
The beautiful female colleague offended a customer, the customer came to the door, the mediation was fruitless, and threatened to cancel all orders, unless the female colleague apologized to him on his knees. The boss, who had always been a money fan, bowed his head and said nothing, suddenly

author:Happy Noodles 1s

The beautiful female colleague offended a customer, the customer came to the door, the mediation was fruitless, and threatened to cancel all orders, unless the female colleague apologized to him on his knees. The boss, who has always been a money fan, bowed his head and did not speak, suddenly burst into flames, punched the customer's chin, and said: Every employee I regard as family! Cancel, cancel! scram! We were stunned to see it, and our colleagues sounded thunderous applause, and it was worth dying with such a boss! Even my old employee is boiling with blood and wants the boss's sister-in-law to kneel? Are you kidding me? As a result, the customer canceled the order, the company fell into a predicament that month, could not pay the salary, the boss had no choice, had to run away with the sister-in-law. Since then, his legend has flowed down the rivers and lakes.....

2. I have caught a cold in recent days, so let my husband go to coax my three-year-old son to sleep. After I finished washing, I found that my husband was still coaxing my son to sleep, so I got up and went to his son's room to check. As soon as I pushed the door, I was stunned, and actually saw erzhu Lao Gong lying in his son's arms, holding a carton of milk in his hand and drinking it with a straw, and his son tickled him while telling him the story of The Bear.

3. Be cautious about making friends, otherwise the girlfriend who arrives in hand can also fly. I recently fell in love with the landlady who sells barbecues in the neighborhood. To win favors, I went to her stall every time I invited guests. Today, I asked my friend in front of her: Do you know why I like to come to dinner? The female boss smiled shyly, but the pig teammate said: Of course, because you are poor now, when you have money, you will no longer use this little broken stall!

4. Near our community, there is a home textile city to do activities, I went happily. And the salesman was very enthusiastic, pulling me and saying: Do you want to buy something for marriage? I smiled and replied: No. The salesman was still enthusiastic and continued to ask: Oh, just engaged. I said expressionlessly: No. The salesman persevered to express her enthusiasm, smiled and said to me: Almost engaged, right? I was very angry and said: I don't buy it.

5. I bought the Audi R8 and asked my brother-in-law to borrow money, and my brother-in-law said he didn't care about the money, and my sister said she had 700,000 savings. However, when he went into the room to find that it was missing, he called his brother-in-law into the room and asked, "Where did you use our 700,000 deposits?" Say it! The brother-in-law did not say a word, and the sister said angrily: "If you don't say anything more, we will be like this vase in the future..." He said, picking up the feather duster and smashing one of the vases on the table at once! The brother-in-law shouted, "Oh my God! I spent 700,000 antique vases and they were destroyed in your hands! The sister was stunned and said that the brother-in-law was too bad.

6. After working hard, the rich son was finally admitted to Peking University, but he couldn't bear to look at the strange eyes of his classmates. The rich son cried and called his father: "I blame you!" Now my classmates don't dare to speak to me. The father asked, "What happened to the child?" Rich man's son: "My classmates all came to school by subway!" And me? But driving a Rolls-Royce Charm Silver, you know what my classmates think of me! The father was helpless: "Child, it is Dad who is sorry for you, Dad promised you, he will buy you a subway next month!" ”

7. This afternoon ate at a restaurant, and at the table next to me sat an elderly couple. Listen to the waiter, they are regular customers of the restaurant. Since the restaurant first opened many years ago, the couple has often come over. And pack one or two dishes each time to take away. For decades, rain or shine, uninterrupted. I was very touched to hear it. Sincerely, I didn't expect an old couple to be able to love each other for decades, but they still can't cook!

8. Today, because the abbot was getting worse and worse, he was very angry and rushed the abbot to sleep on the sofa. I didn't expect the abbot to be able to bear it this time, it had been several days, and I didn't see him knocking on the door at night. Can't the master take the initiative to tell him to go back to his room to sleep? Last night, the abbot finally couldn't resist coming to ask the master to open the door. Then the abbot pretended to be angry and shouted, "Don't open!" Don't open! Just don't open! The abbot's eyes widened: "How many meanings do you mean by hiding my quilt?"

 #Funny# #搞笑段子 #

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