
Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people

author:Voice of Tai'an
Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people
Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people

He did not have outstanding merits or glorious deeds, but was down-to-earth, traveled thousands of miles, served as the "secretary of the military branch" for fifteen years, persisted in grasping party building, seeking development, relieving the people's worries, and promoting harmony, led the cadres and masses of the whole village, and built Mazhuang Village into a rich and harmonious new rural area that is famous far and wide.

Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people

Walking into Mazhuang Village, Mazhuang Town, the buildings are scattered, although it is a cold winter day, there is no green tree and red flower dress, but it is clean and tidy. As the Lunar New Year approaches, some people have hung up big red lanterns, newly purchased cars are parked on the street, and the courtyard is full of laughter, showing the vigor and vitality of the rich, happy and harmonious new countryside.

The great changes in Mazhuang Village are inseparable from the "family" in the village- Pei Qingguo, secretary of the party branch. In 1984, Pei Qingguo ended his 5-year military career, returned to his hometown to start a business, and made small achievements for several years. In 2007, Mazhuang Village fell into a trough of development, and it was urgent to need a pragmatic and hard-working branch secretary to lead the villagers out of poverty. Pei Qingguo, with the qualities of daring to take responsibility and being good at acting, was unanimously elected as the secretary of the village party branch when the "two committees" of the village were changed.

Strengthen party building and be a good "leading goose"

In the face of the fact that the village collective economy is weak and the construction of the contingent is not perfect. Pei Qingguo, who has just taken office, has set his sights on how to give play to the exemplary nature of party members and retired soldiers. He strictly implemented the "listing and bright promises", and in the way of hanging the honorable plaques of "party members' home" and "soldiers' home", he started from the serious style and discipline, strengthening the cohesion of party organizations, and combat effectiveness, giving full play to the expertise of each party member and retired soldier, and distinguishing tasks and assigning responsibilities to people. With the "leading geese" in the village, all work has gradually entered the right track, opening the "road to riches" in Mazhuang Village.

Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people

During his tenure as secretary of the party branch, he actively coordinated funds to harden more than 400 streets and alleys in the village, achieve full coverage of street lamps, plant more than 10,000 green seedlings, and build two cultural and sports squares. The people not only have their pockets bulged, but also the village living environment has undergone earth-shaking changes, and they have been awarded the title of "beautiful village" by the judges of Daiyue District and won the title of municipal civilized village, and the villagers' sense of gain and happiness has risen sharply.

Help people's livelihood, be the "intimate person" of the masses

Located more than 30 kilometers southwest of Tai'an City, Mazhuang Village, with a total area of 1,500 mu and a permanent population of more than 2,600 people, is the resident village of Mazhuang Town. There are many floating populations and miscellaneous affairs, and it is not easy to manage them well. Not long ago, Pei Qingguo encountered a "tricky" problem.

At that time, Mazhuang Village carried out the "coal to electricity" project, and the people who were accustomed to burning coal for heating could not accept it for a while, worried that it was difficult to maintain in the later stage and the heating effect was not good, especially some elderly people with low incomes were worried that they could not afford electricity. Under the difficulty, Pei Qingguo went door to door to understand the actual needs of the villagers, and explained policies and reasons for everyone. He said that this "coal to electricity" project is not only funded by the government, but also allows us to completely bid farewell to the black coal-burning era and live a new life of low-carbon environmental protection. He held several meetings with the village "two committees" to formulate a reasonable plan and provide special support to the villagers who really had difficulties, and in the end, all the villagers agreed to the transformation.

Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people

Pei Qingguo often said that the common people are the most lovely people, and if the work wants to be promoted, as long as the village cadres are "reasonable", do a good job in publicizing the policy, treat them like their parents, and become their most intimate people, they will definitely gain their trust.

Chinese New Year's Eve the lunar calendar in 2020, Pei Qingguo, who was preparing to eat Chinese New Year's Eve meal with his family, suddenly received a notice to attend an emergency meeting on the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic at the town government, and he was keenly aware of the severity of the situation with his experience in joining the army. At the end of the meeting, he immediately organized the members of the two village committees to work on the spot, conveying the spirit of the meeting and arranging for the deployment and control. In the face of the fact that Mazhuang Village is located in the traffic throat of the town station, there are many intersections, and miscellaneous personnel, a full-coverage grid system of "party branch + grid member + party member + villager volunteer" was quickly established, and the village radio was used to personally publicize the common sense of prevention and control, and persuaded the villagers to stop visiting relatives and friends. After arranging a series of measures, he was not at ease, and he had to move the cover roll to the epidemic prevention and control card point, which was more than 40 days. The people kindly said that as long as Secretary Pei is there, the epidemic will come and will go around us!

Gather people's hearts and minds, and repair the Pei Ancestral Hall

Mazhuang Village has a long history, according to legend, the Zhao Wang River, which is very busy with shipping, flows through here, in order to facilitate people to load and unload goods, build a wharf, so it is called wharf zhuang, and later gradually evolved into a yard village, after people's word of mouth, it became the current "Mazhuang". Due to the large number of people surnamed Pei, the total population of Mazhuang Village in the seventh census in 2020 was more than 2600 people, of which the Pei surname accounted for more than 90% of the total population, and the locals also called Pei Jia Ma Zhuang.

Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people

According to historical records, the ancestors of the Pei clan moved to Mazhuang more than 500 years ago, and there have been 59 prime ministers and 59 generals in history. Especially during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Pei family in Mazhuang Village actively participated in the revolution, and there were 5 martyrs who spilled their blood on the battlefield, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, advanced representatives such as Pei Jichen, a national agricultural labor model, emerged. In April 2018, the Pei Ancestral Hall was listed as a municipal cultural relics protection unit by the Tai'an Municipal People's Government, and the repair of the Pei Ancestral Hall has always been the common expectation of every Mazhuang person. "Since the people's aspirations are what the people want, why not borrow strength to develop?" Pei Qingguo pondered, "Repairing the Pei Ancestral Hall can not only better protect historical relics and develop tourism, but also inspire the People of Mazhuang to remember the ancestral precepts and unite and forge ahead." "There are development ideas, but it did not go smoothly at the beginning, and the gap in construction funds alone was very large."

Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people

In the face of many difficulties, Pei Qingguo showed the spirit of not accepting defeat in the army. On the one hand, he actively promoted the collection of pei's cultural history; on the other hand, he took the initiative to raise funds from many sources and realized the beautiful transformation of pei's ancestral hall through external forces. Under his efforts, the historical origins of the Pei family have been continuously excavated and sorted out, and the Pei ancestral hall has once again been perfectly reproduced. The Mazhuang town government has also increased the construction of Pei's family style culture, and built the Pei Family Ancestral Hall into a Pei family style culture exhibition hall and a teaching and research base for young people's family style, and has received many batches of young people to visit and study, which has played a good demonstration and driving role in the revitalization of Mazhuang rural culture.

Time flies, in the past fifteen years, in the face of economic backwardness, he has found a way and sought development; in the face of neighborhood contradictions, he painstakingly persuaded; in the face of epidemic prevention and control, he strictly guarded against death. Now he is still fighting in the post of village party secretary, and with him, the party is assured, and the people are assured!

Tai'an Radio and Television Station Tai'an Voice Rong Media Center

Correspondents: Li Ning, Li Zhen, Zhang Zhiyuan

Editor-in-Charge: Gao Ying

Review: Zhang Dongmei

Excellent "Soldier Branch Book" - Pei Qingguo: Be a caring person for the people

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