
More than 1.3 million cases of covid-19 infection surged in 3 days France announced a timetable for lifting restrictions

Source: Overseas Network

On January 20, local time, French Prime Minister Jean Castet and Health Minister Olivier Veyland held a press conference to announce the timetable for the gradual removal of restrictions.

According to the "Le Figaro" report, French President Macron presided over the epidemic prevention meeting on the morning of the 20th, and government spokesman Gabriel Attar said at a subsequent press conference that the new crown virus is still spreading in France, the epidemic situation is still tense, the number of daily infections is still quite considerable, but the number of seriously ill patients has decreased, France has avoided a catastrophic situation through mass vaccination of the new crown vaccine, and the government is promoting economic recovery, "The French can look forward to the future with confidence." While it is not yet time to lift restrictions, Gabriel Attar confirmed that the upcoming "vaccine pass" will allow France to ease its current restrictions.

Jean Castel and Olivier Veyland introduced at a press conference that night that from January 24, France will launch the "Vaccine Pass" and the scope of COVID-19 intensive vaccination will also be extended to all minors between the ages of 12 and 17. There is no need to rely on the "vaccine pass" to enter the medical institution, and minors between the ages of 12 and 15 can continue to keep the "health pass", that is, continue to recognize the negative certificate of the new crown test. To encourage COVID-19 vaccination, people who have received their first dose of the vaccine before 15 February can activate the "Vaccine Pass" immediately, but it must be supplemented with a negative COVID-19 test certificate within 24 hours to enter the place where the pass was introduced, and a second dose must be given within a month. If the epidemic indicators in France decline, the government will cancel the "vaccine pass" as soon as sanitary conditions permit.

According to the timetable for lifting restrictions, from February 2, France proposes to adopt a remote work model but no longer mandatory to work remotely at least three days a week, no longer mandatory to wear masks outdoors, and abolish the quantitative restrictions on reception public institutions such as theaters and sports venues but must wear masks. From 16 February, nightclubs will reopen, bar counters at bars will reopen, and eating and drinking at stadiums, cinemas and public transport will be re-permitted. At the beginning of this week, more than 17,000 classes in France were closed, accounting for 3.2% of the total number of classes, and the government may consider relaxing the campus health protocol after returning from the February holiday.

From the 18th to the 20th, the number of people infected with the new crown in France was 464769, 436167, and 425183, and 1326119 cases were added within three days. Jean Castel pointed out that France is going through a difficult stage, the number of new infections is staggering, although the Delta mutation of the new crown virus began to subside, and the infection indicators of Aumicron in parts of the Paris region began to decline, but this wave of the epidemic is not over, and it is necessary to continue to promote the new crown vaccine and strengthen vaccination.

The United Kingdom announced on the 19th that it will lift the restrictions from the 27th. French epidemiologist Didier Pitté believes that the UK's choice is more for political reasons than on the health situation, the epidemic situation in France is more severe, and if political decisions and health decisions are confused, the risk is greater, "We are still at the peak of this wave of the epidemic." French infectious disease scientist Benjamin Rossi said that it is necessary to learn to manage the epidemic crisis in a sustainable way, and he believes that the relaxation of restrictions should not be considered at this time, "France confirms about 500,000 cases of new crown infection every day, and the situation in hospitals is complicated." So in my opinion, lifting restrictions now is not the most logical thing to do. French infectious disease scientist Benjamin Davido said on the 20th that the number of seriously ill patients in France has declined, but it must be cautious in lifting restrictions, and health policies should be agreed at the European level. (Overseas Network - Paris - Lujia)

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