
The words "great cold" and "cold" actually came from this way, and I have to admire the ancients' ability to create words

author:Discipline Network

Today's share: Big Cold

January 20th, the Great Cold, is also the last of the twenty-four solar terms. The great cold comes at the end of the year, winter goes to spring, and once the great cold passes, a new cycle begins.

The words "great cold" and "cold" actually came from this way, and I have to admire the ancients' ability to create words

"The Great Han Yin"

[Song] Shao Yong

The old snow has not yet subsided, and the new snow has been crowded.

Frozen silver bed in front of the steps, ice stalactites at the eaves.

The sun is shining, and the wind is raging.

The population has its own tongue, and the words cannot be spit out.

The festival of "great cold" is not only the festival of enjoying the plum and watching the snow, but also the moment when the cold tide continues to go south and let people wrap up the quilt. The arrival of the great cold has made the meaning of "cold" come to the face, and the birth of the word "cold" has also been interpreted.

The words "great cold" and "cold" actually came from this way, and I have to admire the ancients' ability to create words

Image source: "A Thousand Words"

In the "Explanation of Words", it is written: "Cold, frozen also." From the man under the bow, with the recommendation of the man, there is the bottom. The simple explanation is: cold, cold air freeze people; the glyph uses the meaning of "宀、人, 茻,仌", indicating the use of grass mattress cushion cover, the lower part of the glyph has "仌" to indicate that the weather cold water is frozen.

From the ancient text, the "cold" character's treasure cover represents the house, the same as the word "home", so now most of the characters with the treasure cover are related to "home"; and there are four 屮 (草) in the house, so in the seal book and the Lishu, most of the cursive characters are written "屮屮"; in the middle is a person; and the bottom of the person is 仌 (tongbing, pronounced the same as ice). To connect the above meaning is to sleep in a grass nest alone, with cold feet, so it is "cold".

Cold is a feeling that people can feel but can't see. So the ancients used the above four forms to create this word, and people bent indoors to avoid the cold with grass, indicating that the weather was very cold. Meaning: cold, cold; this is a true portrayal of the poor in ancient times. Later, it was extended to the meaning of poverty, such as Du Fu's "Song of the Hut Broken by the Autumn Wind", "There are thousands of mansions in Ande, and the cold people in the world are happy." ”

The four "grasses" in the letter of cold have become three horizontal and two vertical, and the ice has made two points, so it is the "cold" word we see today. In this way, the ancients' ability to create words is really a must!

"Cold" originally means cold, "big cold" solar terms, as the name suggests, of course, is also a festival that is indispensable to various cold measures! "Big cold and big cold, hug a bunch", in such an important opportunity of "winter Tibet to spring life", Xiaobian gives everyone a trick - eat "three winters", drink "four teas", prevent "five colds", happy and healthy New Year!

Big Cold "Eat Three Winters"

The words "great cold" and "cold" actually came from this way, and I have to admire the ancients' ability to create words

Folk have the tradition of eating "three winters" in the cold, it should be noted that the "three winters" are cool, do not eat too much at a time, do not eat raw, can be added when cooking or soup.

(1) Winter melon: The dietary fiber content of winter melon is high, which can help reduce blood sugar and lower blood lipids, and also has a good therapeutic effect on patients with hypertension.

(2) Winter jujube: Chinese medicine believes that winter jujube has a sweet taste and a flat nature, which can benefit the heart, moisturize the lungs, combine the spleen, strengthen the stomach, nourish the blood and calm the spirit. Winter jujube is rich in vitamin C and a variety of essential amino acids, which can improve human immunity and prevent colds.

(3) Winter sugarcane: Winter sugarcane can replenish blood and dryness, not only refreshing, but also clearing heat, lowering the air, replenishing the lungs and stomach. Moreover, sugarcane is sweet and sweet, and it can be added to the dish to increase the flavor and freshness.

Big Cold "Drink Four Teas"

The words "great cold" and "cold" actually came from this way, and I have to admire the ancients' ability to create words

The winter in the north has always been dry, although the cold has entered the end of winter, but the weather has not yet undergone a major reversal, so drink more health tonic tea, not only the taste is wonderful, but also can replenish water, nourish the body.

(1) Ginger jujube tea: Ginger jujube tea since ancient times is a folk warm stomach cold remedy, with warm in the cold, back to the yang pulse, tonify the blood and healthy qi, dry and wet anti-inflammatory effect, after drinking can promote blood vessel dilation, warm body to drive away the cold, the whole body has a sense of warmth.

(2) Osmanthus tea: Osmanthus tea has the effect of warming yang qi, whitening skin, detoxifying the body, coughing up phlegm, and maintaining health and moisturizing the lungs.

(3) Mai Dong tea: Mai Dong tea can nourish the yin, moisten the lungs, remove annoyance, benefit the stomach, thirst, often drink can also prevent dry throat, taste slightly sweet, taste better, suitable for children, the elderly and other people with weak spleen and stomach often eat.

(4) Pu'er tea: Pu'er tea has the effect of nourishing the stomach, clearing heat, detoxification, and warming the stomach, which is most suitable for drinking in the cold season, and long-term drinking can also nourish the liver and choleretic, clear the liver and eyes, strengthen the limbs, dredge the meridians, and refresh the brain.

Big cold "five cold prevention"

The words "great cold" and "cold" actually came from this way, and I have to admire the ancients' ability to create words

Although the weather is getting warmer after the big cold, it is equally important to prevent the cold during the big cold, and it is also important to remember the "five colds".

(1) Neck cold: wear a scarf and wear a standing collar

(2) Anti-nasal cold: Rub your nose with cold water in the morning

(3) Anti-lung cold: drink hot porridge to disperse cold

(4) Waist cold: Rub your hands on your waist to warm up your qi and blood

(5) Foot cold: often do foot bath

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