
Zong Zhenhua and Di Sha visited the officers and men of the troops

author:Hebei News Network Qinhuangdao News

A few days ago, Zong Zhenhua, Di Sha, Zhang Guitian, Hao Zhijun, Wu Xuejun, Li Zhigang, and other county leaders successively visited the Qinhuangdao Military Sub-district and the camp of a certain unit of the Air Force stationed in Changchang to pay respects to the officers and men of the unit and sent them New Year greetings.

Zong Zhenhua and Di Sha visited the officers and men of the troops

At the Qinhuangdao Military Subdistrict, Zong Zhenhua, on behalf of the four leading bodies of the county, expressed gratitude to the Qinhuangdao Military Subdistrict for its long-term contributions to national defense construction, economic development, and social stability. Zong Zhenhua said: Over the years, the officers and men of the Qinhuangdao Military Sub-district have carried forward the fine tradition of supporting the government and loving the people, actively supported and participated in local construction, and provided strong support for Changli's economic and social development to achieve high-quality development. It is hoped that in the new year, we will continue to strengthen ties with Changli, promote local economic and social development in Changli, and further strengthen military-government-military-civilian relations. At the same time, Changli County will always uphold the fine tradition of supporting the military and giving priority to its subordinates, regard supporting national defense and army building as an important task, promote the in-depth development of military-civilian integration, and constantly open up a new situation in the work of changli and double support in the new era.

At a certain unit of the Air Force stationed in Changli, Zong Zhenhua and his entourage had cordial talks with officers and men, learned in detail about the work and living conditions of the officers and men of the unit, and expressed gratitude for their efforts and contributions to the development of Changli over the years. Zong Zhenhua hoped that the officers and men of the armed forces would, as always, show concern for and support the development of various undertakings in Changli and continue to make greater contributions to Changli's economic development, social stability, and people's happiness. At the same time, the Changli County CPC Committee and the county government will continue to give full support to the work of the troops, strive to solve such life problems as army building and the schooling of the children of officers and men, continuously strengthen double support and joint construction, and strive to create a new situation in the integration of military and local development. (Li Yue)

Source: Changli Release

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