
A special clothing brand "seminar"

author:Great Wall Net

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Great Wall Network Jiyun client reporter Yan Chengqun Yuan Lipeng

"We won the first prize of the Hebei Provincial Fashion Design Competition last year" "We also won the first prize of industry design"... In the interval between the two sessions of the provincial government, Cui Yingguo and Yang Yi, two members of the committee, got together and talked about their same old business - the garment industry.

"Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, international flights have decreased, and freight rates have risen to nearly three times that of normal years since last year." Cui Yingguo, member of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Hebei Liyimeng Cashmere Products Co., Ltd., said that it is precisely because the company has strengthened its product design capabilities, enhanced its added value, and enhanced its brand competitiveness that it has withstood the crisis and achieved stable operation.

A special clothing brand "seminar"

Yang Yiming (left) and Cui Yingguo (right) have a lively discussion. Great Wall Network· Jiyun client reporter Yan Chengqun Yuan Lipeng photographed

"For traditional industries, industrial design can often play a role in turning stones into gold, and is a weapon to enhance core competitiveness." Cui Yingguo suggested that Hebei should promote the transformation of industrial design to high-end comprehensive design services, promote the deep integration of industrial design with products, enterprises and characteristic industrial clusters, and establish a dynamic industrial chain integrating market development, user research, service design, technology research and processing and manufacturing.

For improving design capabilities and taking the road of branding, Yang Yiming, member of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of Yiming Clothing and Equipment Technology Group, also agrees. "Our garment industry in Hebei Province has been transforming and upgrading since 2018, from OEM to independent brands. Gradually cultivated and established their own team of designers.

The online explosion of clothing in the Internet era will show geometric growth in sales, of course, this is also based on the core of clothing - quality, and designers and operators must constantly open up ideas and deny themselves in order to succeed. ”

A special clothing brand "seminar"

Yang Yiming (left) and Cui Yingguo (right) discuss brand building. Great Wall Network· Jiyun client reporter Yan Chengqun Yuan Lipeng photographed

The government work report proposes to improve the modernization level of the industrial chain, adhere to the "head enterprise" drive, and promote industrial digitalization. Cui Yingguo and Yang Yiming met, firmly took the road of branding and intelligence, drove the Hebei garment industry to become stronger and bigger, and created an industry "hidden champion".

Their goal is to leapfrog the OEM, go out, build a brand, enhance added value, and let more people wear the clothing of Hebei brand.