
Xinhua all-media + | tiger head tiger brain! Why did this tiger "fire" for three thousand years


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With the advent of the Year of the Tiger, the sale of Lihou Hu, a national intangible cultural heritage in Licheng County, Shanxi Province, entered the peak season.

Xinhua all-media + | tiger head tiger brain! Why did this tiger "fire" for three thousand years

In the studio of Li Xiaomei, a non-hereditary heir, workers are nervously rushing to make Li Houhu.

The smallest LiHouhu is only the size of an egg.

In these three months, just such a studio of more than 100 people has undertaken orders for 3,000 Li Houhu.

Xinhua all-media + | tiger head tiger brain! Why did this tiger "fire" for three thousand years

As early as 1998, Li Houhu was selected as the pattern of the Zodiac stamp because of his cuteness and exquisite craftsmanship.

Xinhua all-media + | tiger head tiger brain! Why did this tiger "fire" for three thousand years

In fact, the local love for tigers can be traced back to the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, which are nearly 3,000 years old, and the jade tigers found by archaeology can be corroborated.

Xinhua all-media + | tiger head tiger brain! Why did this tiger "fire" for three thousand years

Nowadays, the jade tiger has evolved into a cloth tiger that integrates folk paper-cutting, embroidery, face sculpture and other artistic elements.

Xinhua all-media + | tiger head tiger brain! Why did this tiger "fire" for three thousand years

In addition to ornaments, a series of cultural and creative products have also been derived, such as Lihou tiger belly pocket, tiger head hat, tiger head shoes, tiger pillow and so on.

Licheng County adopts the processing and sales model of "company + farmer", and there are currently four leading enterprises, with an annual output of more than 50,000 Lihou tigers and an output value of more than 3 million yuan.

Xinhua all-media + | tiger head tiger brain! Why did this tiger "fire" for three thousand years

Reporter: Ma Zhiyi, Lu Mengqi, Wang Xuetao

Reporter: He Yuxuan

Edit: Tian Tian

Soundtrack: Yang Sainan,"Bu Tiger"

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

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