
Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

author:Al Jazeera

Written/Collated Peninsula All-Media Reporter Gao Fang Intern Wang Rong Photo/Interviewee Provided

Qingdao's volunteer education work began in 2005, and the curtain was opened on the education relay to sow hope for children in poor and remote areas.

Where the heart is, the past is followed, and the long pavilion is shorter.

Qingdao's volunteer teachers traveled thousands of miles, successively into Anshun, Guizhou, Longnan, Gansu, Tibet, Xinjiang, Sichuan and other places, towering mountains, lonely deserts, remote frontiers... The volunteer teachers have great love and use their feet to take a steady path of faith.

Recently, another group of Qingdao teachers arrived at the volunteer school thousands of miles away, and they brought light and heat to illuminate the children's eyes that longed for knowledge.

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

Volunteer Teaching Diary

"When my family heard that I was going to volunteer teaching, they were going crazy." Xiao Renfei on the phone spoke softly and softly, with a gentle tone, and there was a feeling of gentleness and thickness of a little girl.

"To participate in volunteer teaching, I secretly signed up, and I didn't discuss it with my family before." Xiao Renfei deliberately concealed this decision for a reason. Her body has not been very good, once had a very serious adenomyosis, when the pain is severe, taking painkillers has no effect, has been eating the special Chinese medicine of the Qingda Affiliated Hospital, the body was once weak to the point that it was difficult to go up the stairs, even the teeth were broken, the face grew a lot of spots, and the hair was mostly white. Two years ago, he underwent a major operation, which lasted more than 6 hours, "even if it is a ghost door that has been broken through," Xiao Renfei described lightly.

However, it is such a weak woman who makes decisions, decisive and stubborn.

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

Xiao Renfei, 50, is a senior teacher at The Experimental Middle School in Chengyang District, Qingdao City, and has been engaged in Chinese teaching for many years. Excellent teachers, moral pacesetters, advanced individuals, teaching experts... Various honorary titles have been "soft", and the papers he has written have been published in the national core Chinese journals. She has been to poor mountainous areas many times to comfort, and has also contacted and participated in the rescue activities for poor students, and is also the husband of a teacher, and last year she also signed up to teach in Guizhou for a year. Crossing the mountains and seas to do more practical teaching work for the children in the mountainous areas, like a seed rooted in his heart, has become Xiao Renfei's wish that he has not been able to let go.

On August 29 this year, she arrived 1,700 kilometers away from Qingdao in Weiyuan County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, and began a year-long volunteer teaching life at Qingyuan Middle School.

According to the "YuGong", the world is divided into nine prefectures, and the source of Wei is the land of Guyong Prefecture. Weiyuan is the birthplace of the Wei River, the largest tributary of the Yellow River, and a must for China's ancient Silk Road and Tangbo Ancient Road, located in the central part of Gansu Province, in the central and western parts of Dingxi City. Qingyuan Middle School, taught by Xiao Renfei, is a junior high school located in the xicheng district of the county.

"It's too painful to breathe." Although mentally prepared, Xiao Renfei, who really came to life in Weiyuan, is experiencing two major tests: altitude sickness and cold climate. This is a plateau area with an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, and when he first came, Xiao Renfei needed to take medicine every day to fight altitude sickness. "I lost seven or eight pounds in a week, my face was so swollen that my eyes couldn't be opened, my hands were swollen like steamed buns, and the holes left by the minimally invasive surgery on my body were hurting." The slightly traumatic mouth that has undergone surgery is shouting every day that the body wants to strike.

"Qingdao this season at 6 p.m. is only dark, here at 8 p.m. is still bright, the night is short, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large." Every day, it will be 12 o'clock when it is dark to go to bed, and then I will be awakened by altitude sickness at three or four o'clock in the morning, and I can't sleep for three or four hours a day. "Compared with qingdao's warm climate, the climate in Weiyuan County is very dry," the mouth is cracked, lip balm is often applied in the hand, it does not work, the heel is cracked, and you need to drink water non-stop." It seemed that every cell was dry, and even the hair was like a messy dry grass in the wind, and the whole person was like an old eggplant that had been dehydrated. Xiao Renfei laughed at himself.

On the video phone, the husband was a little angry and a little distressed: "Get me back!" Xiao Renfei still dragged her usual slow tone and said, "Don't always call me..."

The school did not have too generous accommodation conditions, Xiao Renfei and the teachers who came to support the teaching together lived in the house rented by the school, and it took nearly half an hour to walk from the school to the dormitory.

"There's no autumn here, and it feels like winter is in October." In October, it has snowed twice in Weiyuan, and the lowest temperature at night has reached below zero degrees Celsius. As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Xiao Renfei opened the electric blanket and shrunk into the quilt to keep warm. The school leaders were very concerned and specially sent electric heaters. With the care and help of school leaders and colleagues, she worked hard to overcome various discomforts and difficulties in life and diet, and devoted herself to the educational teaching and research activities of the support school.

The school breakfast has a nutritious meal for students, eggs, milk, bread, etc., which are not the same five days a week, but the teachers need to cook their own meals. Xiao Renfei could only steam a rice in the dormitory, stir-fry a simple dish, or go to the snack stall outside to solve the problem, and the rice cooker in the dormitory was still left by the original volunteer teacher. There are no restaurants with rich dishes in Weiyuan County, and beef noodles on food stalls have become a daily staple food, "I feel that I am going to become a beef noodle physique." There are only solar water heaters in the dormitory, Weiyuan has been almost rainy recently, it is difficult to see the sun, hot water has become a problem, "visual inspection to more than 10 days to take a bath." She was joking.

"When I came, in order to reduce the burden of luggage, I only brought a pair of sneakers worn in the summer, and I originally wanted to buy autumn and winter sneakers in Weiyuan, but I found that there was some miscalculation." There are only one or two sneaker shops in the whole county, and the locals are small, and the largest size of women's shoes is 39, and it is not available. Xiao Renfei is 1 meter 72 tall, wearing 40 sizes of shoes, and the whole county cannot buy shoes suitable for her. "It's something that makes me feel sad." She teased.

"Compared with the children in the city, the children here are not used to expressing their emotions, they are very simple, and many dolls have red faces with highland red faces, which are particularly cute." As a teacher with thirty years of experience, my passion for teaching and educating people is enough to offset all these difficulties. What makes Xiao Renfei insist on staying is a special group of children - left-behind children.

At the ceremony to welcome the volunteer teachers, the principal introduced the situation of the school: Qingyuan Middle School has 904 students, of which 90% are rural students, from 16 townships in the county, and most of the left-behind children and children from special families in the school account for the majority. "Some children are orphans, and the head of the household in the household register is himself." Although Xiao Renfei had already made a brief investigation and understanding of the situation of special children here before she volunteered to teach, after coming, the school leaders also introduced these situations to her, but when she saw the children's faltering steps, thin figures, sensitive but eager for warm eyes, "her heart suddenly hurt."

As young people go out to work, many children become left-behind children. They have no parental care, no one is hurt, they can only hide and cry, hungry, tired and no one to ask, only the elderly grandparents accompany. These originally cute and sunny children have slowly become silent and inferior, they are still children who should be spoiled in the arms of their parents, but now they have prematurely experienced the hardships of life.

"These are children who need to be embraced by society, and if we can give these children a little help, it is the greatest expectation and satisfaction of teachers." Xiao Renfei, whose heart was stinging, in addition to contacting caring people and helping children to seek help, also insisted on writing a volunteer teaching diary, and in the days and nights in a foreign country, she tried to ignite a light of her own and plant the seeds of dreams for the children.

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

Xiao Renfei answered questions for the students.

>> Xiao Renfei's diary was excerpted from the <<

September 6, 2021

Weiyuan's steamed buns

Yesterday it rained, today the temperature plummeted, the autumn rain was flickering, and the feeling of coldness was even stronger. In the morning it is around 8 ° C.

When I sat in the class and listened to the lessons, I was wearing a coat and my hands and feet were cold. Although it is all northern, the gap in this climate is not a star and a half. There was no air conditioning in the office, and the electric heating was not available, and a colleague who was teaching said: My knee is going to be finished.

Fortunately, when I got busy, I temporarily forgot the feeling of cold.

Despite the harsh conditions, the teachers under the sky are equally selfless and dedicated, greedy and diligent in getting up early. The school has more than 900 students and more than 90 classroom teachers. There are no multimedia teaching courseware in the classrooms here, the preparation of lessons is all handwritten, there are many classroom speeches, and the workload of teachers is very large.

A dozen teachers in an office share two or three computers, and the computers are placed in the corner of the office, and when the teacher needs to use them, they will go over and use them. I also applied for a computer, which we used with several volunteer teachers, and opened it for half a day to shake it, which was very slow.

The local teacher in the same office was as enthusiastic as ever, letting me eat fruit and steamed buns. Weiyuan's steamed bun contains too much content, and I have seen many kinds of steamed buns. There is also a kind of cake, similar to the hand-grabbed cake we have eaten, and has a very strong name, called "broken skin jacket".

Today is the time of the regular meeting, and the school gave us a small welcome ceremony. The enthusiasm of the leaders and colleagues made us very touched and strengthened our determination.

After the meeting, it was already more than seven o'clock. The street lights have been lit, but the sky is still full of sunset. It was getting colder, but my heart was hot.

The lights of the Weishui River at night are brilliant, which is completely different from the vision of the day.

This small county town seemed to flow slowly and orderly in my eyes. I also became one of the fish, swimming slowly in the air with a huge temperature difference between morning and evening.

September 8, 2021

Every child is a poet

Autumn in Weiyuan is a season of contradictions, as if it has a special magic.

Today, there are two lessons, which teach students "Winter in Jinan" and Liu Zhanqiu's "Four Seasons of Rain". When I talked about "Winter in Jinan", I told the children: The teacher is from Shandong, and Jinan is the capital of Shandong. Looking at the dolls' wide eyes, I couldn't help but laugh. It seems that the distance between Gansu and Shandong is only the distance of a text. The words in those textbooks suddenly came alive.

Talk about Liu Zhanqiu's "Four Seasons of Rain", read aloud with the dolls, taste the beautiful scenery and beautiful texts, look at the blue "crystal" sky outside the window together, and look at the words with the soul together. I quickly merged with this group of babies, as if we had been in class together for a long time, and they were happily searching for themselves in the text, and I became the boat that led them to cross the water in the text.

Slowly tell them that they should read more books, go out to see more, observe the details of the world, see the beauty of everything, have their own opinions, and write the most sincere and deepest feelings from the most prosaic words, so that they can write good articles.

When they finished writing the essay and looked at the text, they found some surprising words and felt particularly happy. Record 12: "My hometown is in the Great Northwest, perhaps the season is tired, the dormant everything is quiet and quiet, becoming a lazy and silent posture of clothes..." "There is a column of ice hanging upside down on the eaves, and a layer of silver frost on the windows, I don't know which painter painted such a beautiful painting on the glass, and changed it every day, where did the inspiration come from?" ”

Every child is a poet as clear as a mirror, isn't he?

September 10, 2021

Wanted to show them the sea

The morning sun always dispels the cold of the night so in time.

The windowsills of each class are filled with potted plants, planted by the children themselves. A boy with highland red on his cheeks saw that I was photographing flowers, slowly rubbed over, and said to me: "Teacher, you are not shooting mine, mine is the pot of chrysanthemums, are you going to shoot that pot?" "At that moment, I thought he was so cute and so painful. Many children are particularly eager to be concerned because their parents are not around for many years, lack of love and lack of affirmation. A small compliment in class will make their eyes brighten at once.

As soon as the multimedia in the class was turned on, it was stuck, and the carefully made courseware could not be used, so I took the book skills and learned the ancient poems with the dolls. Reading "Guancang Sea", talking about "the water is thick, the mountains and islands are standing", "the autumn wind is cold, the flood waves are rising", I asked them: "Have you seen the sea?" The dolls all shook their heads in unison. I asked, "Then can you imagine what the sea looks like when the sea is majestic and the tides rise and fall?" The air, which had been enthusiastic, suddenly froze.

Looking at the children's hesitant and confused eyes, there was a sudden urge to take them to run on the beach by the sea, let them listen to the song of the sea, listen to the roar of the waves lapping at the embankment, let the sea drift past their little feet, and then spread through their laughter.

Tell them simple ancient poetry knowledge, see them carefully recorded in the book, like seedlings tirelessly absorbing water, trying to grow, trying to blossom, and feel that the sky outside the window is bluer.

It takes nearly half an hour to walk back to the residence after class, and the old houses seen on the road have wide eaves. Local residents use small hair dryers to blow fire on the homemade stove, and boil potatoes in an iron pot. The well-meaning Old Man of Dingxi sat at the door, basking in the sun, waiting for lunch.

Back at the residence, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the volunteer teaching colleagues who lived with me were chopping meat filling, saying that today was Teacher's Day, and that I was celebrating my own holiday, preparing to wrap wontons, and my heart suddenly blossomed. There was no dough, on its own and with the noodles; no rolling pin, and finding a small fine glass bottle to serve in; no plates, wrapped up and placed in a basin to lay out. After an hour of busyness, a pot of wontons with a special temperature was placed in front of me. This small rolling bottle became the most magical rolling pin in this life. The wontons tasted great, and in the midst of the gluttony, the eyes and hearts of the two women were full of satisfaction.

The world is worth it, because there is love, so there is light.

September 11, 2021

The mountains are lush

Today, he participated in the democratic supervision and research activities of ecological environmental protection and high-quality development in the Qinqi River Basin.

Weiyuan has several representative rivers, the Yu River, the Qingyuan River, and the Qinqi River. Both the Qingyuan River and the Yu River are around Qingyuan County, and the Qinqi River is in the northernmost part of Weiyuan.

Today,we are focusing on the environmental protection situation around the Qinqi River, which is located in the northernmost part of Weiyuan.

Driving about 40 kilometers along the mountain road from Weiyuan County, you will first arrive at Beizhai Town. On both sides of the mountain road is a typical loess plateau, towering slopes, straight as a knife. Most of it is loess, and in some places the loess is peeling off, revealing the red part below. It is said that it is called red sandstone, which is a unique geomorphological feature of Gansu and is geologically known as the Gansu system. On the mountain, which is more than 2700 meters above sea level, the weather is relatively cold and lacks water sources, so the vegetation is sparse. Looking far away, sporadic green flashed with the speed of the car.

I was very impressed by the Zhangjiapu Primary School here, the school is very small, it is said that there are only two students and three teachers. When asked why, it was because the land was dry and barren, and many villagers had moved to Xinjiang and other areas, and there were fewer and fewer students here. I wanted to go in and have a look, but I couldn't open the door on the weekend, so I had to give up.

When I arrived at Qin Qi Township, as soon as I got out of the car, my heart was tugged. There are barren mountains everywhere, and there is hardly green in sight, and the Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway passes through here. Just as a train passed, in the midst of desolation, the rhythm of life was emitted.

The land here has dried up and cracked in a series of stripes. The crops in the field, the leaves are all yellowish. Passing by a celery field, the celery grew so short that there were no stems in sight, only some seemingly dehydrated leaves, silent under the scorching sun of the plateau.

This is a land with a serious shortage of water, but fortunately, the state continues to promote support and improvement policies. I went to see the main trunk canal tunnel of the Gansu Provincial Diversion and Tao Water Supply Project, and crouched on the railing, I could see the surging water rushing forward. The surrounding vegetation is obviously lush and lush, the banks of the clear river are abundant, and even reeds can be seen. On the nearby mountain, the mountain forest planted last year has also taken on a lush green color.

"Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", I hope that one day, this land will be full of lush eyes, lush vegetation, and become a rich and beautiful resort.

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the volunteer teachers have dinner in a foreign land.

September 21, 2021

Mid-Autumn Festival without mooncakes

After three days off, I had severe altitude sickness, lay down for two days, and took no more than 30 steps a day, feeling that the whole person was not good. Headache, heartache, stomachache, covered with a thick quilt, there is really some taste of Lin sister.

After receiving a call from the courier, colleagues and friends from qingdao's hometown sent "love" to the children, including school supplies and medical masks. These two teachers, Qian Dingwan, told not to disclose their names, but to just say "caring people". The one thousand yuan mask sent was a colleague from Chengyang Experimental Middle School, who rarely intersected in his work, and I couldn't even match his face and name. But I still want to say it sincerely here: thank you for trusting me unconditionally, thank you for holding up a sky of love for these children. Love is speechless, you are the most respectable people!

Xiao Zhao, who came from Qingdao to support the teaching, called and said that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and everyone went to make dumplings together. Agreed, went to soak the white fungus, and boiled a pot of white fungus soup in a rice cooker. Afraid that it would be cold when I walked over, I even carried the pot and took it over. Busy, simple lunch, no mooncakes, no delicacies, we had a special Mid-Autumn Festival together.

The moon rose outside the window, and tonight, I was thinking about my family in a foreign land more than 1,700 kilometers away from home.

October 13, 2021

A strong youth is a strong country

This small city on the Loess Plateau entered winter overnight.

It seemed that all the cells were clamoring: cold, cold. Even if you shrink the whole person in the quilt and open the electric blanket, you still shiver. The color of the roadside leaves began to become colorful, green, red, yellow, fused together, and it was eye-catching. It should have been a picturesque time in autumn, but it was really winter.

The 10th Sports Festival of Qingyuan Middle School opened today. The entrance ceremony is really beautiful: the honor guard is heroic, the drum band is melodious, the dolls are energetic, each class has its own characteristics, and the radio exercise competition is magical. The spirit of sportsmanship and the sense of cooperation are all vividly displayed.

This sports festival lasts for three days, and there are various competitions in different categories, which can be seen that the school attaches great importance to the construction of students' physical fitness and healthy physical and mental development.

Teenagers are strong and strong, and on the starting line of the dolls' physical fitness, they must take precautions and take a step ahead.

The weather was as cold as usual. After putting on a down jacket and thin cotton pants, I still froze my knees faintly. It's getting old after all.

But in this youthful playground, I felt that I was also starting to burn...

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

Hello teacher!

Where the motherland needs, it is my hometown.

They are the epitome of many young university student volunteers, and in an era when everyone is flocking to the big city, they swim against the current, rush to the hardest places, and deliver the best years to a chalk, three-foot podium.

In 2013, the Qingdao University of Science and Technology Graduate Teaching Group was established, which is the only provincial non-teacher training college in Shandong Province to be the "China Youth Volunteer Poverty Alleviation Relay Program Graduate Teaching Group", and in 2018, the Corps Service Point was added. Today, this volunteer group has been rooted in the hot land of the western part of the motherland for 8 years, and 75 volunteer teaching team members relay the torch of volunteer service, from the coast to the inland, spanning 3,000 or 4,000 kilometers, scattering stars in the central and western parts of the motherland, igniting the flame of hope in the hearts of the children.

"Stay and be my brother-in-law"

Just walked into the campus, Li Zhicheng was a bit "dumbfounded"——

The area where the volunteer teachers are taught is short of water, the dormitory buildings are not watered, and there are only 6 taps scattered throughout the campus. The first and second floors of the dormitory building are student dormitories, and Li Zhicheng and the students who support teaching together live on the 3rd floor, and each time they are relieved, they need to go to the dry toilet 300 meters away from the dormitory. The school has no place to take a bath, several volunteer students can only take a 30-minute village bus to the county town every weekend, open a room in a small hotel, take turns to take a bath, and take the last bus back to school before 5 o'clock in the afternoon...

"When I was in college, I had two short-term volunteer teaching experiences in Xinjiang, and at first I thought that this volunteer teaching was not so difficult for me, but when I actually arrived at the volunteer teaching school, I found that it was not as simple as I thought."

Li Zhicheng, the leader of the Pengyang detachment of the 23rd Graduate Student Support Group of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, arrived in Pengyang County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on July 28 this year, at the age of 23, together with two male and one female classmates from the same school, and began a year-long volunteer teaching life at Chengyang Township Junior High School.

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

Li Zhicheng (first from right) and his classmates who are teaching at Chengyang Township Junior High School.

"Now this season, the local outdoor temperature is already 0 ° C, washing clothes need to hold a washbasin, in the yard to wash by hand, that feeling is really sour." There is no washing machine in the school, and Li Zhicheng and several people can only wash thick clothes in winter by hand in the yard. In order to cheer themselves up, the four of them often agreed to come to the courtyard together at a good time, singing and washing clothes at the same time.

Pengyang County is located on the southern edge of Ningxia, the school is on the edge of the county seat, surrounded by crops that cannot be seen at a glance, and on weekends, the teachers and students in the school go home, and there are only 4 volunteer students such as Li Zhicheng left on the entire campus. "Every weekend the school loses power. At night, only our dormitory was lit up in a radius of two or three miles. The biggest headache is to go to the toilet at night, one of the 4 of us wants to go to the toilet, we all need to be accompanied by a group, go together with a flashlight, one person goes to the toilet, and the other three stand at the door of the toilet and sing loudly and boldly. ”

On the cold winter night, lonely and empty, the songs of several people are firm and brave, like a sword splitting the dark and boundless night. Li Zhicheng said with a smile that after teaching for 3 months, his singing level has improved by leaps and bounds, and his voice has also become bigger.

Li Zhicheng is responsible for teaching mathematics in two classes of the seventh grade, "The children here, most of the primary schools are in the village, one or two students in a village, just one teacher teaches the whole subject, the foundation is relatively weak." Many children do not recognize all the words, and the influx and abdication in the primary school addition and subtraction method will not be. But seeing the children's kind and simple smiles and eager eyes for knowledge, Li Zhicheng's heart ignited a momentum, "Suddenly felt that his one-year teaching time was too short, and he always felt that time was not enough, and he hoped to help these children more." ”

There was a little boy in the class surnamed Ma, who timidly pulled on the corner of Li Zhicheng's clothes after a class, flashed his big eyes and said to him: "Teacher, I am not good at mathematics in elementary school, and I can generally only take the test for twenty or thirty." But teacher I like you, and in junior high school I wanted to study math well. ”

Li Zhicheng found that The pony's mathematics was really poor, and even the basic addition and subtraction within 10 needed to be calculated vertically, so he used the lunch break to tutor him. Soon, his grades reached the middle and upper levels from the bottom of the class at the beginning, and he took the initiative to explain the mathematical knowledge of primary school to the students in the class who had a poor foundation, and the students called him "Pony Teacher".

As an authentic Qingdao boy, Li Zhicheng, who has never left Qingdao, has the biggest feeling after coming to Ningxia to support teaching is the gap between the eastern and western cities. "The children of my relatives and friends around me have been in various interest classes since they were young, and their parents have taken them to travel around the country during the holidays. But the children here do not have such good conditions. Every day at noon, the students each hold a bowl, and the bowl of rice or steamed bread is covered with one or two dishes, but they eat very fragrantly, they say: "I like to eat in the canteen too much, and here you can eat meat and vegetables." ”

During the seven-day National Day holiday, children help at home, collecting corn with adults or taking care of younger siblings. Li Zhicheng once asked the children in the class if they had any experience of going out to play, more than half of the more than 30 children in a class did not leave the county, and they even had no concept of Guyuan City and Yinchuan, the capital of the autonomous region.

A child once asked, "Teacher, what is outside of Ningxia?" This sentence deeply stung Li Zhicheng, who was determined to bring what he saw, heard, and felt to these children. At the weekly class meeting, Li Zhicheng would show the photos and videos of his college days to the children, and the colorful theatrical performances and club activities made the children very fascinated. "In the past, my parents always said that reading changes fate, I think it is empty words, teacher, I now know, learning can really change fate, I also want to go to college." 」

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

Group photo of Li Zhicheng and the children.

Teachers throughout the school teach in dialects, with only four li zhicheng speaking Mandarin. Soon, these 4 volunteer teachers received special gifts from the children.

I remember that on Teacher's Day, the children wrapped dates, apples, etc. picked from their own fruit trees in black plastic bags, and mysteriously held them in their hands and handed them to Li Zhicheng and said, "This is my Teacher's Day gift to you." ”

A child innocently said to Li Zhicheng: "Teacher, I like you very much, can you stay here forever?" I have a sister in the family, you should make me a brother-in-law. ”

During the volunteer teaching period, Li Zhicheng collected a lot of school supplies through his alma mater, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, and the school bags and stationery donated by caring people have been expressly delivered from Qingdao, and the "Warm Winter Action" of collecting school supplies for children is also underway.

"Do something unforgettable in a year that's not long." In Peng Yang's two months, Li Zhicheng has a deeper understanding and feeling of the words of the graduate student support group, "A year is not a long time, but I want to dedicate my youth to the children without reservation, looking forward to illuminating every simple angel here and building a bridge to the 'outside the mountain' for them." I only hope that time can pass more slowly, so that I can accompany and witness the growth of children. ”

"Let them go further into the world"

"My dream used to be an entrepreneur, but now I want to run a vocational high school so that more children can learn the skills to stand in society and enable them to go further into the world." The experience of teaching in Ningxia for one year changed Zhou Pengfei's life goal.

Zhou Pengfei, 23, is a volunteer of the 22nd Graduate Student Support Group of Qingdao University of Science and Technology. In 2020, he went to Ningxia Xingqing District Crescent Lake Muslim Middle School to teach. The school is located 40 kilometers northeast of Yinchuan City, which is also the junction of the Maowusu Desert and the Yellow River, and is named after a crescent-like lake.

There is also a beautiful legend about the origin of this place name: in 33 BC, Zhaojun went out of the plug and went to the yellow river crossing, looking at the rolling Yellow River water, and his heart was desolate - crossing the Yellow River, he was one step away from Chang'an. As soon as Zhaojun crossed the Yellow River, the thoughts of his distant parents in his heart suddenly surged into his heart, and unconsciously tears slid over his face and dripped on the sand on the riverbank. After Zhaojun left, her tears turned into a lake of water, shaped like a crescent moon, which people called "Crescent Lake". The place name of Crescent Lake Township is derived from this.

"When I was a child, my grandparents often told me: Your generation is a child who grew up drinking sugar water in a honey pot, and will tell me how hard life was in their time and how happy we were." However, after Zhou Peng flew to Crescent Lake Township to teach, he was a little shocked when he exchanged customs and customs with local teachers: "There are still some old traditions left in Crescent Lake Township, and girls are born to exchange dowry money for their sons. This is a perception of many local parents. ”

"It's hard for me to change this perception, and what I can do is to do my best to get more children into high school, so that they have the opportunity to go out and see the outside world and change their destiny." Zhou Pengfei secretly made a determination.

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

On the weekend, Zhou Pengfei took the mobile whiteboard to give the children make-up lessons.

There were two special girls in Zhou Pengfei's class. A girl's father died, after her mother remarried, she lived with her uncle, and then her uncle got married, and her aunt was mean to her, sometimes she didn't have lunch to eat at home, and often rice boiled water was a meal. Once, in class, a girl who had been lacking nutrition for a long time fainted due to low blood sugar. The other girl was also married after her father died, and her mother remarried and left, and she lived with her grandparents. The results of the two girls were on the verge of the middle school entrance examination score line, and Zhou Pengfei looked anxious in his eyes.

There is still a month near the middle school entrance examination, other students go home to eat at noon, considering that the two girls eat is a problem, Zhou Pengfei will take the two to the small restaurant at the entrance of the school every day at noon, order two dishes to supplement their nutrition, after class and weekend overtime for them to make up for their homework, and finally the two girls have successfully entered high school.

"The children here are relatively weak in basic knowledge, some of them don't even know how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, and the average score in mathematics is only 20 or 30 points." Zhou Pengfei has only one wish: let them get admitted to a few more, go to high school, go to college, and be able to go out and see the world.

In the days of volunteer teaching, away from the hustle and bustle of big cities, Zhou Pengfei did not have the opportunity to play and entertain his peers, but his life was very fulfilling, "because he is not a teacher training teacher, so there are still many things to learn." He bought more than a dozen books, "100 Suggestions for Teachers", "To Young Teachers", etc., and worked hard to improve his teaching level.

In order to make his chemistry class more interesting, every Friday he takes the students to stage "Chemistry to the End" in the classroom, and the 4 groups of students who answer the most chemistry questions will win. Zhou Pengfei will give the snacks he bought from the Internet to the children as small prizes.

The attentive Zhou Pengfei found that the book resources of the volunteer school were not very sufficient. So, through his alma mater, he contacted Qingdao Yucai Middle School and Qingdao Seventeen Middle School, donated thousands of books, and also contacted the love organization to provide bookshelves, and a brand-new library was born in this remote middle school.

The wall of the library is pasted with eight big characters of "open the heart lock and the sun comes in", and zhou Pengfei's heart is also like shining into the sun when he sees the children lining up in a long line to borrow books, holding books and crouching in the corner.

The school's multimedia equipment is old, and students can't see the courseware clearly in class, which directly affects learning. Zhou Pengfei took out his salary of more than 20,000 yuan and donated a wisdom blackboard to the school. "A smart blackboard can be used for many years, and it will definitely help children's grades in these years." The children's grades improve by one point, and the probability of being admitted to high school is one point greater, becoming a talent who can contribute to society, which is also a part of my original intention of teaching. Zhou Pengfei said that he has always had a beautiful vision in his heart: one day in the future, a strange and familiar figure walked into the university, walked up to him, and proudly said to him: Hello teacher, I am your 2020 class student.

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

Children borrow books in the Love Library.

"Don't let the flag get hurt"

"Growing up, I seemed to be a person who listened to stories, heard the stories of celebrities, and heard the excellent stories of other people's children. Entering the university is still the same, countless lectures, defenses, sharing sessions, always that audience. I also thought that maybe this would be the norm for the rest of my life as an ordinary person. However, when I crossed 3400 kilometers to the Sanping Farm School of the 12th Division in Xinjiang, I found that I also had a story of my own, and this experience of volunteer teaching would be the most dazzling part of my life. Han Chaoyang, 22, is a volunteer of the Xinjiang Branch of the 23rd Graduate Student Support Group of Qingdao University of Science and Technology.

"In this story, although I can't be as intelligent and courageous as Sheriff Black Cat, nor can I save the world like Iron Man, and I can't fight the whole world like Thanos, I have seriously entered the world of children." 」 Han Chaoyang said that the experience of volunteer teaching is a grind, but also a super-burning song of youth.

"The first lesson was like a nightmare for me." Han Chaoyang teaches a comprehensive practice class for first-year freshmen, he is still a big boy's psychology, how to deal with these "little elves" has no tricks at all. In Han Chaoyang's classroom, the children were like a bunch of little lambs out of the circle, running around leaving their seats, chatting unscrupulously, and the sound of speech even overshadowed the teacher.

"For the first time, I felt that the first-grade 'Divine Beast' was really terrible, and I was a little scared in my heart, thinking about when I would be able to get out of class." Fortunately, Han Chaoyang tried to adjust his state, "allowing himself to become a child and become their peers." ”

In order to teach the children classroom discipline, Han Chaoyang arranged children's songs for them: one two one, walk forward, sit upright, look at the blackboard... Slowly, the "little divine beasts" began to listen to the command.

"They loved to play, so we played together on the playground; they were curious about things, so we agreed together and went to museums across the country in class." Han Chaoyang took the children on an online tour of the websites of museums across the country, explaining to them a variety of novel collections. He also asked his college classmates to help, and went to Qingdao Underwater World to record a lot of videos of marine life and show them to the children in class.

Teacher Xiao Han's class became a "treasure class" for a while, and every day a child always ran to the office to hug him and asked: "Teacher Xiao Han, is there any class of yours today, can you go to class in the next class?" "It was at this moment that I realized that I was no longer a passer-by, a spectator, I tugged at the heartstrings of the children, and they danced in my life." Han Chaoyang wrote down his feelings with a sense of accomplishment in his diary.

Newsweek 丨 Faraway teachers please stay! Look, Qingdao teacher's volunteer teaching diary, a child asked where ningxia is outside...

Han Chaoyang (left) and the students who are teaching together are preparing for class.

"Before coming to Xinjiang, I always felt that Xinjiang was very mysterious, but after I came here, I found that all ethnic groups here live in harmony and live in stability, and I truly experienced the results of the country's poverty alleviation." Listening to the introduction of local teachers, back to five or six years ago, it was still very poor, there was no local industry, and residents left their hometowns to work, living in bungalows with a history of decades. With the construction of the frontier by the state, many affordable housing has risen from the ground, and many new industries have been introduced and many new factories have been built, and residents no longer need to work in other places, and they can work and live a rich life if they stay in the local area.

"Ethnic minorities and Han people are very united, just like a family, the local Uyghur teachers also invited us volunteer teachers to visit the home, make some local specialties for us to eat, stewed lamb, pulled strips, etc., are delicious and delicious, that is, the taste is a little spicy, I am a little unaccustomed." Han Chaoyang said with a smile.

"There are 45 children in a class, and the Children of Uyghur, Han and Kazakh ethnic groups are playing together. Before National Day, I gave them a lesson and shared 'Why the flag is red'. When Han Chaoyang said that "the red of the national flag is dyed red with the blood of revolutionary martyrs", the young children raised their young hands and spoke with all their tongues to move him:

"Love the flag."

"To protect the flag, you can't let it get harmed."


"My volunteer teaching story continues, I am no longer an audience, 'Teacher Xiaohan' is my most beautiful title in this story." A year is not a long time, and Han Chaoyang, who is integrated into the life of volunteer teaching, is reluctant to draw a close to this story, "If I can, I hope it can be an ellipsis, they let me grow, I will wait for them to grow up in the future." ”

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