
Emancipating the Mind Speech Contest: Creating an Extraordinary Life in Ordinary Posts - Xie Xueyang, Supervisory Committee of the District Discipline Inspection Commission

author:Qu Yuanrong Media
Emancipating the Mind Speech Contest: Creating an Extraordinary Life in Ordinary Posts - Xie Xueyang, Supervisory Committee of the District Discipline Inspection Commission

Hello everyone! Before I start my talk, I would like to share with you a fable.

A rat fell into the water tank, the elephant rescued the rat with its nose, the rat said, thank you for saving me, next time I will repay you well. The elephant thought to himself, a little mouse, what kind of ability can repay me? Before long, the elephant was caught in a trap by the hunters, and no matter how hard they struggled, they still could not escape. When the rat learned about it, it quickly ran over and bit the rope, and the elephant was finally saved. Through this fable, I learned that even ordinary people can play to their strengths and do something for society. Just as in our ordinary life, as long as we are not willing to be mediocre and have a positive attitude towards life, we can also realize the extraordinary value of life.

"Moss flowers are as small as rice, but also learn peonies to bloom." Inspired by this story, the theme of my speech today is "Creating an Extraordinary Life in an Ordinary Position".

Ordinary life is not the inaction of "two hands and one stall". Ordinariness does not mean mediocrity, and being willing to be mediocre is the real problem. In practical work, do we often use the ordinary as an excuse? For example, some cadres think that they are not well educated, unwilling to study, and have a rough leaf; some cadres feel that they are not capable, are content with idleness and do not seek progress, and have an attitude of "not caring" about everything. Comrade Lei Feng once said: "The role of a person is like a screw on a machine for the revolutionary cause. Although the screw is small, its role is immeasurable, and I would like to be a screw forever. "Screws are mundane, but the value they realize is extraordinary.

Two months ago, Xiang Kejun, secretary of the district party committee, pointed out at the mobilization meeting of the discussion activities of "emancipating the mind, innovating and doing practical work, and promoting Qu Yuan's high-quality leapfrog development" that there are still five kinds of party members and cadres with unrealistic work styles: "greedy and comfortable type, lax thinking type, floating style type, light and afraid of heavy work, and simple and rough type". To emancipate the mind and innovate and work hard, the first thing to be solved is the problem of "laziness, slowness and rudeness" among our cadres. As a cadre of the Supervision and Work Committee of the District Discipline Inspection Commission who is specially responsible for supervising the work style of the party and the government, in connection with my own work, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss with all of you how to strengthen ideals and convictions in ordinary posts, innovate and work hard, become a good cadre who is "loyal, clean, and responsible," and promote Qu Yuan's high-quality leapfrog development.

The first is to be loyal to the party and keep firmly in mind the mission. Loyalty is the first, and without this foundation, nothing else can be said. We are loyal to the party and obey the party's command, in the final analysis, we must implement it in our work, always keep in mind our original mission, and serve the people wholeheartedly. Just as Jiao Yulu, who put "the masses of the people in his heart," Wang Jicai, the "hero who guarded the island," and Qi Fabao, a hero who took root in border defense, these outstanding examples, with their faith in the lifelong struggle for the cause of communism, interpreted the extraordinary value of life in their ordinary posts. We must learn from the "example" of the example and use the firmest ideals and beliefs to catch up with the new journey.

The second is to be down-to-earth and dare to take responsibility. I remember that during the initial training of civil servants last year, a teacher once said in class, "Our party is like a towering tree, cadres are the roots, and the masses are the soil." Only by deeply rooting in the soil can we ensure the vigorous growth of this towering tree of the Party. "As discipline inspection and supervision cadres, supervision, discipline enforcement, and accountability are the main responsibilities, and punishing the former and punishing the latter, treating the sick and saving people are the fundamental purposes." If, when a problem of violating discipline occurs among party members and cadres, they cannot dare to take responsibility, face the problem head-on and warn and remind them, but instead shirk their responsibilities and fear offending others, that is dereliction of duty, that is to forget their original intentions, and to live up to the trust of the organization.

The third is to be indifferent to fame and fortune and be willing to dedicate. The old hero Zhang Fuqing made outstanding military achievements in the war years, but he hid his merits and fame all his life, and after retiring from the army and changing careers, he took the initiative to choose to work in poor mountainous areas and dedicate his life. Bow your head and don't show it, bury your head and bow down. The life choice and persistence of the elderly Zhang Fuqing truly explains the extraordinary achievements in the ordinary, and truly strives for the cause of the party and the people for life. General Secretary Xi Jinping's "no self" deals with the relationship between "public" and "private", "big me" and "small me". "No self" means indifferent to fame and fortune, willing to dedicate, requiring every party member and cadre to always bear hardships first, enjoy later, be diligent and dedicated, work hard and complain, do a good job in a down-to-earth manner, and achieve a valuable life.

Fourth, it is necessary to be strict with oneself and be cautious and cautious. In real life, we have seen that some people equate being an official with getting rich, and that "thousands of miles are only for money"; some engage in "clearly marking prices" in the trading of power and money; and some people do not refuse to accept money when they see money coming, and abandon their names as if they were badass. If you want to become an official and get rich, your view of power will naturally deviate, and "if you don't stretch your hand, you will be caught" is the inevitable result. Looking back at the corruption cases that have been investigated and punished, whether it is senior leading cadres or grass-roots officials, the inability to pass the money barrier is an important reason for the occurrence of corruption. Once they become selfish and selfish, they will step by step embark on the road of no return for using power for personal gain, and eventually they will be severely punished by party discipline and state law. In actual life and work, party members and cadres should be strict with themselves and cautious and cautious, and they should always reflect on whether their words and deeds conform to the interests of the party and the people. In the face of temptation, we must maintain a vigilant heart; in the face of interests, we must carefully consider trade-offs; in the face of human feelings, we must understand that justice is greater than private feelings; in the face of profligacy and waste, we must be concerned about the poor masses. Only when party members and cadres always have a self-disciplined heart, constantly think about the sufferings of the people, and always cultivate the virtue of government can they be a gentleman and a gentleman, calmly settle down in the heavens and the earth, and be worthy of the people's ardent expectations and the great trust of the party and the state.

Kong Fansen once said: "Always treat yourself as a pearl, you often have the pain of being buried, treat yourself as dirt." Let the crowd trample you into the road. "Let us overcome impetuous emotions, abandon selfish distractions, devote ourselves to entrepreneurship, do not pride ourselves on pearls, and pave the way for the soil, I believe that we will eventually make extraordinary achievements in the ordinary, and contribute our youth and enthusiasm to promoting Qu Yuan's high-quality leapfrog development."

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