
Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family

Luna is an animated short film produced by Pixar. In the middle of the sea under the deep blue night sky, a small boat named "Luna" shook. Three generations of grandchildren sat on the boat, and unconsciously, a full moon with a bright glow rose from the sea. Dad propped up the ladder, and the boy climbed up with an iron anchor on his back. It turned out that the light was actually the stars all over the surface of the moon, which crossed the universe and fell like meteors, decorating this beautiful asteroid. Image source: High-quality image

Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family

Journey to the Moon, the "first science fiction film of all time" based on the novels of Verne and Welles by Georges Mériès. Taking the traditional style of mythological drama, Mélières tells a complete story from the invention of the machine to the landing on the moon to the triumphal return in 14 minutes, creating fantastical costumes and sets that look spectacular. When the moon, who was smiling with a smile, was suddenly hit in the cheek by a cannonball, his look was suddenly depressed, very cute and cute. Image source: High-quality image

Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family

Moon, a classic sci-fi suspense film directed by Duncan Jones and starring Sam Rockwell. Sam Bell, a miner at the Lunar Energy Company, is mining energy at a lunar base, and eager to return home, he encounters an accident and then meets another of his own, which leads to the company's secret story. Image source: High-quality image

Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family

In "Despicable Me", Gru plans a perfect plan to steal the moon, but the shrinking ray gun that steals the moon is snatched by the new thief Victor. In order to regain the Shrink ray gun, Gru decides to adopt three orphans and use the opportunity to go into Victor's heavily guarded castle to sell biscuits to steal. Image source: High-quality image

Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family

Lunar Adventure, an animated belgian adventure film, a U.S.-Russian fly landing contest on the moon. The three cute fly friends Knight, IQ, and Scout have been dreaming of completing an earth-shattering event, and the successful Apollo 11 spacecraft that successfully carried humanity has entered space, and just as they are about to fly to the distant moon, Russian flies from hostile forces have also taken the opportunity to challenge them. Image source: High-quality image

Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family

Steel Firmament, a Finnish, German, and Australian sci-fi comedy co-produced, sends a Nazi corps to the moon at a space base in Antarctica before the fall of Nazi Germany in 1945, where it builds a huge military base and prepares to counterattack Earth in 2018. Image source: High-quality image

Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family

In Super Invincible Dog: A Picnic on the Moon, Wallace decided that the creamy yellow moon had an inexhaustible supply of cheese in all flavors, so he found materials and tools to make a spaceship. Finally, the spacecraft roared and flew to the moon. On the moon, cheese is really everywhere, and Wallace is picky for his favorite flavors. The robots on the moon do not like the behavior of outsiders to plunder the moon cheese, and try to get out of Wallace's party, and the gluttonous Wallace is completely unaware of the danger approaching him. Image source: High-quality image

Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family

Shadow of the Moon, a documentary by David Hinton featuring the first astronaut to land on the moon, Neil Armstrong, and the first astronaut to land on the moon, Buzz Aldrin, tells the story of the great record of human landing on the moon in the 1960s. Image source: High-quality image

Mid-Autumn Festival, watch a high-scoring moon movie with your family