
You escaped a lot of heartache, but you also missed countless joys – "The Daughter Who Doesn't Exist"

author:Healing journey celadon

"Non-Existent Daughter" is the work of American writer Kim Edwards, and the main story is about the family changes and self-redemption of a husband after abandoning his daughter with Down syndrome for more than twenty years.

The story begins on a blizzard night in the winter of 1964, because of the early arrival of the child, the couple can only drive hard in the heavy blizzard, although the danger is fraught, and finally there is no danger to the clinic where the husband works, but the doctor who delivered the baby was trapped in the middle of the road because of the blizzard and could not arrive, and finally had to be delivered by the husband who was an orthopedic surgeon himself, when the husband saw the birth of his son, he was very excited and happy, proud that he and his wife could have such a healthy child. He thought that today could be a perfect end, but what he did not expect was that his wife struck with another wave of pain, at which time he realized that there was a child in his wife's belly, and when he picked up the girl who arrived unexpectedly with a surprise, he was stunned, and found that the girl was a Down's disease patient, he became a little helpless, struggling and tangled in pain for a while, he hid from his wife who was still sleeping in anesthesia, called his right-hand man, a nurse who had a crush on him, Let her send the child away and lie to her wife that the girl is dead, and their story begins with this lie.

Because of this lie, the originally loving couple has become a strange road. Because of guilt and self-blame, the husband did not dare to face his wife and son, and was worried that he would lose his beloved wife and the home he had painstakingly run after the truth was exposed, so he chose to escape, anesthetizing himself with work and photography. And the wife has not been able to get out of the pain of losing her beloved daughter, she is obsessed with the daughter she has never met, maybe the mother and daughter are connected, she always feels that her daughter is still alive, she began to drink alcohol in order to anesthetize her own pain, the husband and wife also went farther and farther, although they can see each other, but they can no longer see each other, and finally she chose to cheat in emptiness and loneliness. And the son, who has been neglected by his father and overprotected by his mother, has also embarked on the path of rebellion in this tearing pain.

The male protagonist's non-acceptance of his flawed daughter stems from his original family, in fact, he is squeezing out his own childhood, he projects his unhappy childhood onto his daughter, so he feels that he sent his daughter away, that is, for the happiness of his wife and son, his mother and his own misfortune is because he has an unhealthy sister, he does not want his wife and son to repeat the mistakes of his mother and himself.

At that time, he loved and hated his sister and family, because the family was poor, and there was a sister who was sick and died at any time, and his parents put all their energy on his sister, and he began to run for life at a young age, and lacked love. When he was a child, his biggest dream was to leave the home that made him hate and get himself out of poverty, so he studied hard from an early age, hoping to make himself stand out. Now that he finally has a career and a happy home, he can't let the misfortunes of his childhood hinder his current happiness again.

However, what he did not expect was that it was because of his escape, it seemed that he and his family escaped from the pain he had suffered, but he let himself and the person he loved fall into the whirlpool of pain brought about by the secret, and he finally hurt himself and hurt the people he loved with different means of harm, and finally let happiness and love be gradually consumed by the estrangement.

Caroline said to David, "You escaped a lot of heartache, but you also missed countless joys. ”

This is what the nurse said to the man, and the nurse quietly took the girl away because she could not bear to leave the infant girl in the institution without temperature. In this way, she became an unmarried mother, although it was not easy for her to live with an unhealthy child, but her wholehearted love made the girl grow up in happiness and happiness, just like she said to the male protagonist, although she accompanied the girl to grow up and experienced a lot of pain and suffering, but the girl also brought her a lot of fun and joy as a mother.

When an otherwise happy, consummate marriage has a secret, it will not end well in the end. The family is not a person, but the family members share, some pain needs to be faced with each other, some tribulations need to be supported by each other to walk together, although it will be difficult and difficult, but as long as each other can carry firm love and faith, they can be painful and happy, that is, to redeem themselves, but also to redeem the loved ones.



You escaped a lot of heartache, but you also missed countless joys – "The Daughter Who Doesn't Exist"

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