
Night reading | sensible children, what kind of parents stand behind them

author:The Paper

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Ms. Tan and her husband from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, went to the school to pick up the children, because they had just finished working from the construction site and were still wearing dirty clothes, they were worried about "losing face" to the children, but the children said: "What is a good joke, my parents do not steal or rob, what is there to dislike." ”

At this moment, it was not only the parents who were warmed up, but also many netizens.

In the movie "Yangtze River No. 7", there is such a scene: in class, the teacher asks the students, what should they do in the future? Some said that I wanted to be a big star, and some said that I wanted to be a big entrepreneur, and Zhou Xiaodi said: I want to be a poor person.

The students all laughed. Zhou Xiaodi didn't care and continued, "Because Dad said that as long as you have a backbone, don't brag, don't fight, and study hard." Even if you are poor, you will be respected everywhere you go. ”

Interestingly, "Yangtze River No. 7" was also filmed in Ningbo. In the movie, "Dad" is also working at the construction site, and his son is also very good. Art and reality are so coincidental, it can only be said that our yearning for a better world is common, it is not abstract and empty, and the love and warmth in ordinary bits are enough.

The other two heart-warming children are also impressive. One is Ran Junchao. 10 years ago, his father Ran Guanghui became popular on the Internet with a photo of his child holding a heavy object on his shoulder. 10 years later, when the child grew up, he said: "Dad is a great person, he earns money on his own, this is not a profession that can be made fun of, and in the future I want to be as great as my father." The other was a 7-year-old girl, Babe. When separated from her part-time father, she wrote: "Seeing that you work so hard, I don't want to spend your money." ”

It is difficult for you to say at what moment, these little children suddenly realized the difficulty of their parents. But when they say those words that transcend their age, we can really feel that they have grown. Their gaze on themselves, their families, and their lives is no longer ignorant and superficial.

This kind of growth comes from the grind of life, and it comes from their parents. Parents use their own way and experience to teach their children how to behave. This is the most valuable asset they give to their children.

This education that takes place in the family often begins with the side, starting with "how to look at ordinary workers". Inside and outside the play, the parents of these children are not highly educated, not rich enough, and not beautiful enough. But they take their own steadfastness, diligence and simplicity as a mirror to give children "proper clothes": any legal and legitimate work is worthy of respect; any laborer who creates a happy life with diligent hands is glorious.

We have talked too much about homeschooling. Whether it is the anxiety of middle-class education that is hotly searched every three to five years, or the left-behind children who are relatively silent, all classes and families have their own difficulties and demands. But the undeniable consensus is that a truly good family education is indispensable to a pair of parents who emit light and energy in themselves, and children can draw spiritual nutrition from them and learn to be kind and grateful.

In the movie "Almighty Daddy", the disabled and defective son is full of inferiority to the peasant identity and pessimistic about the future. In a conversation, he shouted to his father: "What is your ability to blow in the village every day, you go to the TV to blow it?" This sentence stimulated "囧 Dad", in order to prove himself and motivate his son, he really went to the TV draft. A series of embarrassments and surprises, making people laugh and laugh and cry.

We often say "teach by example". In fact, many times, "teaching by example" is greater than "passing on words". In the face of hard life, the strength, optimism and hard work of parents are the textbooks that can most impress children. Silent education is better than sound education, which affects the shaping of children's world view, outlook on life and values.

If parents love to lie, love to run red lights, blindly teach their children to be honest and obey traffic rules, once they are exposed, they will immediately "break the work". If parents have always been honest and do not need to preach repeatedly, the child will learn to be honest.

I think that behind every warm-hearted child, there must also be a down-to-earth, hard-working and kind parent. Don't just envy "other people's children", but also think about how to become "other people's parents".

Editor-in-Charge: Gan Qiongfang

Proofreader: Yan Zhang