
Recommended film | "Can't Forget the Restaurant"

author:Rise with the same front
Recommended film | "Can't Forget the Restaurant"
Recommended film | "Can't Forget the Restaurant"

An ordinary variety show, no popular traffic, no traditional variety show baggage, just aimed at a group of grandparents with Alzheimer's disease, who are waiters in restaurants, but maintain a high score of nine points on Douban. With a curious attitude, I clicked on this "Can't Forget the Restaurant" and got close to the lives of several elderly people.

As alzheimer's patients, these elderly people often have accidents in the process of work. Some grandmothers will suddenly forget that the plate in their hand should be brought to the number of tables after taking a few steps; some grandmothers are still chatting with customers one second, and the next second they will forget who the previous person is. For them, the memory is like a vast white snow, and the occasional deep and shallow footprint stepped on by the traveler is immediately buried by the snowflakes that follow.

For example, the eldest Kong Fanyi grandmother.

Recommended film | "Can't Forget the Restaurant"

Grandma Kong, 80, a middle school Chinese teacher before retiring, likes to praise the people around her, and even carefully prepares an introduction to welcome guests to dine. She is domineering and enthusiastic, but she is a severe Alzheimer's patient, for her, the memory has stayed in the past, the husband who died many years ago is still the spirited volleyball coach, the other day with friends to go out to play, the granddaughter who has become a family is still only a six- or seven-year-old child. In the show, the granddaughter and her lover came to the restaurant to eat, and after Grandma Kong heard the registered name, she said that there is also a six- or seven-year-old child in our family who has the same name as you. At that moment, perhaps in her memory, the name was deeply rooted, but the face could not be remembered. What makes people even more emotional is that when Grandma Kong learned the identity of her granddaughter, she just got up and walked around, forgot that her granddaughter was coming, and came forward to greet her with her own manuscript as before. At that moment, even sitting in front of the screen, I felt my heart pounding. I can't imagine what it would be like if one day the person I loved the most forgot about me.

Recommended film | "Can't Forget the Restaurant"

This variety show, with sincerity and emotion, in this era of doing programs with the purpose of traffic first, has embarked on a path of its own and conquered the hearts of the audience. A comment on Douban said: "We are watching this show now, watching the old people in the show, to some extent, we are also looking at our future selves, because each of us will be old." But we also want to be like the old people in the show, no matter what situation we encounter, we must always go on a positive and optimistic way. "The grandparents in the show are unfortunate to have cognitive impairment, and perhaps the people and things in their minds have gradually become blurred, but everyone is optimistically facing life, doing their best to remember all the beautiful people and things they have met."

There is no life in the world that has lost hope, and every throbbing heart is an inspiration to go on.

Recommended film | "Can't Forget the Restaurant"

Recommended Film | "Can't Forget the Restaurant"

Copywriting | Nan Zhiyi

Image | Tongfeng

Edited | Tongfeng

Part of the image source network, such as intrusion and deletion

Listening to the Fengshe | Capture the colorful and modulate the colorful

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