
Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

author:Northern Frontier Guardian
Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward
Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

January 18

Army 78th Army

Solemnly convened

Strong Army Pioneer Award Ceremony

10 pioneers and 3 pioneer collectives

Received this award

Xiaobian specially sorted it out

Advanced models of deeds material

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This issue takes you closer together

One battalion and one company of a special combat brigade

Listen to their strong army oath

Unit business card

  A battalion and a company of a special combat brigade of the 78th Group Army, formerly known as the Red Guerrilla Group in Shonan led by Fang Zhimin and Su Yu, was established in April 1934 in Leiyang, Hunan. He has undergone 11 readjustments and reorganizations, and participated in guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea during the Long March. In May 1945, in the battle to conquer Donggou Town, he dared to fight hard, was brave and tenacious, and was praised by the Second Division of the New Fourth Army as the "Diamond Diamond Company" of the "Diamond Drill Regiment". Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the company has carried forward the spirit of "diamond drills" of "no insurmountable difficulties, no tasks that cannot be completed, and no enemies that cannot be defeated", and has concentrated on forging an excellent collective that absolutely obeys the party's words and resolutely wins battles. The company has been rated by its superiors as an advanced unit of "pacesetter company for grass-roots construction," "advanced company for practicing the goal of strengthening the army," and "four major grasps, and for two consecutive years has been awarded the third class of collective merit, 1 person has been awarded first class merit, 8 people have been awarded second class merit, and 26 people have been awarded third class merit.

  There is such a company, which has come all the way from the flames of the revolution, gone through 88 years of vicissitudes, has always been loyal to the party, has always had a rock-like belief, has always been brave and tenacious, has dared to fight and dare to fight, has always been indomitable, and has always forged ahead; under the guidance of the spirit of "diamond drilling," generation after generation of officers and men of the company have continued the red gene, always maintained their original mission, and bravely shouldered the heavy responsibility of winning battles, thus writing one brilliant chapter after another.

Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

  One by one, the correctional figures jumped down from the plane, opened their umbrellas, landed at the predetermined location, quickly assembled, and infiltrated the "enemy's" rear command post concealedly... Falling from the sky, it was the "Red Company" of a special combat brigade of the 78th Group Army that carried out the task of breaking the attack behind the "enemy." During the battle, in the face of the "enemy's" fortifications layer by layer, the officers and men of a company, under the leadership of company commander Xu Lele, flexibly applied tactics, skillfully detoured, and crawled forward nearly a kilometer on the rugged ground covered with rubble, hitting the "enemy" by surprise and successfully breaking the "enemy's" command post. After the exercise, a company of officers and men had bruises and red swellings on their elbows and knees, and bruises and bled blood, but none of them cared, and they only saw joy after victory in their eyes. In order to win, they have nothing to lose!

Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

  In the baptism of fire, the company formed the "diamond diamond" spirit of "close cooperation team spirit, self-improvement spirit of striving for progress, indomitable enterprising spirit, courageous sacrifice spirit, indestructible fighting spirit, and courageous and tenacious fighting spirit" in the baptism of fire. In 1945, the battle to conquer Donggou Town was fought, and the predecessor of the company, as the vanguard of the road, fearless of the strong defense system of the three battalions of the ninth regiment of the Third Division of Wang Jingwei, bravely charged, dared to fight, braved the rain of bullets and bullets to break the enemy's barbed wire, destroy the enemy's fire points, and blow up the enemy's bunkers, showing the revolutionary heroism of indomitable progress. At the post-war celebration meeting, the division party committee conferred on the company the glorious title of "Diamond Diamond Company of the Diamond Drill Regiment". "No matter how strong the iron barrel is, we must drill you into the eye, fight until the sunrise mountain in the middle of the night, and sing triumphant victory!" The song of resolutely and cheerfully conquering Donggou Town inspired generations of officers and men of the company, and the battle flag of the "Diamond Drill Company" inspired the company to move forward forever!

Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward
Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

  A generation has the responsibility of a generation, and a generation has a mission of a generation. The bright red battle flag of the "Diamond Diamond Company" spans the smoke of history and is timeless. In the new era, the company has always continued the red bloodline, relayed the spirit of "diamond drilling", concentrated on building an excellent collective that absolutely obeys the party's words and resolutely wins battles, and has carried the red flag and won the first place in major military activities on many occasions. From 2017 to 2019, the company was rated as a "grassroots construction pacesetter company" by the group army for three consecutive years, and in 2019, it was rated as an "advanced unit for practicing the goal of strengthening the army" and was awarded the collective third class meritorious service once. In 2020, the company was rated by the group army as "advanced company for practicing the goal of strengthening the army" and "advanced company for grass-roots construction", and was awarded the third class merit of the collective.

Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward
Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

  Through the dazzling light of the company's honor, it was the tenacity of the officers and men of a company who wrestled and tempered in the ice and snow of more than thirty degrees below zero; it was the courage and perseverance of the officers and men of a company who had gone through three swellings and three extinctions on the scorching heat and the yellow dust on the grassland, and finally turned into a leap; it was the bloody courage of not fearing a strong opponent on the exercise ground and fighting until the last moment even if it was deeply encircled; it was the bloody courage of overcoming all difficulties on the international martial arts arena, pouring all out for the honor of the country, and sparing no regrets.

Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward
Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

  In Yilian, everyone strives for honor and everyone cherishes honor. At the beginning of 2017, Chen Kexin, who was a private in the company at the time, grasped the hard-won "International Military Competition-2017" sniper border qualifications, with a thin physique, overcame the pain, never accepted defeat, never gave up, and made three shots in the final game. At the beginning of 2020, the company's sergeant Sun during this week's vacation team asked him to participate in the notice of the superior competition assessment, at 3 a.m., bid farewell to his fiancée, resolutely carried a backpack of more than 30 kilograms, crossed the 53-kilometer rugged mountain road, and rushed to the airport. In the end, he and his comrades-in-arms worked together and dared to fight and achieved the first place in the group. In 2021, preparing for the "Sayanling March" competition, the competition training team with the company as the main body has trained for a total of 109 days and nights, the team members carry 35 kilograms per day, train for 12 hours, even during the Spring Festival, there has not been a day off, overcoming extreme weather on the field, not afraid of strong opponents, and achieving 10 competition subjects and 5 individual firsts.

Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward
Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward
Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

  Looking back on the past, the history of the "Red Company" is like a twinkling of stars in the sky; looking at the present dynasty, there are countless heroic models who have once again stood out and continued to write glory. Under the leadership of the party branch of the first company, the officers and men of the first company dared to fight and fight unremittingly, marched forward in a big stride on the march of strengthening the army, and constantly interpreted and practiced the spirit of "diamond diamonds" with practical actions, so that the battle flag of the "diamond companies" stood high on one peak after another.

Text: Wang Yi Chen Haoye

Photo: Yang Ce, Wang Zongfeng

In charge: Political Work Department of the 78th Army Group of the Army

Organizer: Propaganda Department of the Ministry of Political Work

Source: Northern Frontier Defender

Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward

Chief Supervisor: Yang Warship

Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Sheng

Editor-in-Chief: Yang Zaixin

Editor-in-charge: Ding Ding

Editor: Chang Guiping Gao Xin

E-mail: [email protected]

Iron Blood Glory The officers and men of the Red Company bravely marched forward