
Liang Changdao went to Zhushan County to investigate the revitalization of the countryside

author:Hubei Communications

On January 17, Liang Changdao, member of the party group and deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Communications Administration, led a team to Xihe Village, Dougu Town, Zhushan County, to investigate the work of rural revitalization and designated help, accompanied by Liu Yang, deputy governor of Zhushan County.

Liang Changdao went to Zhushan County to investigate the revitalization of the countryside

Liang Changdao and his party went to Zhushan Douyin E-commerce Live BroadcastIng Base to understand the operation of the base and the development of the e-commerce economy, and then came to Longjing Village in Baofeng Town to investigate the construction of rural revitalization projects, and went to Xihe Village in Huanggu Town to inspect the construction progress of the "one household and one scene" project in the rural revitalization demonstration area, and visited the people in need. At the Xihe Village Committee, Liang Changdao learned more about the functions and applications of the "Digital Rural Big Data Platform" and visited the cadres stationed in the village.

Liang Changdao went to Zhushan County to investigate the revitalization of the countryside

After the end of the on-site investigation, Liang Changdao convened various communication enterprises to hold an on-site symposium, emphasizing that it is necessary to resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for rural revitalization, give full play to the characteristics and advantages of the information and communication industry, and do a solid job in the work of rural revitalization in Zhushan County.

The first is to vigorously improve the level of communication infrastructure, accelerate the construction of optical fiber broadband and mobile Internet in zhushan rural areas, continue to optimize the quality of network coverage, and provide a strong communication network foundation for helping Zhushan build a "digital village" demonstration county.

The second is to accelerate the application of 5G networks, big data, etc. in the fields of smart tourism, rural governance, and public services, further improve the construction of the "digital rural big data platform" in Xihe Village, and promote the modernization of agriculture and rural areas through modern information and communication technology.

The third is to conscientiously implement network fee reduction policies such as targeted poverty alleviation, helping the elderly and the disabled, introduce more affordable fee reduction measures, and continuously improve the quality and level of communication services, so that the people who have been lifted out of poverty can use, afford, and use well-quality communication services, and enhance the happiness and sense of gain of villagers.

Relevant responsible comrades of the Party Committee of the Provincial Communications Administration and the Vocational Evaluation Center of the Bureau's subordinate units participated in the investigation.

Source: "Hubei Provincial Communications Administration" WeChat public account

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