
Honor's new products will be equipped with Tianji 9000 processors, 5500 mAh batteries + 512G

For the development of glory mobile phone products in the mobile phone market now, the market performance of many products is somewhat unsatisfactory, and in the current mobile phone market, many consumers feel that the performance is very general.

Honor's new products will be equipped with Tianji 9000 processors, 5500 mAh batteries + 512G

The performance of the mobile phone products it brought with it in the market is really very difficult when Honor has just developed independently, because its first independently released V40 mobile phone product does have a very large market development change in the mobile phone market, but it is not developing in a good direction.

And if this is the previous development of the mobile phone market, it is good, but the development of the mobile phone market in the past two years is indeed very good, the products between manufacturers are developing better and better, and the consumer side is also more and more aware of the scientific and technological performance of mobile phone products, such a market development glory towards the direction of relatively bad development, but it is indeed not very satisfactory.

Honor's new products will be equipped with Tianji 9000 processors, 5500 mAh batteries + 512G

However, in the follow-up mobile phone market development, although the market development of products such as Honor 50 is very good, there is indeed a very good performance of scientific and technological upgrades in terms of configuration, but after the more and more product development of Glory now, Glory this manufacturer has begun to be regarded as a manufacturer facing difficulties in the mobile phone market, and natural consumers will not be merciful.

In the comparison, these products of glory are naturally naturally because of the general performance of the configuration, but the price is high and gradually begin to produce negative market voices. However, Honor is actually not completely without good products, such as the Magic series in the mobile phone market now, and the V series that Honor is about to restart in the market exposure, and the performance in configuration is also very good.

Honor's new products will be equipped with Tianji 9000 processors, 5500 mAh batteries + 512G

In the current card of the two 4nm process processor market competition, Honor announced the release of this new product news and series restart, naturally is also planning to get on the 4nm process processor car, and after the re-development, Glory now seems to be very fond of using MediaTek's Tianji processor, and now for the exposure of this new product, there is news about the Tianji 9000 processor.

There is no mistake, the V series of honor this reboot will be equipped with this 4nm process processor of MediaTek, that is, this Tianji 9000 processor, the performance in terms of performance will indeed be very good, although now the Tianji 9000 processor has not yet been on the official product to give people a test, but look at the same processor of the Snapdragon next door, you can also know some problems, the performance of the performance is indeed not bad.

Honor's new products will be equipped with Tianji 9000 processors, 5500 mAh batteries + 512G

Plus many aspects of the configuration is also very good, like it is said that the battery will be 5500 mAh capacity, as well as the performance of the oversized internal configuration, there is indeed a very good mobile phone market development, but according to the glory of the current scientific and technological performance, the price should not be bottom.

Like the glory of the Magic series of Magic3 this product, its market configuration performance is very good, has a very good market technology performance, now although the price is higher, but the market performance is still very good, the configuration performance is very sufficient, the consumers in its market have a very good support performance, and not many consumers will oppose this product.

Honor's new products will be equipped with Tianji 9000 processors, 5500 mAh batteries + 512G

However, now the glory of this Magic3 product is now the market development performance in the case of still very good, or there are some loosening, but there is a very good market attractiveness of the improvement, there is a very good mobile phone market development. In the market competition in the new year, it is also a very good market choice product, and it is indeed a very good product.

And the next mobile phone market development, its V series again developed, will have a very good performance in science and technology, glory will play the market development situation will inevitably be a good change, in the current mobile phone market is a very high market expectations of the product.

Honor's new products will be equipped with Tianji 9000 processors, 5500 mAh batteries + 512G

Like the glory high-end product Magic series of products, the V series should also have this very good market performance, and embarking on the high configuration of the market development situation, is also a market development that Glory will inevitably do next.

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