
The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

author:World Military Express

During this period, the US military suppression of China has reached an unprecedented intensity. Not only were the six usable aircraft carrier strike groups and five of the amphibious combat readiness groups deployed to the Asia-Pacific region. The USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) took part in Yokosuka, Japan. The USS Carl ▪ Vinson Carrier Battle Group (CSG) and the USS Abraham ▪ Lincoln Aircraft Carrier Battle Group (CSG) USS America Amphibious Expedition Strike Group (ESG), and the USS Essex Amphibious Combat Readiness Group (ARG) are deployed in the Philippine Sea. The United States is trying to put pressure on China in a more extreme way.

The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

It's just that china has already seen this trick of the United States, and it has not achieved the effect that the United States hopes. Therefore, on the 20th, the United States dispatched the guided-missile destroyer "Benford" to illegally break into the mainland's Paracel territorial waters. Trying to provoke China to fire on US ships in this way, and then use the advantage of international discourse power to shape China into a so-called international public enemy, morally forcing Europe and other countries to make political, especially economic, cuts with China, thus completely isolating China from the rest of the world. In this way, it will not only crush China, its biggest competitor, but also return the United States to the center of the world economy. It's a brilliant trick to count birds with one stone. In order to achieve this goal, the United States will not hesitate to sacrifice the "Benford".

The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

However, China was not deceived, and the southern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army immediately organized naval and air forces to track and monitor the "Benford" and warned it to drive away. According to satellite imagery, at least one Chinese Navy guided-missile frigate, in conjunction with other forces, conducted surveillance and displacement of the U.S. guided-missile destroyer "Benford", with a distance of less than 1.5 nautical miles between the two ships.

The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

After being expelled by our army, the 7th Fleet issued a response on the 20th, rakeing at our army's legitimate act of safeguarding the sovereignty of the country's territorial waters, saying that "China's statement on this mission is wrong", "no other Chinese statement will stop us", and "according to international law reflected in the Convention on the Law of the Sea, ships of all countries, including their warships , enjoy the right to innocent passage through the territorial waters".

The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

The United States' practice of reversing black and white and beating a rake backwards afterwards has made the Chinese people indignant, and the small partners have accused the United States of playing the power trick of "3 nautical miles territorial sea" again, but in fact, this is "wronged" the United States, and the United States is actually engaged in a trick that is more concealed and more harmful than the "3-nautical-mile territorial sea", that is, from the so-called "legal theory" to negate China's territorial waters in the Xisha Sea.

Contrary to what many people believe, although the United States refuses to sign the Convention on the Law of the Sea, it is not opposed to 12 nautical-mile territorial waters. As early as 1983, the U.S. government issued the U.S. Maritime Claims, which explicitly declared compliance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, except for Chapter XI, "International Practices and Constraints on the Exploitation of Deep-Sea Resources." The United States also announced its territorial waters as 12 nautical miles in the same year, and the demarcation of the territorial waters adopted the method of "extrapolation of the coastal low-tide line" and advocated a 12-nautical-mile contiguous zone and a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone. At the same time, the United States also recognizes the equivalent territorial waters and exclusive economic zones of other countries.

However, the United States has played a "mental eye" here, that is, it only recognizes the territorial seas delimited by other countries using the method of "extrapolation of the coastal low tide line", but does not recognize the territorial seas delimited by other countries by the "straight baseline method". In fact, both of these methods are permitted by the International Convention on the Law of the Sea, and each coastal State can choose which of the two methods is most beneficial to it to delineate its territorial sea. Since the territorial sea delineated by the method of "extrapolation of the coastal low-tide line" is generally relatively small, and the territorial sea delineated by the "straight baseline method" is relatively large, most coastal countries use the "straight baseline method".

The United States then claimed to abide by the provisions of unclosed conventions that "warships have the right of innocent passage in the territorial waters of States". Obviously, this series of selective "compliance" by the United States with the Convention on the Law of the Sea provides a so-called "legal basis" for US warships to run to the territorial waters of other countries to engage in so-called "freedom of navigation."

The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

The mainland in the Paracel Islands is naturally a territorial sea delimited by the "straight baseline method", and the sea area inside the island is all the territorial sea of the mainland. But the United States just does not admit it, claiming that the sea between the islands of the Paracel Islands should be high seas according to the "extrapolation of the low-tide line of the coast". Therefore, the fact that US warships have repeatedly illegally intruded into the territorial waters of the mainland in the Paracels is a reason created by the United States. Obviously, the intrusion of US warships into the territorial waters of our Paracel Islands is a naked violation of the mainland's territorial sovereignty.

As for the frequent illegal intrusion of US warships into China's Paracel territorial waters, it is useless to simply monitor and drive away and protest afterwards, and firing at US warships will only aggravate the trap of the United States. So how should it be handled? The author thinks it is possible to refer to the practice of the former Soviet Union/Russia and hit it once. Taking the famous soviet frigate crashing into the Us guided-missile cruiser "Yorktown" as an example, it was this collision of the former Soviet Union that the United States and the Soviet Union quickly signed an agreement afterwards, recognizing the harmless right of passage of the other warship in their own territorial waters without prior application or approval. The biggest beneficiary of this agreement is the former Soviet Union/Russia, because this is equivalent to the United States recognizing the territorial waters of the former Soviet Union/Russia.

Obviously, the mainland also needs to use such an impact to force the United States to sit down and negotiate with us and sign a similar harmless adoption agreement, fundamentally breaking the so-called "legal" basis for the United States to provoke the sovereignty of the mainland's territorial waters in the Paracels, and completely putting an end to the PROVOC acts of the United States against the mainland's territorial waters sovereignty over the Xishas.

The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

The second countermeasure adopted by the mainland is to hold the second trilateral maritime joint military exercise with Russia and Iran in the Gulf of Oman from the 18th to the 20th. The mainland sent the 052D guided-missile destroyer "Urumqi", the integrated supply ship "Taihu" and 40 marines to participate in the exercise.

The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

In addition to demonstrating the good will and ability of the three sides to jointly safeguard maritime security and actively build a "community of maritime destiny," this trilateral military exercise naturally has a deeper purpose. The first is all-round deterrence against the United States. Politically, China, Russia, and Iran are the three biggest rivals the United States has built to maintain its global hegemony. The joint military exercises of the three largest adversaries are naturally seen by the United States as a political warning to them.

Secondly, militarily, the choice to hold this trilateral joint military exercise in the gulf of Oman is also a strong response to the US Navy's heavy troops gathering in the South China Sea during this period. As a global energy center and the core of US oil hegemony, the persian gulf is comparable to the position of the South China Sea in China's heart, which can be said to be related to the rise and fall of US global hegemony. Since the United States is trying to contain China by making trouble in the South China Sea, it must naturally be prepared to be the lifeblood of its oil hegemony being pinched by China. After all, in terms of military strength, the US Navy is certainly the world's first, but China's naval strength is not bad, the key is the host Iran, and Russia's cooperation, a "parity" can still be done. From the perspective of energy security, most of China's oil is imported from abroad, and the Middle East accounts for the vast majority, so this time to participate in military exercises in the Persian Gulf, there are also considerations for defending energy security in the future.

The United States has gathered unprecedented military strength in the Asia-Pacific region, and the military exercises between China and Russia and Iran in the Persian Gulf have drawn salaries from the United States

Finally, the so-called "coming and going without being rude"! In addition to passive defense and joint military exercises, we should also make full use of the rights granted by the Convention on the Law of the Sea to regularly and irregularly send warships to the territorial waters of the United States to conduct free navigation, so that the United States can also feel the attention from the Chinese Navy.

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