
Who is the richest American in history? The world-famous financial magazine "Forbes" gave the answer, that is, John F. D Rockefeller. In order to accurately reflect the rich people on the list

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Who is the richest American in history? The world-famous financial magazine "Forbes" gave the answer, that is, John F. D Rockefeller. To accurately reflect the impact of the richest people on the U.S. economy, Forbes converted everyone's personal assets into 2006 dollars against the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) at the time. Therefore, if John F. Kennedy D. Rockefeller is still alive, and his personal assets will be several times that of Bill Gates.

Wander the streets of New York and savor the past glory of the Rockefeller family: JPMorgan Chase & Co., Rockefeller Center, The Rockefeller Foundation, Museum of Modern Art, and Rockefeller University, one of the world's leading cities in the life sciences. The legacy of The Elder Rockefeller still dominates the world's oil industry, and he himself is a personified symbol of today's omnipresent and omnipotent Western oil industry.

Throughout his long life, people have had mixed reputations for him, with some seeing him as nothing more than an ambitious, mercenary entrepreneur and others complimenting him as a generous philanthropist. He is one of the most controversial figures in modern business history. On the one hand, standard oil company he founded, at its peak, monopolized 80% of the refining industry and 90% of the tubing business in the United States. Rockefeller, on the other hand, was a deep Believer in Christianity, and the foundation named after him, with a total donation of up to $500 million, was committed to the purpose of "benefiting mankind around the world."

Most of the rich in the early days of the United States succeeded by chance, but only John F. Kennedy was the only one who could succeed. D. Rockefeller is an exception. He was not multi-talented, but unusually calm, shrewd, and far-sighted, and with his own unique courage and means, he started from scratch and built his huge oil empire step by step. Rockefeller said, "If I were to be stripped naked and left in the middle of the desert, as long as a caravan of camels passed by — I could rebuild the whole dynasty."

For Chinese, "rich but not more than 3 generations" seems to be an iron law, but the Rockefeller family has lasted for 6 generations since its inception, and there is still no sign of decadence and decline. This is closely related to their concept of wealth and the education of their children from an early age, and their families advocate frugality and are keen to create wealth.

As a child, Rockefeller knew how to raise turkeys and then take them to the market to sell for money. In his youth entrepreneurship, due to poor capital turnover, he borrowed money from his father and gladly accepted the 10% interest rate. In the Rockefeller family, there was never money for free, and a penny was exchanged for their own labor, and this belief made the family prosperous. Rockefeller said, "The ability to make money is a gift from God to the Rockefeller family." In fact, talent is one thing, and excellent family education is the key factor in truly achieving great things. From the letter written by the elder Rockefeller to his son John Jr., we can see how carefully he corrected the mistakes of the next generation and gave him wise guidance.

Rockefeller once owed a friend 5 cents to find change, and the friend told him not to be polite, but he insisted on putting the coin in the pocket of a friend and solemnly said, "This is 1 dollar for a full year of interest." Thus, all wealth myths have a story behind them, and so does the Rockefellers. Rockefeller's great wealth came from his careful grasping of every penny, and every penny should be used in the right place, which may be the secret of Rockefeller's construction of such a huge edifice of wealth. And it is undoubtedly a blessing that we can see the handwriting left by this wise man, and standing on the shoulders of giants, we can see farther. Let us in this book trace the source of wisdom behind wealth and draw on the powerful motivation of life's struggle!

Who is the richest American in history? The world-famous financial magazine "Forbes" gave the answer, that is, John F. D Rockefeller. In order to accurately reflect the rich people on the list

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