
Tonga International Communications Limited Restoration Some of the personnel were in touch with their families

author:Beiqing Net

Communications were interrupted for several days after the eruption of an undersea volcano in Tonga, which made people with families living in Tonga anxious. Recently, communications in Tonga have been gradually restored to a limited extent, and some have finally been in contact with their families.

Pasakala, who works for a New Zealand non-governmental organization, said on the 20th that his family living in Tonga drove to a higher place to take refuge on the day of the eruption, but has not been able to contact since then. Recently, she finally got through the phone and heard the voices of her family.

Tonga International Communications Limited Restoration Some of the personnel were in touch with their families

Pasakala of Tonga: I called my mother, and although I didn't cry with joy, I was happy because I heard her voice again.

Tonga International Communications Limited Restoration Some of the personnel were in touch with their families

Tonga is in urgent need of drinking water and dust masks and other supplies

Theresia is a Tongan who has recently moved to Australia and has been trying to contact her family in Tonga since the eruption. On the 20th, she finally got in touch with her family.

Theresia of Tonga: I finally got in touch with my family and friends in Tonga yesterday and today, and it's so much fun to hear them.

Tonga International Communications Limited Restoration Some of the personnel were in touch with their families

According to What she learned, Theresa said, what Tonga needs most at the moment is drinking water, followed by dust masks and other materials that can protect against volcanic ash and air pollution. Although power and communications have improved in Tonga, communication lines on the island remain tight. Residents in some areas have begun reconstruction work.

Tonga International Communications Limited Restoration Some of the personnel were in touch with their families

Theresia of Tonga: I understand that there are still challenges in internal communications in Tonga, and that there are still attempts to get in touch with other islands, but there are tight lines of communication on the island right now, probably because after the resumption of the electricity union, everyone is trying to get in touch with the outside world. Many of the islands have been destroyed and the inhabitants of these islands are being relocated to the main island, they are very strong, they help each other to clean up buildings, roads, etc. damaged by volcanic ash.

(CCTV News)

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