
U.S. Congressmen got Chinese masks and complained that they couldn't understand the "instruction manual", and netizens directly taught ...

Source: World Wide Web

Seeing that the KN95 masks issued by Congress are printed with "Made in China", US lawmakers have ideas again.

U.S. Republican Rep. Brian Steele from Wisconsin posted a photo on his Twitter on the 20th local time. The main body of the photo is a KN95 mask with the words "MADE IN CHINA" printed on it, next to which comes a product certificate with Chinese information and a corresponding English translation. ↓

U.S. Congressmen got Chinese masks and complained that they couldn't understand the "instruction manual", and netizens directly taught ...

Still, Steele said: "Speaker Pelosi has issued N-95 masks to every House office. Unfortunately, I couldn't read the instructions. ”

Steele's "don't understand" quickly triggered a large number of netizens to ridicule, and some people corrected and ridiculed him under his message, admitting that he could not even understand English, "really brave". ↓

U.S. Congressmen got Chinese masks and complained that they couldn't understand the "instruction manual", and netizens directly taught ...

"This is a certificate of conformity, not an instruction manual, this is KN95, not N-95. But you also admit that you don't know English, which is so brave."

Others mimic his sarcasm: "I'm so desperate for attention, I'm going to pretend I'm too stupid, it's been two years since the pandemic and I don't know how to wear a mask." ”↓

U.S. Congressmen got Chinese masks and complained that they couldn't understand the "instruction manual", and netizens directly taught ...

More netizens directly opened their mouths to teach him: "You just put it on, man." You'll be fine. ”

U.S. Congressmen got Chinese masks and complained that they couldn't understand the "instruction manual", and netizens directly taught ...

Others are even more desperate, listing detailed steps to wear a mask to satirize him. ↓

U.S. Congressmen got Chinese masks and complained that they couldn't understand the "instruction manual", and netizens directly taught ...

"It's so simple that kids know how to use it, so why can't you, smart guy?" 1. Cover your nose and mouth with it. 2. Put the earrings on your ears. (Yes, make 1 lap on each ear) 3. Pinch the nose (outer) patch to make it wear tightly. 4. Breathe. Truth be told, all the problems we face, this is ???! ”

U.S. Congressmen got Chinese masks and complained that they couldn't understand the "instruction manual", and netizens directly taught ...

"1. Place one earring behind your left ear. 2. Place the other earring behind your right ear. 3. Cover your nose and mouth with a mask. 4. The metal sheet should be above the nose. If not, turn it upside down. 5. Breathe. 6. Exhale. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 continuously. You're welcome. ”

Some anti-China voices in the United States have recently frequently sensationalized around "Made in China" masks. Us right-wing media Fox News said on the 13th that it obtained a photo of the KN95 mask distributed by the House of Representatives to the members of the House, and said that now the members of the House must wear masks to be allowed to enter the House building. ↓

U.S. Congressmen got Chinese masks and complained that they couldn't understand the "instruction manual", and netizens directly taught ...

The report then quoted Rep. Brad Winstrup, chairman of the Republican Doctors' Caucus from Ohio, as saying that the United States "poses a greater risk to the health of our people by unsafe supply chains." "The fact that the masks we are required to wear in the U.S. Congress are 'Made in China' is just one example of how we cannot protect Americans without relying on our adversaries." "These Chinese-made masks further highlight the need for us to separate from [China]." Our national security and our health depend on this. Winstrup claimed. Other politicians have also taken the opportunity to smear China.

Ironically, these US lawmakers have frequently complained about the mask problem, but the mutation of the new coronavirus Olmicoren strain has accelerated in the United States, the epidemic in the United States has rebounded seriously, and a number of epidemic indicators have repeatedly set new records. According to the statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of new confirmed cases of new coronavirus in the United States on January 18 exceeded 1 million again, reaching 1060747 cases, which is the third time that the number of confirmed cases of new coronavirus in the United States has exceeded one million since this month. Up to now, the cumulative number of confirmed covid-19 cases in the United States has exceeded 69.27 million, and the cumulative number of deaths has exceeded 860,000.

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