
Irving of the Immortals, what level of offense is it?

author:Entertaining stories

Owen Sai Immortal, everyone knows. The Nets have Irving and no Irving, and that's two teams. The superposition between giants is never a simple 1+1>2. Why? Because with Irving, Harden became more threatening. Previously it was possible to be bold in the bag, and now it is necessary to prevent Harden from passing the ball to Irving in advance, forming a tactic. That's what Irving is worth at the Nets, and even if he doesn't attack, he's a point of no-nonsense scoring threat on the side alone. Seeing this, some people may ask, most of Irving's threats to the team come from their own offense, that is, scoring. But after all these years, Irving doesn't seem to have won a scoring champion. What is Irving's scoring level among the active superstars?

Irving of the Immortals, what level of offense is it?

In fact, it is understandable that Irving did not get the scoring king, because his team is not a single-player mode of operation that is purely based on a player. The early Irving was the first core of the Cavaliers, but Irving at this stage was not mature and his scoring ability was still relatively weak, so he could not enter the ranks of scoring kings. After James' return, Irving slowly grew up. But we all know that as long as there is a team with James, he is the number one core in itself. So although Irving's use in the Cavaliers' later stages has increased, even to the highest point of his career of 30%, he does not have much scoring authority at his disposal. During this period, Irving actually took on part of the assist task. The ball often needs to be given away, not just in the hands of one person.

Why can a player of the same period get the top scorer? Because the team's scoring points are relatively single. For example, the Thunder three youngsters after the parting of the way, each of them is the core point of the team's scoring. Needless to say, Harden and Westbrook are both teams built around them. Three people combined, Then Durant is the first core, and Curry at this stage also occupies a major position in the Warriors. In this context, Irving is unlikely to get the scoring king. When it came to Celtic and the Nets, the team's layout was also adjusted.

Irving of the Immortals, what level of offense is it?

Since the Celtics era, all teams with Irving have basically been equipped with different cores. So, while Irving can help the team win, he can't always control the right to score. There is another way of saying that Irving has a history of sustained injuries, so the time spent and the efficiency of use in the future must be strictly controlled. For these reasons, it's understandable that Irving hasn't won the scoring headlines in previous seasons. As for whether it can be obtained in the future, the probability is also impossible.

But if you say that Owen is not capable enough to get the scoring king, this statement cannot be accepted. Irving is the most skilled player in the league at this stage, and there is no one. According to the original plan, or according to the development of ordinary players in their careers, Irving's final stage in the Cavaliers should be the period when he is most likely to win the scoring king, and as we analyzed earlier, Irving has become a member of a championship team during this period. In front of the championship, the role and significance of the score are not great. And for Irving, the championship is his goal, and personal honor is not important. This has led to the fact that in the next few years, Irving will only provide strong firepower support to the team at critical moments, and you can understand that Irving is not so interested in this kind of personal honor promotion now.

Irving of the Immortals, what level of offense is it?

So which grade does Irving's own offense belong to? Let's give you a few data. Irving's free throw shooting percentage is 90 percent, his mid-range shooting percentage is 50 percent, and his three-point shooting percentage is 40 percent. Are the players of club 180 familiar to everyone? Yes, Curry, Nash, Durant, Middleton are all players in this category. The biggest difference between Irving and these players is that Irving is a pure, ball-holding offense player. Friends who have played basketball know that players who are mainly characterized by holding the ball are not as efficient in scoring as players without the ball. Because the stability of holding the ball is worse, it is impossible to be as efficient as not having a ball. From this point of view, Irving does have somehow better than other players in the same position. How many players whose main style of play is ball possession can do this? Almost nothing.

Having said that Irving's personal ability, we need to talk about the Nets' need for Irving. Some people say that it doesn't really matter whether Irving is in Brooklyn or not, because Irving himself has overlapping parts with Durant and Harden. This argument only holds up in a certain sense. Why? If you think of these three giants as a parallel crossover relationship, that's certainly the case. All three are super scorers, and getting together is somewhat contradictory. In the Nets, the three men are not the task assignments that everyone envisions.

Irving of the Immortals, what level of offense is it?

First of all, the first point is that the three people are each doing their own work. Harden is the outside pull point and organizational conductor, and is the brain of the team. Owen is the sharp knife responsible for tearing apart opponents, which is very similar to the role of the knighthood, while Durant is the grim reaper at the end, usually appearing at the last critical moment. Using this division of roles to measure the Nets, the value distribution of the team and the relationship between the players are very clear.

Second, just by looking at offense, Irving can bring more space to the team, thus driving the team's second echelon. It is undeniable that the Nets still have a lot of bench players worth paying attention to, such as Mi shen, such as Ade. Are these players capable? At this stage, they are also an important part of the team. Irving's ability to break through the defensive line can give these four positions with autonomous offensive capabilities more space, while helping shooters who are ambushed on the outside. Space is something that all teams need, and Irving happens to be able to provide the most support. With Irving taking on thirty minutes of playing time, Harden and Durant are less stressed and the performance of the game can reach a new level. Therefore, this is the meaning of the big three.

Irving of the Immortals, what level of offense is it?

Speaking of Owen Racing Immortals, on the one hand, is his mentality, and Irving, who has a championship, does have a bit of a disregard for the meaning. Just for the ideal in his heart, if he didn't win the championship that year, maybe he was the one who was diligent and earnest on the field at this stage. On the other hand, Irving's abilities do stand out. I'm trying to find a replacement in the league, and I'm sorry, but I can't find it.