
Fangjiajia's preferred cultural and creative lamps - "Xifu" souvenir fan lamp


Innovative ideas

Trendy style

Functional and practical

High quality and low price

The Chinese New Year is just around the corner

Family reunion, auspicious prayers

It is one of the most important ways to celebrate the New Year

It is said that the year end is blessed

Good luck all year in the coming year!

Here is an introduction to a souvenir fan lamp

Tigers and tigers pray for blessings, and the years are auspicious

This lamp contains auspicious connotations

It is a new year's day to visit the garden to enjoy the lights

Gifts for friends and family

Blessings and gifts, souvenirs fan lamp series - Jubilee Blessing

【Blessing Companion and New Year Gift】

This cultural and creative lamp is named "Round Light"

Because of its shape like a tuan fan, it has the elegant name of "round light" in Tang

Hence the name

Fangjiajia's preferred cultural and creative lamps - "Xifu" souvenir fan lamp

This lamp is a blend of blessing and group pet culture

With peonies as the base, it shows grace and luxury

Wearing traditional costumes, cats are matched and strolling on the lamp surface

Long and long, with a fan to send affection to Add Yaxing

Fangjiajia's preferred cultural and creative lamps - "Xifu" souvenir fan lamp

This lamp is the most interesting thing

It is its delicate and dexterous switch design

Wear it with a smooth, flowing fringe pendant

Fluttering and dancing with the wind

Fangjiajia's preferred cultural and creative lamps - "Xifu" souvenir fan lamp

There are 3 kinds of fan lights rich in different meanings

Cherry blossom powder style - auspicious and smooth

Azure model - zhao cai into the treasure

Lilac style - flowers blossom rich

Get it up for your beloved "she."

Fangjiajia's preferred cultural and creative lamps - "Xifu" souvenir fan lamp