
Small pills to achieve great country craftsmanship

Recently, in the national energy chemical geological system to carry out the "big country craftsman - energy chemical geology" (the seventh season) learning activities, a total of 80 "big country craftsmen" were launched, of which, Taiji Group Tongjunge Pharmaceutical Factory Cai Su won the title of "big country craftsman".

Apprenticeship To cultivate "hard skills"

Small pills to achieve great country craftsmanship

In 1999, Cai Su graduated from Chongqing Medical Technical School and went to work at Taiji Group Chongqing Tongjunge Pharmaceutical Factory. In the first year of arriving at the pharmaceutical factory, Cai Su followed the master to learn the skills of making pills. Starting the mold is the first step in hand-making pills, and it is also a key step in deciding the molding of pills, but it is precisely this first step that is difficult for Cai Su. Because the basic skills were not solid enough and the pills made could not meet the requirements, Cai Su was severely criticized by the master, but this made him realize the importance of exquisite skills for pill making. After that, as soon as he had time, he went into the workshop to practice diligently. Brushing water, adding powder, and plating again and again, the incomparably boring operation tested his patience, but also honed his increasingly exquisite pellet making skills. After nearly 7 years of unremitting efforts, Cai Su was finally able to make a well-formed, high-uniform pill, the pill was pinched by his hand, chewed by his mouth, that is, he knew how much water there was, how long the disintegration time limit was, and the water meter test results were almost the same.

Traditional innovation, to be a "craftsman" of Chinese medicine wisdom

In the era of pharmaceutical industrialization, Chinese medicine should be industrialized on the basis of inheritance, testing Chinese medicine technicians as "craftsmen". In 2016, Tongjunge Pharmaceutical Factory built a new comprehensive preparation workshop in Lidu, Fuling, and introduced a smart pill production line. Manual and industrial production, the former with personal experience, the latter requires precise raw material ratios, and new equipment needs to be constantly debugged, while employee skills are uneven. As a party member, Cai Su rose to the challenge and led the team to explore the process one variety after another, reformulating the process parameters and optimizing the process. During the research period, he soaked in the production line almost every day, and only returned home once in more than a month. Through the joint efforts of everyone, the new production line achieved product production certification within 3 months, and reached normal output in less than half a year, and the traditional process and intelligent manufacturing were perfectly integrated.

Small pills to achieve great country craftsmanship

Cai Su believes: "The inheritance of traditional skills is not conformist, it needs to be constantly surpassed and innovated in order to be given new life and rejuvenated. "Traditional pill production and intelligent manufacturing have a "chemical reaction", what changes is the production mode, and what remains unchanged is the ingenuity of adhering to it.

Ingenuity inheritance Mission to be brave to be a "leader"

For many years of dealing with pill production, Cai Su deeply realized that promoting the organic integration of process inheritance and technological innovation is an inevitable trend of development and the direction of his efforts. In 2019, the "Cai Su Pill Production Talent Mentor Studio" was established, he personally analyzed the essentials of skill operation, carried out training by hand, and has trained 5 backbones of pill technology and 32 reserve talents of pill technology so far. In order to ensure the diversification of the company's pellet varieties and the stability of the quality, Cai Su also led the studio staff to carry out technical research on a number of pill varieties, and solved technical problems such as "plastic method strong tianma eucommia pill dissolution time limit" and "Xihuang pill plastic method research".

Small pills to achieve great country craftsmanship

Cai Su, 40, has various titles. National Intangible Cultural Heritage - Tongjunge Traditional Pill Making Technique District Inheritor, Chongqing Bayu Craftsmen, Top Talents in Fuling District, Jiangnan Experts in Nan'an District... Each honor is a praise for his deep cultivation skills for more than 20 years, and it is also a portrayal of the inheritance and development of Tongjunge Pharmaceutical Factory.

Today, with the honor of "big country craftsman", Cai Su is still like a modest teenager: "'Big country craftsman' is not only a recognition of me, but also an encouragement for my future work." This is inseparable from the care and support of leaders at all levels, and the cooperation and help of colleagues and friends. I will cherish the honor, turn the honor into the driving force and responsibility of the work, let the handy, pure fire production skills be followed by others, but also to pass on the spirit of perseverance and excellence of the craftsmanship. ”

Congratulations to Cai Su!

Tribute to every hard-working Chinese medicine pharmacist!