
Toward history and new Condense the majestic force of high-quality development

author:Puyang Net

It is necessary to conscientiously sum up the successful experience of this party history study and education, establish a normalized and long-term system and mechanism, and constantly consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education.

——Xi Jinping

"Looking back at the road of struggle in the past and the road of endeavor ahead, we must study and sum up the party's history well, and pass on and carry forward the party's successful experience."

In 2021, at the important moment of celebrating the centenary of our party, the party central committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core made a strategic decision, and a special and important centralized education within the party, the study and education of party history, was carried out in full swing in the whole party, setting off an upsurge of learning history to be clear and reasonable, learning history to increase credibility, learning history to be revered, and learning history to practice.

The municipal party committee resolutely implements the deployment requirements of the central and provincial party committees, earnestly makes good use of the inexhaustible driving force of party history study and education, forges the original intention, bravely undertakes the mission, and continues to deepen the study and education of party history with a high degree of political consciousness. From the city to the countryside, from the government to the community, from the enterprise to the campus, the land of Longdu is full of enthusiasm for learning history and knowing history, and everywhere conveys the enthusiasm of forging ahead and forging ahead.

The vast number of party members in the city have continued the red blood in the study and education of party history, forged the original mission, stubbornly struggled, pioneered and innovated, transformed the learning results into the courage and strength to continue to move forward, and constantly wrote a brilliant chapter in Puyang's high-quality development in the tests and challenges of the times.

"The study and education of party history in Puyang as a whole conforms to the requirements of the central and provincial party committees, and the work is grasped in a down-to-earth, meticulous, distinctive, and bright spot, reflecting a very high political position and political awareness." The Third Guidance Group of the Central Committee for the Study and Education of Party History spoke highly of the study and education of Party history in Puyang. The Fifth Circuit Guidance Group of the Provincial Party Committee for Party History Study and Education went to Puyang twice to investigate and guide, and fully affirmed the study and education of party history in our city.

New era, new mission, new task, new responsibility.

At present, Puyang is based on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, anchoring the "two guarantees", implementing the "Ten Major Strategies", bravely undertaking the mission, innovating and doing hard work, striving to be the first, and being more brilliant, accelerating the comprehensive transformation and high-quality development of resource-depleted cities, accelerating the construction of a rich and strong Puyang, ecological Puyang, innovative Puyang, and happy Puyang, accelerating the construction of an innovative and open highland in the central region, an interprovincial regional center of Yuluji, and walking in the forefront of the province in the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country.

Great importance is attached to orderly organization

Complete all tasks of party history study and education with high standards

"It's timely, it's necessary." General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the mobilization meeting for party history study and education that carrying out party history study and education in the whole party is an inevitable requirement for keeping in mind the original mission and promoting the great historical cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, an inevitable requirement for strengthening faith and conviction, adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and an inevitable requirement for promoting the party's self-revolution and forever maintaining the party's vitality.

The Municipal Party Committee attaches great importance to the study and education of party history as a major political task and the general grasp of promoting the city's economic development and social progress, takes the lead in shouldering political responsibility, strengthens political responsibility, deeply studies and implements General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, quickly conveys the deployment requirements of the central and provincial party committees, holds 6 special meetings to study the implementation opinions and implementation plans of the city, carries out top-level design and comprehensive systematic mobilization and deployment of the city's party history study and education, and promotes the careful organization and implementation of various departments at all levels and in a scientific and orderly manner.

In particular, after Comrade Yang Qingjiu took office as secretary of the new municipal party committee, the first forum held was the symposium held in Puyang City to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China; the first collective study of the theoretical study center group of the municipal party committee was to study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st"; the first stop of the investigation was the old site of the revolutionary base area in the Jiluyu Border District, which conveyed to the whole city a clear signal that the municipal party committee continued to do a good job in the study and education of party history.

On July 27, 2021, Comrade Yang Qingjiu also participated as an ordinary party member in the life meeting of the Party History Study and Education Special Organization of the First Party Branch of the Municipal Party Committee Office, focusing on the theme of "learning Party history, enlightening the mind, doing practical things, and opening a new situation", exchanging learning experiences, examining and analyzing problems, and clarifying the direction of efforts.

On November 12 last year, Comrade Yang Qingjiu organized the Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee to collectively study the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the first time, exchanged and discussed in connection with the actual conditions of thought and work, and emphasized the effort to hand over Puyang's excellent answer sheets on the road to catching up with the examination in the new era.

At the above rate, it is fierce.

All 26 municipal party-member leading cadres in the city participated in the life meeting of the party branch's party branch party history study and education as ordinary party members. The city's 8,119 party branches have held special organizational life meetings, examined more than 43,000 problems, and all of them have established rectification accounts.

There are 64 grass-roots contact points for municipal leading cadres, 16 contact schools, and 33 municipal leading cadres have conducted on-site research and guidance at the contact points 124 times, guided the contact points to carry out party history study and education, effectively solved the "blockages" and "difficulties" in grass-roots development, conscientiously explored and solved the practical problems of the grass-roots masses, and created a brand of work of the municipal party committee to lead and promote learning.

From mobilization and deployment to comprehensive advancement to in-depth progress at all levels, the smooth development of party history study and education is also a test of our party organization's organizational strength, mobilization ability, and action ability.

Under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, the Leading Group for the Study and Education of Party History of the Municipal Party Committee held 7 forums on party history study and education and 5 training meetings of the roving guidance group of the Municipal Party Committee. Twice, all the personnel of the organization office went deep into government organs, units, schools, hospitals, enterprises, townships and administrative villages to investigate and guide the study and education of party history, held 70 forums and 300 personal conversations, carried out accurate guidance, timely discovered and corrected existing problems, and promoted the study and education of party history.

Adhere to the normalization of the roving guidance of party history study and education, set up 5 working groups of the party history study and education office, and send 13 municipal party committee roving guidance groups to counties (districts) and municipal departments. The roving guidance group of the municipal party committee strengthens the guidance and supervision of the completion of the goals and tasks of party history study and education, timely grasps the progress and effect of the work, and ensures that all study and education tasks are "implemented one by one and echoed in everything.".

Party committees (party groups) of all units at all levels have also strengthened organizational leadership, refined work measures, tightened compaction responsibilities, and transmitted pressure step by step, providing a strong organizational guarantee for the normal and long-term development of party history study and education. Up to now, the roving guidance groups of party committees at all levels have participated in 2,500 party committee (party group) meetings, 2,800 forums, 2,300 grass-roots propaganda activities, 820 study and discussion activities, supervised the resolution of various problems 18,000 times, and reminded or criticized units that did not have good work 150 times.

Take history as a mirror and create the future.

Our city will closely combine the study and education of party history with the promotion of high-quality development in Puyang, and transform the enthusiasm aroused by the study and education of party history into a powerful driving force for promoting work.

In the activity of "10,000 people helping 10,000 enterprises", 33 municipal leaders in our city subcontracted to contact 57 leading enterprises in the industry that support and drive the steady economic growth of the city, and 875 municipal departments and county-level cadres to contact 943 key enterprises in the industry. Leading cadres at all levels went deep into enterprises to find problems and dock needs, sorted out 749 problems affecting the development of enterprises, and 313 have been solved so far.

In the activity of "everyone offers suggestions and suggestions, and works together to seek common development", the party members and cadres in the city actively offer suggestions and suggestions, and gather the majestic positive energy to promote the high-quality development of Puyang. As of December 15, 2021, 3567 opinions and suggestions have been collected, including 138 by municipal leaders and 721 valuable opinions and suggestions.

In the "Tribute to the Centenary of the Founding of the Party, I Add Glory to the Party Banner" Party member labor competition activities, more than 200,000 party members in our city took courageous action: party members of party and government organs and public institutions took the lead in overcoming difficulties, rural party members took the lead in rural revitalization, community party members acted as pacesetters in social governance, party members of non-public economic organizations and party members of social organizations were the backbone of improving quality and efficiency, and retired party members and veteran cadres and veteran soldiers became the first geese in the help of enlightenment. A total of 2164 party member research teams have been set up in the city, achieving 187 innovative achievements and striving for benefits of 607 million yuan; 6418 volunteer labor commandos have been established to solve 5328 urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy problems.

Under the careful planning and deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, the study and education of party history in our city has always been in the correct political direction, accurate action direction and clear practice orientation, and has continued to advance in depth.

Innovative forms enrich the carrier

Promote the study and education of party history in a deep and down-to-earth manner

On the 2021 Qingming Festival, the city held the "Our Festival • Qingming" martyrs' public sacrifice ceremony in the Municipal Martyrs' Cemetery to deeply commemorate the revolutionary martyrs.

Organize the filming and production of red feature films such as "Duan Junyi's Revolutionary Career in Jiluyu", "Revolutionary Educator Xie Taichen", "Crossing the River", and "Puyang Party History Story Collection" in 100 episodes, to provide vivid and authoritative local party history study materials for party history study and education.

Through experiential teaching, we carried out the study and education of party history of "retaking the Long March Road"; at the Dabie Mountain Cadre College, we felt the spirit of Dabie Mountain on the spot; and listened to the red story of the narrator about "Liu Deng's army forcibly crossing the Yellow River in a natural danger and the masses of the people enthusiastically supporting the people, unveiling the prelude to the strategic offensive of the Chinese People's Liberation War" in the tourist area.

Nanle County and Fan County explore the new model of "VR + party building" and "3D + party building", put red resources on the "cloud", create online "red classrooms", party members and the masses can move their fingers, you can walk into the city's first party branch site memorial hall, Jiluyu Border District Revolution Memorial Hall and other revolutionary sites in the virtual scene, immersive experience of the revolutionary struggle of the glory years...

One study textbook with unique Puyang characteristics, one after another vivid and vivid propaganda of party history, one on-site teaching activity with individual ideas, and one study and discussion after another that purifies the soul, have made Puyang's party history study and education "alive" and "on fire."

In the process of in-depth promotion of party history study and education, all levels and departments in our city have carefully organized and implemented, scientifically and orderly advanced, strictly implemented the "prescribed actions" in strict accordance with the requirements, and carefully planned to do a good job of "self-selected actions"——

Organize thematic learning. Special arrangements will be made for the study of the four special topics of "history of the period of the new-democratic revolution," "history of the period of socialist revolution and construction," "history of the new period of reform and opening up," and "history since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China." Municipal leaders took the lead in setting an example, organized the theoretical study center group of the municipal party committee to study collectively 14 times, and held 2 reading classes on "Learning Party History and Enlightening Thought". Strengthen the special study of leading bodies at or above the county and department levels, and leading bodies at all levels have held 6,605 theoretical studies of the central group of party committees (party groups) with 96,000 participants; 8,703 special seminars and symposiums have been held, with 115,200 participants.

Organize special lectures. Focusing on the theme of studying party history and the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 265 propaganda groups of the municipal (county, district) party committees and the people's propaganda groups were organized, 2220 people participated in the propaganda, 2864 propaganda activities were carried out, and 632,500 online and offline audiences were carried out. In-depth online propaganda, party members and cadres listened to and watched 36 live courses on party history study and education, with an audience of more than 7,200 people.

Organize special training. Carefully create 14 high-quality party history courses, and innovate and design four party lesson models: film party history class, music party history class, micro party history class, and question-and-answer party history class. Create 260 on-site teaching points for party history study and education. Implemented the "Theme Training Action Plan for Grassroots Cadres in the New Era", carried out 1,750 training sessions, and the audience was 156,000. The use of red education resources to carry out 5985 training sessions, training 248,300 people. The network platform was used to open 201 special courses, with an audience of 830,800 people, and 48 high-quality party lesson plans and their authors were praised by the Office of the Leading Group for Party History Study and Education of the Municipal Party Committee.

Organize grassroots publicity activities. Carry out the volunteer service activity of "listening to the party, feeling the gratitude of the party, and following the party", set up 258 volunteer service teams, and went deep into rural communities to carry out more than 6,800 lectures. Organized online propaganda, took the lead in opening the official vibrato number and public account of "Puyang Party History" in the province, and released 396 "Party History Lectures" videos and "Puyang Party History Story Collection" micro-videos, with more than 18.05 million views and more than 538,000 likes.

Carry out reading and learning history activities. Held the listing ceremony of the "Red Book Reading Base for Party Members and Cadres of Municipal Organs Directly Under the Municipal Government", opened 1,000 red book reading and browsing corners in various units directly under the municipal government, and distributed more than 200,000 copies of the "Four Histories" series of books and counseling materials. Patriotic reading education activities for young people were carried out, and 300,000 young people participated in theme reading and practical activities.

Conduct learning experience activities. Invest 150 million yuan to strengthen the protection and utilization of 103 red resources, and publicize and promote 3 red boutique exhibition venues nationwide. 365 "red schools at the doorstep" were built, and more than 1 million people participated in the learning experience of party members and cadres and young students.

Carry out the activities of "great learning, great discussion, great competition, and great improvement". The opening of 10 night schools for cadres has comprehensively improved the ability of the majority of cadres to serve the comprehensive transformation and high-quality development of our city. The "great contest" of party members and cadres in the city was held once, and more than 30 top leaders of counties, districts, and municipal units took the stage to give speeches. Focusing on 20 debate topics such as "to prosper and develop the county economy, we must first focus on developing strong county industries or first develop industries that enrich the people", more than 420 debate competitions were held, and more than 5,000 young people from various fields participated.


The continuous innovation of learning contents, forms and methods has promoted the study and education of party history to penetrate deep into the masses, the grass-roots level, and the hearts of the people, and has also greatly stimulated the new vitality of party members and cadres to start a business and take on responsibilities, and activated the "one pool of spring water" for puyang's development:

In the first three quarters of 2021, the city's economy withstood the superimposed impact of the epidemic and flooding, continued to maintain a stable recovery trend, and the growth rate of major economic indicators maintained a good position in the province, especially the GDP reached 130.691 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2% year-on-year, the growth rate ranked first in the province, and in the opening year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", the brilliant chapter of Puyang in henan in the new era of "striving to be the first and more brilliant" was written.

Do practical things and do good things to solve difficulties

Transform the learning results into practical and concrete practices for the people

The history of the party over the past hundred years is a history of constantly bringing benefits to the people; upholding the supremacy of the people is the precious historical experience of our party's century-long struggle.

Since the launch of party history study and education, our city has run "I do practical things for the masses" throughout the study and education of party history, highlighting the orientation of problems, results and goals, persisting in doing things while studying and researching, educating and guiding the majority of party members to learn party history, enlighten their minds, do practical things, and open up a new situation, and constantly enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people in the city.

Unremittingly do practical things, do good things, and solve difficulties for the masses --

Focusing on promoting high-quality development and solving social development problems, solidly promoting the implementation of 37 key people's livelihood projects, implementing the "Health Benefit project", building a telemedicine service network covering the city's telemedicine centers and 6 sub-centers, 16 public hospitals at or above the county level, and 79 township health centers; comprehensively launching the "one card" of financial subsidies for benefiting the people and benefiting farmers, etc., effectively benefiting the masses with the fruits of development and reform; and vigorously promoting the construction process of the "four modernizations" of rural water supply, so as to achieve a global drink of Danjiang water. It was praised in the State Council's general inspection; invested 550 million yuan to build 400 kilometers of rural roads, and our city was rated as the first batch of "four good rural roads" in the country to create outstanding units for urban demonstration.

Focus on "one old, one small and one young", arrange to issue 390 million yuan of guaranteed loans for entrepreneurship, and support 8,000 people to start a business; complete and put into use 5 primary and secondary schools in urban areas of cities and counties, start construction of 11, and add 34,800 new degrees; arrange for the construction and commissioning of 11 rural boarding schools, start construction of 4; and build 861 sets of rural teachers' turnover dormitories.

Focusing on eliminating worries for the people and relieving difficulties for the people, all units at all levels were organized to investigate and sort out more than 4,000 problems that the masses were anxious, difficult, and anxious about, and solved and implemented them item by item. In response to the education of 106 families involved in criminal cases and 124 special children, the Municipal Intermediate People's Court set up a benevolent volunteer service team to carry out "many-to-one" pairing and support activities, which effectively resolved the children's bad emotions.

Focusing on strengthening the transformation of work style and improving capabilities, we will focus on optimizing service processes and improving service efficiency. The Municipal Public Security Bureau has issued 20 measures such as "zero threshold" for urban settlement and "one door to handle public security government affairs", focusing on providing more convenient services for various market entities and the people.

In the past year, the city has emerged 10 practical matters with high satisfaction with the masses, 10 advanced service units (teams), and 10 party member service pacesetters. Among them, 3 were commended by the Provincial Party Committee's Leading Group for the Study and Education of Party History.

Adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, and make overall plans to promote flood prevention and disaster relief work——

On June 13, 2021, the heavy precipitation in the urban area of our city reached 322 mm, which was the largest precipitation in the urban area since the establishment of the city, and the water was serious, and some people were trapped. The municipal party committee and the municipal government insist on putting the safety and interests of the people in the first place and go all out to carry out flood prevention and disaster relief work. More than 50,000 party members and cadres in the city rushed to the forefront at a critical juncture, transferring the masses, draining floods and fighting floods, clearing obstacles and eliminating dangers, and diverting traffic, so as to restore the normal life of the masses at the fastest speed.

On July 21 last year, many parts of Henan continued to experience heavy rainfall, causing heavy casualties and property damage. The municipal party committee and the municipal government quickly arranged for deployment, and 100,000 party members and cadres charged the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief to defend the safety of people's lives and property. At the same time, more than 20 rescue teams were organized, carrying rescue equipment, and rushed to the front line of flood prevention and rescue in Zhengzhou, Xinxiang, Anyang and other hard-hit areas. Organize the Municipal Volunteer Service Federation and more than 100 volunteer service teams to urgently prepare more than 50 vehicles in 8 batches of rescue materials, equivalent to more than 1.5 million yuan of funds, to help Zhengzhou and other places in flood prevention and disaster relief.

Strictly control the epidemic and resolutely protect the life safety and physical health of the people in the city——

On July 31, 2021, the new crown epidemic broke out in Zhengzhou. The main leaders of the municipal party committee attach great importance to it, personally arrange the deployment, the city fully activates the epidemic prevention and control emergency command system, 150,000 party members and cadres are on duty at the front line of epidemic prevention and control in hospitals, communities, rural areas, highway intersections and other epidemic prevention and control at key moments, do a solid job in investigation, isolation, testing, control, vaccination, emergency preparedness and other work, and resolutely guard the "northeast gate" of the central plains defense line for epidemic prevention and control. Under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control in our city is stable and controllable, and there have been no confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia for 23 consecutive months.

In accordance with the requirements of the province's "chess game" epidemic prevention and control, on January 6, the city dispatched 800 nucleic acid testing personnel from 9 medical institutions to Zhengzhou, and in 3 days, a total of 1.01 million nucleic acid collections were completed. On January 17, the city once again dispatched 40 medical staff to Anyang to assist in the centralized medical observation work. They fully demonstrated the noble moral sentiments, family and country feelings and mission responsibility of Puyang medical staff.

History illuminates the future, and struggle achieves great things.

Standing at a new historical starting point, the whole city will continue to draw nourishment from the long volume of the history of the party, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, continue to plant the spirit of Puyang in the new era, forge ahead, innovate and work hard, strengthen the "two constructions", accelerate the construction of the "four Puyangs", make every effort to write a brilliant chapter in the construction of modern Puyang, and greet the party's twenty victories with excellent achievements in comprehensive transformation and high-quality development! Reporter Duan Limei

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