
Chinese scientists use holographic technology as the "key" to open the "door" of stereoscopic color display

Chinese scientists use holographic technology as the "key" to open the "door" of stereoscopic color display

Research team Courtesy of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

China News Network, January 21 (Li Huiyun Xu Jing) Our daily work and life are surrounded by various screens: mobile phones, computers, tablets, televisions, watches... How to achieve a true three-dimensional display based on the improvement of the screen device itself? On the 21st, the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology released the news that the team of academician Gu Min of the photonic chip research institute of the university, together with the team of Professor Qiu Jianrong of Zhejiang University and the team of Dr. Tan Dezhi of Zhijiang Laboratory, made a major breakthrough in the holographic display of nanomaterials, and pushed open the "door" of the new three-dimensional color display by realizing the three-dimensional (3D) semiconductor quantum structure with controllable band gap inside the colorless transparent glass.

On January 21, Beijing time, the relevant research results were published in the international top journal "Science", which is also the first time that teachers of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology have published papers in the main journal of Science as (co-first) authors.

Mobile phones, computers, tablets, televisions, watches, etc. are two-dimensional screens, and even the naked-eye 3D that has quietly emerged in recent years only uses people's binocular parallax to "deceive" the optic nerve and make the brain think that what it sees is a 3D image. Moreover, naked-eye 3D has strict requirements for the distance, orientation and angle of the audience, and it is easy to have problems when the number of viewers is large.

From the floating image in "Star Wars" to Teresa Teng crossing time and space with singer Zhou Shen to "sing" "Big Fish" at the 2022 New Year's Eve concert, the concept of stereoscopic display is well known to more and more people. Holographic technology provides a way to achieve complete three-dimensional information reproduction, and is considered by the industry to be the most promising technical means to achieve stereoscopic display. However, holographic technology must project the image onto it through a certain medium in order to be revealed.

"At present, most of the display photosensitive array is flat distribution, and the three-dimensional picture in science fiction films relies more on the visual effect of people, which belongs to the 'imitation three-dimensional', and the real three-dimensional stereoscopic display is still a major challenge." Associate Professor Fang Xinyuan of the Photonic Chip Research Institute of Shanghai Polytechnic Institute said.

Chinese scientists use holographic technology as the "key" to open the "door" of stereoscopic color display

Using holographic technology as the "key" to open the three-dimensional color display "door" courtesy of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

To be the first person to "eat crabs" of nano three-dimensional stereoscopic screens, the first thing to solve is to make the screen transparent, so that vivid and three-dimensional images can be presented from all angles. The team of the Photonic Chip Research Institute of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology cooperated with the team of Zhejiang University to apply the holographic display to the colorless transparent composite material with three-dimensional controllable distribution of perovskite nanocrystals induced by femtosecond laser, lighting up the three-dimensional distributed quantum dots, and realizing the dynamic stereoscopic color holographic display for the first time.

Compared with the current flat display, the new stereoscopic color display has a higher resolution and information capacity, and also expands the imagination space for the future "screen revolution". "It's nanoscale pixel control, with very high accuracy and much higher resolution than current two-dimensional screens." Although industrialization still has a long way to go, at least a new door has been opened, and I think this is also the significance of our scientific research. Fang Xinyuan said.

The research results were published in the main issue of Science under the title of "Three-dimensional direct lithography of stable perovskite nanocrystals in glass", and the co-first authors of the paper were Sun Ke, a doctoral student at the School of Optoelectronics of Zhejiang University, Tan Dezhi of Zhijiang Laboratory, and Fang Xinyuan, associate professor of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

"Many of the top scientific research achievements are actually inseparable from this kind of interdisciplinary, cross-school and even transnational cooperation and exchanges", Academician Gu Min introduced, "Our Shanghai Science and Engineering team is deeply involved in the holographic field, and the Zhejiang University team has a deep accumulation in the interaction of optical materials and femtosecond lasers and materials, and the cooperation results once again prove the importance of this scientific research method in achieving the '0 to 1' breakthrough." ”

In fact, since the invention of Dennis Gable, holographic technology has had an important impact in storage, encryption, imaging, optical computing and other fields in addition to being used in the field of display technology.

Academician Gu Min said: "This achievement can be said to be the use of three-dimensional holographic technology to light up the future of three-dimensional color display, follow-up we hope to focus on the cross-application of holographic technology and artificial intelligence, facing the major strategic needs of the country, and achieve more scientific research results with great influence." (End)

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