
Chen Fen, member of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and first-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism: The development of cultural tourism has inserted the wings of science and technology, and a number of smart tourism scenic spots will be built

author:Modern Express

Modern Express News In 2022, cultural tourism resources are plugged into the wings of scientific and technological figures, and "Water Rhyme Jiangsu" is constantly filed. Among the ten key tasks specified in this year's government work report, "accelerating the construction of a culturally strong province and continuously meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses" is an important content. On January 21, Chen Fen, a member of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a first-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said in an interview with the Modern Express that this year will actively cultivate new formats and models for the development of cultural tourism, create new demand and new scenarios for cultural tourism consumption, enrich the new functions and new means of cultural tourism supervision, and drive the high-quality development of cultural tourism as a whole with digital transformation.

Chen Fen, member of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and first-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism: The development of cultural tourism has inserted the wings of science and technology, and a number of smart tourism scenic spots will be built

△ Chen Fen

The application field of "smart cultural tourism" is becoming more and more extensive

The application fields of smart cultural tourism are becoming more and more extensive, including smart supervision of cultural tourism venues, safety supervision and digital display of museum cultural relics, and smart cultural tourism services. "Cultural tourism resources are using scientific and technological digital means to stimulate new vitality and show new charm." Chen Fen said.

In terms of the smart supervision of cultural tourism venues, at present, the Jiangsu smart cultural tourism platform has unified the collection of 83.62 million cultural tourism data in the province, realizing the real-time passenger flow monitoring of 597 tourist scenic spots and 764 rural tourism points, and the next step is to work hard to improve data and functions to achieve full coverage of smart supervision.

In the safety supervision and digital display of cultural relics in museums, the digital culture service system with digital libraries, wisdom museums, and public cultural clouds as the main body and the "Su Xinyou" smart cultural tourism service platform have been built, with a cumulative service of more than 170 million. Strengthen the digital protection and management of cultural relics for museums, and gradually realize the controllable and traceable information and flow of cultural relics in the collection.

In terms of smart cultural tourism services, we encourage the development of new cultural tourism products such as cloud performing arts, cloud exhibitions, cloud viewing, cloud live broadcasting and digital art, and immersive experience to make cultural tourism resources come alive, and realize the online reach and precision marketing of cultural tourism products. Pay attention to the social security card cultural tourism "one card" as a key project to do practical things to promote, through the social security card, ID card, park code, health code, itinerary code and other multi-code integration certification, take the lead in realizing one card access and same city treatment, and further improve the quality of service and management of the cultural tourism industry.

The theater and smart tourism scenic spot that do not end the curtain are worth looking forward to

In the future, a number of "theaters that do not end the curtain", "squares that do not stop performing" and "exhibitions that do not end" will soon be born. At the same time, intelligent services such as electronic maps, audio guides, and cloud queuing will be popularized, and a number of smart tourism scenic spots, tourist resorts, villages, towns and cities will be built, making it more convenient to travel.

"We will broaden the application scenarios and communication channels of digital services, promote the digital transformation and development of excellent cultural resources, strengthen the integration of online and offline consumption, and develop digital creativity, digital entertainment, digital art and other industries." Chen Fen said.

Jiangsu will realize the "digitization" of cultural tourism resources in the province, the "wisdom" of cultural tourism work, the "one-click communication" of public services, and the "full coverage" of industry supervision. "We will promote the linkage and sharing of smart cultural tourism in the province, implement the function improvement project of Jiangsu smart cultural tourism platform, integrate and share the thematic databases of culture and tourism, cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage in the province, and promote the unified management of star-rated travel agencies, key entertainment venues, performance business units and immovable cultural relics points into the platform." Chen Fen revealed.

In the next stage, Jiangsu will also improve the scientific and technological innovation system in the field of cultural tourism, support the construction of a number of key laboratories of ministries and provinces, national tourism science and technology demonstration parks, national cultural and technological integration demonstration bases, and national cultural and tourism science and technology innovation projects, especially to increase the research and development of intelligent scene perception, human-computer interaction, holographic exhibition, immersive experience and other technologies in the field of cultural tourism, and create new digital formats, new subjects and new models with cultural and tourism characteristics.

"Facing the '14th Five-Year Plan', we feel more and more that digital technology has brought broad prospects for the development of cultural tourism." Chen Fen said.

"One Card" packages cultural tourism resources, and the "Water Rhyme Jiangsu" tourism annual card will be launched

"One card packages" the cultural and tourism resources in the province, and citizens and tourists can use a social security card to "brush open" the door of various cultural and tourism venues in the province.

Chen Fen introduced that the Department of Culture and Tourism of Jiangsu Province and the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security have promoted the application of the "one card" of social security card cultural tourism, and have taken the lead in proposing the work model of "departmental linkage, provincial and municipal linkage, and cross-regional linkage" in the country, and are guaranteed by the provincial overall planning, design and solution of technical, standard and financial problems.

"One Card" focuses on the integration of resources, and cooperates with social security, transportation, disease control, government affairs, emergency response, meteorology and other departments to promote the convergence and compatibility of service systems to achieve data interconnection. With the social security card as the carrier and relying on its various functions, we will develop in-depth application products such as "cultural tourism + health care", "cultural tourism + transportation" and "cultural tourism + finance". Through the comprehensive application of social security cards in public libraries, art galleries, cultural centers, museum admissions and tourist attractions, we will expand intelligent and customized cultural tourism consumption, promote card-holding consumption discounts, and further stimulate people's willingness to spend cultural tourism.

In the next step, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism will also rely on the "one card" of social security card cultural tourism to explore the launch of a unified logo, unified price, and unified standard "Water Rhyme Jiangsu" tourism annual card, promote the cross-regional aggregation of cultural tourism products and gradually achieve the same city treatment, so that passenger flow "moves", let people "gather" up, and let the market "fire".

Modern Express + reporter Hu Yumei Liu Jingyan

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