The report was sent by Yuan Shikai, who was stationed in Korea at the time and the premier negotiated trade matters.

He said that a small group of people in North Korea were plotting to collude with Tsarist Russia, and That Russia was coveting Yongheung Bay outside the Wonsan Pass in North Korea.

The Qing Dynasty is the suzerainty of Korea, and others have already put their hands into their own vegetable fields!

The Qing government knew that once Lao Maozi had taken root in Korea, it would be difficult to drive them away.

If North Korea is lost, then Russia can send troops on both sides to cover the northeast.

It was the land of Longxing in the Qing court, and it must not be lost.

Although the army at this time in the Qing Dynasty was completely insufficient to see, the Beiyang Marine Division was the patronage of the imperial court and Li Hongzhang, known as the first in the Far East and the sixth in the world.

Show muscle, or enough.

Therefore, Li Hongzhang ordered Ding Ruchang, the admiral of the Beiyang Admiralty, to immediately lead 6 warships of "Dingyuan, Zhenyuan, Jiyuan, Weiyuan, Chaoyong, and Yangwei" to the sea surface of the east coast of Korea to conduct exercises and patrol Yongxing Bay.

Due to the long voyage, the warships needed to be supplied and repaired, and Dingyuan, Zhenyuan, Jiyuan, and Weiyuan, four warships went to Nagasaki, Japan under the leadership of Ding Ruchang, and the remaining two warships were on standby in Vladivostok.

[The Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing of November 14, 1860 ceded the territory east of the Ussuri River, including Vladivostok, to Russia. However, at that time, the Qing Dynasty and Tsarist Russia just happened to negotiate border demarcation in Vladivostok, which was a peace operation. 】

On August 9, four warships entered the port of Nagasaki, of which Dingyuan and Zhenyuan were 7,000-ton cruisers.

At that time, there was no such big guy in Japan, and the docks were crowded with people watching the liveliness.

I have to say that Li Hongzhang asked Ding Ruchang to lead the team to Nagasaki, and there must be an element of intimidation and showing off in it.

A Japanese prostitution incident triggered the Great Qing Dynasty...


On August 13, at the kind invitation of the Japanese, some sailors landed on the shore to shop and consume.

In fact, shopping consumption is fake.

At that time, Nagasaki had a famous red light district called "Maruyama Yukoku".

A Japanese prostitution incident triggered the Great Qing Dynasty...

All the brothels in Nagasaki were concentrated here, and the sailors all rushed here when they got off the boat.

Coincidentally, they went to the brothel just in time for the Japanese sister's rush hour, and if they wanted to experience the service, they had to wait in line.

They are all out of the country, the quality that should be there can not be lost, anyway, they are not in a hurry when they arrive at the door, and a few sailors will honestly line up.

But in line, this group of sailors felt that something was wrong - someone actually cut in line!

The point is that these people are not delivering food, but are just like them.

They are all prostitutes, which is also too bullying!

What's going on? Is it that we guys don't give money?

Or is the shop owner deliberately bullying us as foreigners?

I don't know who shouted: "Beat him a dog mother!" ”

The soldiers and brothers of the Great Qing Dynasty went crazy, and everything that could be seen and touched smashed all the brothel furniture.

The owner of the brothel had to call the police.

The police are a yarn, and they can't give up without enjoying the service, and the sailors draw their swords and cut at the Japanese police.

However, in the end, there were not as many people as the police, and as a result, two sailors were arrested, and the rest fled the scene.

Will you shake people? I will too.

Subsequently, the fleeing sailors got on the ship and gathered their companions, rushed into the police station and robbed people.

During the clashes, a Japanese policeman was stabbed and seriously injured.

[Admiral Ding Ruchang had ordered that sailors should not carry weapons when they landed, but the Japanese, in order to stimulate the economy, gave each of them a knife when they got off the ship to shop.] 】


August 15, 1886.

On this day, the Beiyang Marine Division was on holiday, and 450 sailors on board went ashore for sightseeing.

In order to prevent a recurrence of conflict, Ding Ruchang reiterated that no weapons would be allowed to carry ashore.

When the sailors walked to the area around the outer concession and overseas Chinese settlements, they were suddenly attacked by the citizens of Nagasaki in an "organized and premeditated" manner.

The Japanese Ronin boxer led a gang of hooligans armed with knives and sticks to deliberately crowd and provoke, and the two sides fought fiercely.

In a few moments, hundreds of prepared Japanese police blocked both ends of the street, unarmed Chinese sailors were isolated in various neighborhoods, and gangsters immediately slashed and killed with knives.

As a result, 10 people were killed on the spot, and more than 70 people were lightly and seriously injured.

This was the "Nagasaki Sailor Incident in the Qing Dynasty" that caused a huge uproar in Japan at that time.

A Japanese prostitution incident triggered the Great Qing Dynasty...

Oil paintings reflecting the events of Nagasaki


After the incident, the Beiyang Marine Division was excited.

This sub must be found back!

The four ships Dingyuan, Zhenyuan, Jiyuan, and Weiyuan quickly entered a state of war, stripped off their gun suits, and aimed the 12-inch ship's gun ports at the city of Nagasaki.

An apology must be made! Compensate for losses! Punish the perpetrators!

Lang Weili, the chief instructor of the Beiyang Marine Division, advocated a war against Japan: "Sooner or later, China and Japan will have a war, and while Japan is not yet in the country, it is better to strike first!" ”

After Li Hongzhang learned of this, he also angrily summoned the Japanese consul in Tianjin, Hatano, and said to Hatano without threat: "It is not difficult to start a war now. Our ships are anchored in your country, and the hulls and guns are indestructible and ready to be put into battle. ”

Under the planning of Li Hongzhang's senior aide and jurist Wu Tingfang, Xu Chengzu, minister to Japan, negotiated with the Japanese government on the incident itself in accordance with the international law at that time.

However, the Japanese side has made strong arguments, refused to admit its mistakes, and repeatedly delayed, hoping that the big things will be turned into small things, and it is best not to do it.

When the news came, Li Hongzhang decided to stop the negotiations and made a tough gesture that the Qing Dynasty was ready to unilaterally handle the matter.

This trick has the effect of knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger.


On January 28, 1887, the Japanese government finally announced that it would accept the mediation of the German Minister to Japan, He Liben, and put an end to the Nagasaki Incident.

According to the agreement signed by the two parties:

The two sides each compensated each other for the dead and injured, of which the Japanese side paid a total of 52,500 yuan, the Chinese side paid a total of 15,500 yuan, and the Nagasaki Hospital medical rescue fee of 2,700 yuan was paid by the Japanese side.

This is one of the few victories china has won against Japan in modern history, except for the Korean Nongwu Incident in 1882, the Koshin Incident in Korea in 1884, and the unconditional surrender of Japan in World War II.

But a thing always has to be viewed in two ways, and whatever is good, there must be harm.

Although the Nagasaki Incident ended peacefully, in the eyes of the Japanese people, it was a diplomatic invasion of Japan by the Qing Dynasty.

It greatly stimulated the nerves of the Japanese people and stimulated their "patriotic spirit".

At that time, the most favorite game for Japanese children was to "sink the Dingyuan ship", and the Japanese ship design was also targeted to target the long ship and the Zhenyuan ship.

Lang Weili once said a sentence to Liu Butou, the right wing commander of the Beiyang Marine Division: The most effective voice between countries is not negotiation, but artillery!


Originally, Japan had always wanted to invade Korea and Taiwan, but it was afraid of the powerful military strength of the Beiyang Marine Division.

Especially in the face of Dingyuan and Zhenyuan, two 7,000-ton ironclad cruisers that claim to be invincible in the Far East, the Japanese were very weak-minded.

A Japanese prostitution incident triggered the Great Qing Dynasty...


But this time, Daqing himself sent the Beiyang Marine Division to the door for the Japanese to visit.

God also made a joke with Daqing.

At that time, there happened to be a staff officer stationed in the Nishikai Town Shogunate in Nagasaki, who was a well-known and famous staff officer who later sent both the Great Qing Beiyang Naval Division and the Russian Baltic Fleet to the Amaterasu Daijin as a gift.

How could Togo Heihachiro give up such an opportunity for a close visit, he personally ran to the Dingyuan ship.

When I got on the ship, I was shocked by Dongxiang.

This is not because of the tonnage of the Dingyuan ship, Togo Heihachiro is also back from studying in Britain, he has drunk foreign ink, and the pipe belts of the Great Qing Beiyang Marine Division are also classmates.

Haven't eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run?

People have seen the world.

What startled him was the loose atmosphere that pervaded the Middle of the Beiyang Marine Division.

The sailors did not have the spirit that a soldier should have, and the deck was not clean, and there were tobacco leaves everywhere.

There is also a statue of Guan Laoye, and all kinds of messy items in the cabin smell extremely bad.

Seeing this, the Japanese took a reassuring pill.

Beginning in the 22nd year of Meiji (1889), Japan began to formulate the "Battle Plan for the Conquest of the Qing Dynasty" and completed a series of reports, including the Strategy for the Conquest of the Qing Dynasty.

It took four years, and by 1893 it had compiled two sets of plans.

Plan A deals with the Great Qing Dynasty, and Plan B deals with Lao Maozi.


Plan B has nothing to do with this article, first look at Plan A.

The first stage: Because the Qing Dynasty had a garrison in Korea at this time, the Fifth Division was first sent to Korea to contain the Qing army.

After the first stage, there are three situations, and the use of troops can continue according to the situation at that time to carry out the second stage.

The so-called three cases of A, B and C refer to:

1. The Japanese Combined Fleet acquires sea supremacy over the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea;

2. The Japanese Combined Fleet could not gain sea supremacy over the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, but the Beiyang Naval Division could not either;

3. The Beiyang Admiralty obtained the right to control the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea.

Even more meticulous planning:

In the first case, the Japanese army transported troops to the interior of the Qing Dynasty through the combined fleet, and fought a decisive battle with the Qing army in the plains near Zhili, with the greatest advantage in killing and wounding the Qing army;

In the second case, the Japanese army will strive to ensure the independence of Korea in order to act again;

In the third case, it was to assist the Fifth Division, so as not to be wrapped in dumplings by the Qing army, and at the same time to complete the defense of the mainland.

It can be said that in this plan concept, the Japanese have planned every subsequent step very clearly.

History has also evolved in almost this direction...


What was the Great Qing Kingdom doing at this time?

The Empress Lafayette's 60th birthday is coming.

In order to repair the Summer Palace and raise funds for Empress Dowager Cixi, Li Hongzhang came up with an idea, in the name of supporting the construction of the navy, to open a coastal defense donation, clearly marked the price to sell the official, and donated for three years, and received 2.12 million yuan in coastal defense donations from a province directly under it alone.

A Japanese prostitution incident triggered the Great Qing Dynasty...

Cixi and others took a group photo in front of the Summer Palace in front of the Paiyun Gate

This figure startled The Japan next door, and the whole country thought that the Qing Dynasty was going to launch an arms race, so they could only buy ships and build ships more enthusiastically.

But what they don't know is that the money for building their own warships is in practice, and the money for the Great Qing is false.

In 1893, Emperor Meiji decreed that one-tenth of the imperial budget should be set aside every year for the special purpose of paying for shipbuilding to the national treasury.

The Japanese government and the public have donated money, parliamentarians have taken the initiative to donate a quarter of their salaries, and the business community and the private sector have also launched large-scale fundraising.

From 1888 to 1894, Japan bought two more world-class warships each year.

Since 1888, the Beiyang Marine Division has never purchased a warship or replaced a single gun.

The outcome of the Sino-Japanese Naval Battle has long been predestined...

A Japanese prostitution incident triggered the Great Qing Dynasty...

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