
Thin endometrial infertility, Chinese medicine tonify the kidneys, activate blood and dissolve stasis, a dose of membrane augmentation fertility soup is all done

author:Dr. Zhang Guojie, Chinese Medicine

The uterus is undoubtedly very important for women, is an important reproductive organ for the next generation, if once the endometrium is thin, it will first affect the pregnancy preparation, and it has become one of the important factors for the success of pregnancy preparation! If you want to prepare for pregnancy, a good uterine environment is very important and the basis for the healthy development of the fetus.

Thin endometrial infertility, Chinese medicine tonify the kidneys, activate blood and dissolve stasis, a dose of membrane augmentation fertility soup is all done

Thinning of the uterine lining has consequences

First: the amount of menstruation will be significantly reduced, some are more serious, menstruation may only be two or three days, one or two days or even a little drop.

Second: it can cause gynecological diseases, such as endometritis, and if it is serious, it also has the risk of carcinogenicity.

Third: it is difficult to get pregnant, very difficult for women because of the thin lining, infertility after marriage for a long time, which even affects the married life, and there are countless examples that have been seen clinically.

Thin endometrial infertility, Chinese medicine tonify the kidneys, activate blood and dissolve stasis, a dose of membrane augmentation fertility soup is all done

Common causes of thin endometrium

1. In general, in the process of clinical reception, it is found that if the endometrium is too thin, a large part of it is caused by the endometrial damage caused by uterine cavity adhesions after artificial abortion, such as the common drug flow and human flow, not only during operation, it will cause the endometrium to thin, multiple abortions, but also to increase the injury to the uterus;

2. The other part of the cause of the endometrium is too thin, according to Western medicine, the level of estrogen and progesterone is not enough, often through hormone conditioning, but the effect is often short-term effect, long-term effect is not good.

3. Some of it is caused by age factors, increasing age, insufficient kidney qi, serious loss of qi and blood, and insufficient thickness of the natural endometrium, but it can be improved through drug conditioning.

4. Drug abuse and misuse, lesions of the endometrium caused by it.

And how does Chinese medicine recognize the thin endometrium?

First of all, we must know that Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate root, the kidney is the main body of the sperm, and the sperm and blood are of the same origin, and the two can be transformed and bred.

Kidney qi deficiency can not normally nourish the uterus, which can lead to abnormal uterine function; Kidney deficiency, through multiple links, resulting in cell stasis, so that thin endometrial patients have infertility, it can be seen that kidney deficiency is its main pathogen, and cell stasis is its core link.

Therefore, the treatment of thin endometrial infertility in traditional Chinese medicine is mainly based on the principles of tonifying the kidneys and improving qi, activating blood and dissolving stasis.

Thin endometrial infertility, Chinese medicine tonify the kidneys, activate blood and dissolve stasis, a dose of membrane augmentation fertility soup is all done

Membrane augmentation fertility formula

Composition: Silkworm seed, raw astragalus, mulberry, staghorn gum, cistanche, cooked ground yellow, purple river car, ejiao, angelica, Sichuan root.

Fangzhong Silk Seed has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and improving sperm;

Mulberry has the effect of nourishing yin and blood, tonifying the liver and kidneys;

Staghorn gum has the effect of warming the liver and kidneys, benefiting the menstruation and nourishing the blood;

Zihe Car has the effect of helping Yang and replenishing sperm, nourishing blood and qi;

Angelica has the effect of activating blood and dissolving stasis, regulating menstrual pain;

Cistanche has the effect of tonifying kidney yang sperm and blood, moisturizing the intestines and laxative;

Sichuan root has the effect of invigorating blood and dispelling stasis, and opening up qi;

Raw astragalus has the effect of replenishing qi and raising the sun and strengthening the table;

Ejiao has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying blood, and moisturizing the fetus;

Cooked yellow has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying blood, clearing heat and detoxification;

Thin endometrial infertility, Chinese medicine tonify the kidneys, activate blood and dissolve stasis, a dose of membrane augmentation fertility soup is all done

People often ask, is TCM conditioning too slow?

In fact, it is right to say that although Chinese medicine does not come as fast as hormone drugs, its advantage is that it is not repeated, not dependent, and can adjust the uterine environment from the whole and comprehensively improve women's physique.

Each person has different symptoms, different personal physiques, and different dosages, if you also have relevant problems, you can follow up with messages and exchanges, and add or subtract according to the situation. Although the thin endometrium will affect the conception, but after conditioning can make the uterus reach a normal level, in addition to the method I mentioned above, there are many other ways, I hope to help you.

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