
Send a good guy card? Ray: Westbrook will always be a legend for the Thunder, but trading is impossible

author:Live it
Send a good guy card? Ray: Westbrook will always be a legend for the Thunder, but trading is impossible

Live bar January 21 news Today, the Thunder reporter Brandon Rahbar, who previously supported Wei Shao to fight back against the King's official mockery, tweeted to express the Thunder's attitude towards Wei Shao.

Brandon Rahbar wrote: "Westbrook is a Thunder legend who will always be loved by the team, the city and the fans. But the Thunder couldn't trade Westbrook. ”

Brandon Rahbar then listed several reasons why the Thunder were unlikely to win back Westbrook through a trade:

1, Wei Shao is not suitable for reconstruction

2. Westbrook's large contract will affect the flexibility of Thunder's future operations (such as renewing Dort)

3, the Lakers do not have assets that can impress the Thunder

4, Westbrook is still great, the Thunder have won too many goals now, it is difficult to get a top draft pick

(Best 15th Person)

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