
Pick up the mobile phone without password, others Paypal casually brush, criminal detention!

author:Pingxiang Internet police patrol law enforcement

A machine in hand

I have it in the world

Nowadays, electronic payments

It has been applied to all aspects of life

Smartphones for the vast majority of people

WeChat Wallet and Alipay are both bound to bank cards

While it is convenient, there are also security risks

Once the phone is lost or stolen

It is equivalent to the "wallet" being taken away

If there are no effective security measures

The money inside was looted by others

Such a thing happened in Lianhua County, Pingxiang City

A victim's mobile phone was accidentally lost

The money in mobile phone Alipay was stolen and brushed more than 1500 yuan

Pick up the mobile phone without password, others Paypal casually brush, criminal detention!

Case Review

Recently, Ms. She came to the Qinting police station to report the case, saying that her mobile phone was lost in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and asked the police to help find it. After receiving the police, the police immediately rushed to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital to retrieve the video surveillance, but at that time, no one was found to pick up the mobile phone.

Pick up the mobile phone without password, others Paypal casually brush, criminal detention!

At noon the next day, when Ms. She, who was at home, logged on to her Alipay account and found that she had stolen more than 1,500 yuan, she hurried to the police station again. After the police verified the situation, they found that the consumption was in a supermarket in the county seat. The police further intensified the investigation, strictly analyzed and judged, and quickly locked the suspect Yang Mou, but the suspect had driven from Lianhua County to Luxi County. Therefore, the Qinting police station immediately organized police forces to go to Yang's hometown for investigation, and after squatting for several hours, finally arrested him at a waste collection station, and Yang confessed to the crime of stealing other people's Alipay.

Pick up the mobile phone without password, others Paypal casually brush, criminal detention!
Pick up the mobile phone without password, others Paypal casually brush, criminal detention!
Pick up the mobile phone without password, others Paypal casually brush, criminal detention!
After interrogation, Yang mou and his girlfriend found Ms. She's mobile phone in the maternal and child health hospital, and they greedily took it for themselves. Returning to the residence in the evening, Yang found that Ms. She's mobile phone did not set a password, and the Alipay barcode could also be paid directly by anyone because Ms. She had paid before. The next morning, Yang rushed to the supermarket to go shopping. After tasting the sweetness for the first time, he was vaguely worried that what he had done would be revealed, so he set off for his hometown in Luxi. As everyone knows, the Skynet was restored, and the omission was not leaked, Yang mou was still arrested under the unremitting efforts of the auxiliary police of the Qinting police station, and Ms. She's loss was also recovered.
Pick up the mobile phone without password, others Paypal casually brush, criminal detention!

At present, the criminal suspect Yang Mou has been criminally detained by the Lianhua County Public Security Bureau in accordance with the law for suspected of stealing Alipay. For the hard work of the police, Ms. She was deeply moved, in order to express her gratitude, she came to the Qinting police station to personally present the pennant to the police.

Internet police prompts

  • For the safety of information and property, the digital password and gesture unlocked by the mobile phone should not be too simple, and it is best to use high-level biometric authentication such as "fingerprint", "iris" and "face".
  • Once the mobile phone is lost or stolen, the bank card, WeChat wallet, Alipay, etc. bound to the mobile phone are in danger, in order to prevent the money from being stolen, the owner or victim should immediately report the loss of his mobile phone card and replace the card, and then find an alternate mobile phone to modify Alipay, WeChat password, or call the customer service hotline of Alipay, bank, etc., to freeze the use of mobile phone online banking and online payment to avoid losses.

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